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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Always remember when a band goes on tour they get so many tickets for each gig. These tickets sell out side the venue on the night of the gig. This is so band members get pocket money while on tour. So if a gig is sold out you can still get in if you really want to.

Agreed but it's a hell of journey to undertake in the hope of getting a ticket or two :(

I should've just picked up the phone after the first failed attempt :(

One more sad face for, well, sadness :(

Edited by RiG
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I was estatic to find out that Funeral For A Friend were playing King Tuts in Glasgow and I sat eagerly at my works computer waiting for tickets to go on sale this morning at 9am.

Straight into Ticketmaster *shudder* and I got the three I was needing but then I was prompted to "Verify By Visa". No problem I thought. I'm registered so I waited for the page to load. And waited. And waited some more. By now I was getting quite concerned so I clicked the "Having problems loading this page?" link which then terminated my entire transaction.

I went straight back to try again and after 5 failed attempts got back to the same stage except this time I looked for a way to bypass the "Verify By Visa" process. Sadly there wasn't and I got caught in the same loop again.

Grabbing my phone I phoned Ticketmaster and was left standing for 5 minutes while some automated moron reeled off a list of about 10 artists I had no interest in and where they were playing (down to the postcode!!!) and what they most likely had for breakfast.

When I finally got through the last few tickets sold out just as the woman was about to put my order through.

So thanks a lot pishy works computers, pishy Verified By Visa and pishy Ticketmaster wasting my time with events I had no interest in.


I take it once you've signed up for the verified by Visa thing you have to use it. I keep getting the activate now or activate later choice when I use my card online. I think i'll hold off activating if it does this.

and my nag:

O2 still, after 3 phone calls, haven't got me on the correct tarriff!

Edited by caleycasual
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I take it once you've signed up for the verified by Visa thing you have to use it. I keep getting the activate now or activate later choice when I use my card online. I think i'll hold off activating if it does this.

I am registered with it. But the thing is when I use it to buy my train tickets for heading back to Inverness I have the choice to use it or I can bypass it. Sadly there was no such option with Ticketmaster. I wonder what on earth could have stopped it loading on my work computer? I know it won't load activex stuff but it's never had a problem loading these VbV pages before.

and my nag:

O2 still, after 3 phone calls, haven't got me on the correct tarriff!

I really hate o2. I've nagged about them before but I am now on my 4 tariff with them since September. I will be checking my bill with interest this month.

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So-called "family" <_< i am fuckin raging right now. My c**t of an uncle has seldom been in touch with my mum since she was diagnosed with cancer nearly 3 months ago. He has also never been to see my grandad who is in a nursing home for over 6 months now. My auntie did a couple of years ago and he complained that my other uncle never phoned her while she was ill. The hyprocritical c**t is doing exactly the same with my mum. My mum has had enough so she decided to phone him and ask him if he really wants to be part of the family. My mum explained what she is going through, he fuckin hung up. He goes to the football as well, and if i see him on saturday i may end up getting dragged out of the ground by the police.

Family, eh?

I managed to miss my nephew's 7th birthday last week, because I'm a bit of a dumbfuck. I'd actually said to Adam a few days before that I had to remember to get him a card, but then it totally slipped my mind. My sister hasn't acknowledged my birthday in years, but I do try and make the effort for the kids because there's no point being petty about it. It doesn't even really bother me that much, because my mum at least has started sending cards again.

I sent her a message on facebook to apologise, and then sent a separate message to my nephew to say sorry too. Rather than reply to me to say she's pissed off, she's just put her status as "it's a bit late now, so why bother?". Charming. I know it was my fault and I can understand her being annoyed, but there's ways and means to deal with it. She knows that I've not been well recently and that I'm out of work, and can't afford to send presents and things and she also knows that I have a headful of mashed potato at the best of times, plus her house phone wasn't working a couple of weeks back and her other half managed to lose his phone recently, so started using hers and broke it. She said she'd let me know when it was fixed and give me a call, and she never has. That was 2 months ago. I'm sick of being the only one that puts effort in to contact my family, when they never bother to get in touch to see how I'm doing. Why should I bother?

Ah yes, because they're my family, and that actually matters to me. :(

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So-called "family" <_< i am fuckin raging right now. My c**t of an uncle has seldom been in touch with my mum since she was diagnosed with cancer nearly 3 months ago. He has also never been to see my grandad who is in a nursing home for over 6 months now. My auntie did a couple of years ago and he complained that my other uncle never phoned her while she was ill. The hyprocritical c**t is doing exactly the same with my mum. My mum has had enough so she decided to phone him and ask him if he really wants to be part of the family. My mum explained what she is going through, he fuckin hung up. He goes to the football as well, and if i see him on saturday i may end up getting dragged out of the ground by the police.

Sorry to hear about your mum Neil.

And to add to the family rant, my brother hasn't bothered his arse to see his nephew, never mind he's only 4 1/2 months old.

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Sorry to hear about your mum Neil.

And to add to the family rant, my brother hasn't bothered his arse to see his nephew, never mind he's only 4 1/2 months old.

That is unacceptable. My sister lives 250 miles away and will no doubt be in the car as soon as I go into labour. My pals brothers have seen their niece once and she is 15 months. <_<

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Yeah, families eh?

Why would we expect my sons Grandma to be interested in seeing her grandson on his Easter holiday? Of course we couldn't, she's got other grandchildren that are far too important for her time to be shared with our son.

My son is a little star though, and it's her loss. I've had a great week with him. :D

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i was in the sunbeds and went to put my empty satchet of tanning lotion in the bin, there right as i opened the bin was a used tampon staring right back at me :green

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I was estatic to find out that Funeral For A Friend were playing King Tuts in Glasgow and I sat eagerly at my works computer waiting for tickets to go on sale this morning at 9am.

Straight into Ticketmaster *shudder* and I got the three I was needing but then I was prompted to "Verify By Visa". No problem I thought. I'm registered so I waited for the page to load. And waited. And waited some more. By now I was getting quite concerned so I clicked the "Having problems loading this page?" link which then terminated my entire transaction.

I went straight back to try again and after 5 failed attempts got back to the same stage except this time I looked for a way to bypass the "Verify By Visa" process. Sadly there wasn't and I got caught in the same loop again.

Grabbing my phone I phoned Ticketmaster and was left standing for 5 minutes while some automated moron reeled off a list of about 10 artists I had no interest in and where they were playing (down to the postcode!!!) and what they most likely had for breakfast.

When I finally got through the last few tickets sold out just as the woman was about to put my order through.

So thanks a lot pishy works computers, pishy Verified By Visa and pishy Ticketmaster wasting my time with events I had no interest in.


Shouting "Agent" or a string of expletives can sometimes bypass the automated system.

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I f*cking hate neds!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

Driving home in a 40mph limit, and some neds have tied a rope from one traffic light to the other across the road :angry: :angry: :angry:

It's caused a little damage to my car, but if that was a motorcyclist that came across that... :(:angry:

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