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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm sure you've put a pic up of yourself on here in the past and your hairstyle was absolutely legendary. Mon the hair :D

Solved it! :D

Found a load of clips (you know the ones they use at the top of clipboards, or to hold stacks of paper together) and have clipped it all back. The important thing will be to remember to take them all off before I go anywhere. :ph34r:

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Two things:

1. Virgin Media- They can stick their internet up their arse. Problems with it for weeks with regards the connection randomly going, but today has taken the piss.

My Virgin TV has just gone black and white for no apparent reason. Phoned up and got engineer out on Thursday. <_<

XBL, are you sitting in work with a load of bulldog clips in your hair? You must look bizsrre to say the least.

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XBL, are you sitting in work with a load of bulldog clips in your hair? You must look bizsrre to say the least.

Yes, I was. :ph34r:

However, realising that this was not a perfect solution, I popped down to the chemists and bought a new hairband - problems solved!

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Get the bulldog clips back in Patrik Berger :lol:

Its quite cool actually, for a quid I bought a pack that contains a couple scrunchies, some hair tie thingies, some things that look worryingly like ribbons, and a thin blue headband. All in a rather fetching shade of ultramarine blue. B)

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I'm sure you've put a pic up of yourself on here in the past and your hairstyle was absolutely legendary. Mon the hair :D

I'm sure he has. xbl has the same hair"style" as my dad from what I recall. :lol: I now think of xbl as an eccentric guy who is rather strange although a nice guy.

Found a load of clips (you know the ones they use at the top of clipboards, or to hold stacks of paper together) and have clipped it all back. The important thing will be to remember to take them all off before I go anywhere. :ph34r:

:lol::lol::lol: Bulldog clips! Mon the eccentrics.

Its quite cool actually, for a quid I bought a pack that contains a couple scrunchies, some hair tie thingies, some things that look worryingly like ribbons, and a thin blue headband. All in a rather fetching shade of ultramarine blue. B)

You're loving this, aren't you?! A few ribbons and a hairband, fan blowing your hair back shampoo-advert-style, toss your head back occasionally and smile because life is good. :rolleyes:

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Mine is now at the stage where it's getting in my eyes when I'm out running or playing fitba. A band beckons for me as well :ph34r:

Hey hey hey! :angry:

No Shakhtar Senseless man will be wearing a hair band! We're of the old-fashioned type, who don't take no nonsense.

It's either a trim; putting up with the long hair, or a bosman free for you Cobain!! :P:lol:

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You're loving this, aren't you?! A few ribbons and a hairband, fan blowing your hair back shampoo-advert-style, toss your head back occasionally and smile because life is good. :rolleyes:

Yip, because Im worth it! :D

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I hate folk on Pro Evo 2008 network games that get the ball to Ronaldo/Messi/Eto'o and just run all the time without passing.

Unimaginative p***ks!

Kept getting beat then? :lol::P

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Aye! :lol:

I keep ending matches with 8-9 men as I get frustrated and try to injure the players that I've mentioned.

It's like those c***s who used to play one character on Mortal Konbat and only knew one move, repeating it until you died.... the b*****ds :lol:

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