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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Your trousers are too short in the leg, and as such, everyone can see your socks.

It could be said, that they are at "half mast". As such, the wider public can only assume this is in tribute to your recently deceased pets.

We always said "you're trousers have married your knees and divorced your ankles"

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Had two pea sized cysts removed from my scalp today, walked out of the Doctors with my hair caked in blood so had to gingerly wash round the scars. All day my head has been yarking like f**k and my absolute detest for painkillers means I'm just suffering. :(

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Someone ran into the back of my car this morning so i had to take it to Arnold Clark Volvo in Stirling thinking it was only a damaged bumper,It now turns out that hatch is pushed in and the floor of the boot is creased.

Coupled that i had to spend 3 hours at Stirling A&E with my wife as it was her that was driving and she has a damaged hand along with whiplash.

Mind you it was worse for the young boy that ran into the car as he is only Third party fire and theft,His car is a total mess and as it happened right in front of our house i heard the bang and went out like a madman screaming at him(If only i had a DVD player to throw at his car)

Make an appointment at your GP tomorrow and tell them you have terrible pins and needles in your arm. He will tell you that you have bad whiplash after the bump and if you make a claim then you are well on the way. <_<

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Make an appointment at your GP tomorrow and tell them you have terrible pins and needles in your arm. He will tell you that you have bad whiplash after the bump and if you make a claim then you are well on the way. <_<

So many people seem to think that seeking medical attention at the time dictates the success of your claim later on. In truth you'd have to see a doctor/specialist for a medical appointment/examination as part of a personal injury claim anyway and thier opinion would be used as the basis for negotiation with the third party insurers/solicitor. It's not at all based on whether you visited your GP or A&E and got a diagnosis at the time.

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So many people seem to think that seeking medical attention at the time dictates the success of your claim later on. In truth you'd have to see a doctor/specialist for a medical appointment/examination as part of a personal injury claim anyway and thier opinion would be used as the basis for negotiation with the third party insurers/solicitor. It's not at all based on whether you visited your GP or A&E and got a diagnosis at the time.

My wife is genuinely injuried as she was stopped and the guy that hit her never even noticed her even though she had he indicator on <_< the pain is going to be worse tomorrow so say the doctor at SRI.

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Jury duty. What a waste of fucking time. Wasted the morning hanging around in a shitty sheriff court and then being told to go home and phone in again the next day just in case they need me. Apparently they might need me for a fortnight. f**k off. It's like an object lesson in how to waste money in there.

The fuckers that actually got chosen for duty had twenty minutes in the actual court before they were whisked off for a two hour lunch break. What a fucking farce.

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My wife is genuinely injuried as she was stopped and the guy that hit her never even noticed her even though she had he indicator on <_< the pain is going to be worse tomorrow so say the doctor at SRI.

:( Hope it's not that bad tomorrow and she recovers quickly!

I thought I was recovering ok from the accident I had back in March when someone ran into the back of my car at a roundabout. Then I went to Alloa last week and boy did I know about it after getting cold standing watching the match. :(

Edited by HGG
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Went to see batman at the cinema. There was some nutter sitting in front of me who had obviously been drinking because as soon as the film started he jumped out his seat and screamed " na na na na na batman". Oh here we go I thought, but within 10 mins of the film starting he was sound asleep :lol::lol::lol: .

The burd he was with wasn't impressed, along with the guy's mate and his burd she left at the end of the film without bothering to wake him up.

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Jury duty. What a waste of fucking time.

I remember being called up for this years ago and thinking the exact same until I got there. Then I got right into it, and wanted it to be a juicy murder charge, so I could re-inact scenes from the film, '12 Angry Men'. Sadly, real life is never as interesting, and the case was dismissed due to the non appearance of a key witness, and I was never called again. :(

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My wife is genuinely injuried as she was stopped and the guy that hit her never even noticed her even though she had he indicator on <_< the pain is going to be worse tomorrow so say the doctor at SRI.

Ouch. Hope she's not too sore.

My missus was involved in an accident outside Arbroath when the bairn was just a baby. Guy came hammering out the town and smashed into the car behind the missus. All three were written off and she suffered whiplash, staved thumbs and bruising to her shins.

I got a new PC from the compo :whistle

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