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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Prison break - was there ever a worse effort at television shat into civilisation?

I say, 'no'.


I'd give you the entirety of ITV's 1980s sitcom output

Bottle Boys

Take a Letter Mr Jones

Up the Elephant and round the Castle

The Two of Us

The Brothers MacGregor

etc etc

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Does anyone know the feeling of not having been in a place for years and remembering it as quite nice, but then going back to it and realising it's a shitehole?

My situation in Dingwall. Four happy years of my childhood were spent there, then on my return I realised how soul destroying it must be to be an adult living there, in this shell of highland nothingness. I realised why my parents were so desperate to move away. Disappointing. :(

Edited by Dunning1874
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I do feel some sympathy for you mate :) Just put on Basshunter - Now You're Gone - on for 3.5 hours and you will feel much better :lol:

She's a hippy at heart, so we have had peruvian/red indian incantation music for the last hour.

If I wasn't going to work in a bit, I'd be hitting the turps after drinking every last drop of drink that's in the house.

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:o No way!? I wouldn't have had you down as the wallpaper hanging kind of guy! Watch out - she's got you on the verge of being all domesticated. :lol::P

She's had me that way for years :lol:

I can do most things around the house, i'm quite capable of looking after myself ;) apart from ironing(hate it)

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Seve Ballesteros in hospital.


Doesn't sound too serious but he probably used up all his miracle recoveries during his playing career.

My all time sporting hero - an absolute golfing genius with a charisma second to none.

Were there not rumours that he'd tried to do himself in a couple of years ago?

I wish him all the best, I'm too young to remember his absolute peak but he is an undoubted legend of the game.

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