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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I've spent more than two thirds of my wages in less than a week :( Doesn't look good for the rest of the month, car needs MOT and no doubt something will be up. I've also been using a ridiculous amount of petrol lately.

! Rather have the car than the money though otherwise I'd end up like all the folk who couldn't get home due to the rail strike :lol:

My cars road tax was due this month and my wifes car is due it's road tax and mot next month :(

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At least they can be nice to look at..... sometimes.

What've they done to you?

I just can't get over how horrible the girls can be. They're supposed to be pals as well as teammates, but they're horrible to each other.

Harsh, but not unfamiliar.

Ach, I am one, so I'm allowed to say things like that. :)

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The in thing for student now seems to be wearing a hoodie (normally red) with a nightclub's name emblazoned acorss it. The Viper ones make me especially angry. It's not cool, and you look the exact same as everyone else. Stop fucking wearing them!

It's been the in thing for as long as I can remember. You get them for free so I suppose that's some consolation for advertising some shitey nightspot all day...

...we're getting old, aren't we? :(

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The in thing for student now seems to be wearing a hoodie (normally red) with a nightclub's name emblazoned acorss it. The Viper ones make me especially angry. It's not cool, and you look the exact same as everyone else. Stop fucking wearing them!

Students are wankers! I already knew that before I became one, but it's ridiculous at times.

Oi, p***k! You're inside, take off the fucking scarf.

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Oi, p***k! You're inside, take off the fucking scarf.

I was in Glasgow Uni library once trying to get to the front desk to pay a fine. Standing blocking the fucking way was some absolute wankfuck in a woolen grey jacket, a MASSIVE scarf, a beanie, and worst of all a pair of oversized headphones, standing about looking glaikit. Note I have no trouble saying a polite "excuse me" to people but this guy was just standing there with his headphones on so he couldn't hear, so there was an awkward impassé while I figured out the least intrusive way of barging past him.

It's not even the headphones that really bothered me, though. It was fucking April and he was dressed like Lawrence Oates.

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Had to take part in a postgraduate poster presentation for all the Engineering disciplines. A fucking attrocious waste of time, like anyone gives a flying f**k about anyone elses fucking projects anyway!

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Had to take part in a postgraduate poster presentation for all the Engineering disciplines. A fucking attrocious waste of time, like anyone gives a flying f**k about anyone elses fucking projects anyway!

I hate being forced to work with other people at Uni. Mainly because I seem to be the only one who bothers their arse doing any of the work.

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Had to take part in a postgraduate poster presentation for all the Engineering disciplines. A fucking attrocious waste of time, like anyone gives a flying f**k about anyone elses fucking projects anyway!

I was supposed to do one in Liverpool the other week...I got away with it though since we both agreed it was pointless. Posters sessions are pish.

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I think I'll continue.

What is it with fucking scarves anyway? A scarf and a t-shirt? You don't look "cool", or "indy" - you look like a cock. You are a cock. Stop it. Stop being a cock.

Don't get me started on folk who wear b*****ding trilby's, too.

Ah scarves and t-shirts, the student version of the t shirt and glove, ned craze.

Spotted any pipe smokers yet ?

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To add to your tirade, why do folk (particularly those of Asian descent) wear sunglasses in shopping centres ?

because they are asian :ph34r:

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Ah scarves and t-shirts, the student version of the t shirt and glove, ned craze.

Spotted any pipe smokers yet ?

I have not. If I do, think I might have to slappabitch.

Roll-ups (regular ones...) seem to be making some sort of come-back, though.

I'd hate to have to spend any time at Edinburgh Uni - all these wankers seem to be rejects from there.

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Got up when I heard an electrician in the flat (they all have key cards to get in). Decided I better get up cause I have been having trouble with the lock on my door so presumed that was what it was about.


Replacing a knob on the front of the oven. <_<

Lets just allow folk to easily rob me, but if one hob on 1 of our 2 cookers isnt working then quick get that fixed! :(

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