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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Not heading down until Friday morning once the kids go to school. We are picking up Clydemoan and his better half. Will probably get down to the hotel for about 1:30/2PM.

what about you?


We were talking about this today. Mr HGG's arriving tomorrow - I'm picking him up from Preston in the afternoon. We're out with some friends on Friday morning over here and then meeting my mum back at mine around 1pm as she's having Scott for the afternoon. We'll be leaving here around 2.30pm I reckon to get there for 3.30pm. That should give us plenty of time. I guess we'll see you there. :D Looking forward to it. Although I believe there's to be dancing later :o - shockeroonie! Make me do any of that Scottish dancing lark (as I've been told I will be doing if that's the plan) and I'll be making a real arse of myself. I'm English for goodness' sake! Prepare for a good laugh. :lol:

Who is getting hitched? Anyone I'd know?

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Getting some severe jambo-rocker rage at the moment.

Just find out just now that i will be working all of next week on nightshift hours(9.30 to 7-30) and backshift hours(2-10) the next and then so forth for about six weeks. Even though i am more than happy to work the hours the notice is appalling. The new boss who has only been in the job for about two weeks is doing whatever the f**k she likes with f**k all regard for anyone but herself. Stupid bint fucking knows that I'm only a second year apprentice learning my trade and i've been pulled into this shit by her like an angry kid with a rag doll. Not to mention that i have been struggling all week to get on the software at my work to actually carry out the fucking jobs. The nightshift hours are only time and a third which is a poor rate comapred to what i've ever heard going about. I live in haddington and still have to get the bus into to my work in crewe toll in edinburgh and with the poor bus time there it will take me nearly two hours to make the trip there, and about the same back.

This extra cash better be fucking worth it!!!!!! :angry:

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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Ticket touts. b*****ds.

Also, people on the train who turn their Ipods or Mp3s or whatever the f**k the kids have these days up to full volume loud enough to subject the whole carriage to their rave shite. As if the same song with the chipmunk over and over again isn't bad enough, the last song this arsehole played before getting off the train was that shitty song called tattoo by Jordin Sparks, the latest talentless bint getting her 15 minutes of fame despite being shite, purely because MTV plays it, so ohhhh, it must be good. Even though she can't sing and it's generic bollocks.

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Guest The Phoenix
just put my shoulder out....
Did you shake it all about?

Don't be stupid, xbl, it's on the doorstep with his milk bottles. :rolleyes:

Oh, BTW, my PTTGYON - waking up at this unearthly hour because someone forgot to switch off the central heating. :angry:

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Guest The Phoenix
I couldn't sleep either, was up til about half 2 listening to Radio 1. Woke at 4, 5, 6 then finally got up at half 7.

I'm gonna be absolutely fucked today.

RTBC? :unsure:

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not so much a PTTGOYN, more a thing that has left me devstated. Mum just called to say the vet is on the way to put my wee boy to sleep. I rescued him from the vet over 10 years ago, he didn't have any fur on his back and he was one of the worst cruelty cases I had seen. Within a few months, he was back to full health and running about like any other daft spaniel would.

He was constant companion till I moved here, he even went to work with me and everything, leaving him was the hardest thing I have done as he just didn't understand why I left.

The thing that is killing me is not the fact he's 'to go to the bridge', it's the fact that I can't show him the kindest act of love I can do for him, it's my Mum that's doing it and it's my responsibility. I thought he had a few years left and would join me out here...

So if you have a dog, please do me a favour, and go give him or her a cuddle and tell them that you love them.

Big enough to say I'm away to cry myself to sleep.

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not so much a PTTGOYN, more a thing that has left me devstated. Mum just called to say the vet is on the way to put my wee boy to sleep. I rescued him from the vet over 10 years ago, he didn't have any fur on his back and he was one of the worst cruelty cases I had seen. Within a few months, he was back to full health and running about like any other daft spaniel would.

He was constant companion till I moved here, he even went to work with me and everything, leaving him was the hardest thing I have done as he just didn't understand why I left.

The thing that is killing me is not the fact he's 'to go to the bridge', it's the fact that I can't show him the kindest act of love I can do for him, it's my Mum that's doing it and it's my responsibility. I thought he had a few years left and would join me out here...

So if you have a dog, please do me a favour, and go give him or her a cuddle and tell them that you love them.

Big enough to say I'm away to cry myself to sleep.

Alfie and Amy will get a big hug from me and they send you licks.

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ta rowan, I know it's just a daft internet site, but at this time, it does mean a lot. Mum's up on springthing bawling her eyes out as well.

They become such integral members of the family. I'd be lost without my two and we've had dogs all the while when I was growing up. I was worried about how they would react to the baby but they love him and look concerned when he cries.

Take care :)

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