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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The new traffic lights which replaced the mini rountabout at Caladonian Street are an utter pain in the ass. Took 20mins to do what used to be a 10 min journey due to delays at the traffic lights!

Its fucking ridiculous what they've done in Paisley with those lights and the ones on the one way system. I sat at the ones at the bottom of love street the other night for 5 minutes. This was 11pm on the way home from work and I didn't see a single other car around.

They're all phased wrong aswell so one set will go green and you won't be able to move because traffic is backed up and the set in front are at red :angry: Driving in Paisley has always been shite, its just hell now.

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Its fucking ridiculous what they've done in Paisley with those lights and the ones on the one way system. I sat at the ones at the bottom of love street the other night for 5 minutes. This was 11pm on the way home from work and I didn't see a single other car around.

They're all phased wrong aswell so one set will go green and you won't be able to move because traffic is backed up and the set in front are at red :angry:Driving in Paisley has always been shite, its just hell now.

Sitting on the bus is no better. How long are those road works in Love Street going on for. I sat there fully five minutes waiting on the lights to change last night. And I got to Paisley Cross this morning and there was a dearth of No.66 buses so it took me 45 minutes to get to the airport! It's only 1 1/2 miles FFS! :angry:<_<:(

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Its fucking ridiculous what they've done in Paisley with those lights and the ones on the one way system. I sat at the ones at the bottom of love street the other night for 5 minutes. This was 11pm on the way home from work and I didn't see a single other car around.

They're all phased wrong aswell so one set will go green and you won't be able to move because traffic is backed up and the set in front are at red :angry: Driving in Paisley has always been shite, its just hell now.

Sitting on the bus is no better. How long are those road works in Love Street going on for. I sat there fully five minutes waiting on the lights to change last night. And I got to Paisley Cross this morning and there was a dearth of No.66 buses so it took me 45 minutes to get to the airport! It's only 1 1/2 miles FFS! :angry:<_<:(

The reason is quite simple really Renfrewshire Council are doing their level best to destroy what used to be a vibrant cosmopolitan town. The car park for the Paisley centre had to be modified as the corners at the entry and exit points were too narrow for larger cars. The road system could have been better designed by a dyslexic monkey with a crayon, they have now been forced to go back on the town centre traffic plan and allow all vehicles on Gauze St. and St. Mirren Brae.

No wonder Paisley is dying and the out of town shopping centres are thriving.

The most annoying set of light have to be those at Morrison's supermarket in Johnstone. They give priority to traffic leaving the supermarket, even when it is closed, causing chaos at the A737 juntion nearby.

The former chief of roads in Renfrewshire Council, Richard Manser (AKA Manser the chancer), is a car hating non-driver, most of the road problems stem from his tenure in charge.

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Im really struggling to find a job, starting to do my head in

At least you're looking. My 19-year-old brother is making no attempt to look since leaving college in the summer and is quite happy to get his giro every two weeks and scrounge of my mum. It's getting on my nipple ends now <_<

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I want a sausage supper. :(

Sitting on the bus is no better. How long are those road works in Love Street going on for. I sat there fully five minutes waiting on the lights to change last night. And I got to Paisley Cross this morning and there was a dearth of No.66 buses so it took me 45 minutes to get to the airport! It's only 1 1/2 miles FFS! :angry:<_<:(

You'd be quicker walking.

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After leaving several messages on her answerphone without getting any response, I called round to the ex's flat unannounced. I pressed the entryphone buzzer and my daughter answered it.

'Hiya, it's Dad'

'f**k off!' and she slammed the phone down! :o:(

The ex let me in a minute latter but there was sign of the kids who had shut themselves in the lounge. I also got told that if I came round uninvited again, the ex would consult her solicitor about getting an injunction against me from contacting her and the kids. Christ knows what she's got planned for Christmas but I doubt I'll be part of it.... :(

Kids eh ! Why do you let your kids speak to you like that ? slap her fucking arse.

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Guest The Phoenix
Kids eh ! Why do you let your kids speak to you like that ? slap her fucking arse.


I do believe the kilted one is in enough soapy bubble without taking your "expert" advice. :rolleyes:;)

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People that are awful at searching Google, e.g. ''i want to find the bnp membership list''.

People like this do actually exist, a PE teacher of mine around third year took AskJeeves too literally and searched ''i need to find out what the tallest basketball player ever was, can you tell me''.

Perhaps she thought there was a human on a computer elsewhere was answering her question.

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