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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I've found that completely dingying them can lead to hilarious outbursts.

Deleting them from Bebo, changing your relationship status to "Seeing someone" and setting your profile to private also results in interesting times.

Dingying them works a treat though.

I absolutely do NOT recommend sleeping with one of their pals :ph34r:

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There never being anyone decent on msn when I'm bored.

Also, my ex. <_<

Honestly, exs aren't worth bothering about. They want to get on your nerves, it's best to try and just ignore them. It works well for me anyway, I take the view that they're a lot worse off without me and just laugh at them :)

Deleting them from Bebo, changing your relationship status to "Seeing someone" and setting your profile to private also results in interesting times.

Dingying them works a treat though.

I absolutely do NOT recommend sleeping with one of their pals :ph34r:

I'd say shagging one of their pals is the best way to annoy them.

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Honestly, exs aren't worth bothering about. They want to get on your nerves, it's best to try and just ignore them. It works well for me anyway, I take the view that they're a lot worse off without me and just laugh at them :)

I'd say shagging one of their pals is the best way to annoy them.

A real friend would never sleep with her mates ex...

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Woah! That seems to have hit a nerve! Personal experience? :unsure:

Kinda but not with a friend sleeping with my ex more like me sleeping with a friends ex. You think it's a great idea while it's happening but after it, you realise it really wasn't. I will admit i'm a pretty shit friend, i hate girls.

Cock hungry little slags can't wait to get a piece of their friend's ex B)


Very true.

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They do it just to get back at their ex as well. Regardless if he is your best mate or not, when a girl is offering you sex you don't really think to yourself 'no, this isn't morally justifiable'. I'm such a p***k I don't even feel bad afterwards :ph34r:

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True that & I do ignore him, it only annoys me that he thinks he annoys me. :ph34r: Female logic at it's best there.

Without trying to be sexist, it does seem to be that girls are a lot worse at getting brassed off by exs.

I was pretty gutted when I broke up with my last girlfriend, but I gave it a few days and convinced myself I'm better without her. It worked a treat :)

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Without trying to be sexist, it does seem to be that girls are a lot worse at getting brassed off by exs.

I was pretty gutted when I broke up with my last girlfriend, but I gave it a few days and convinced myself I'm better without her. It worked a treat :)

I think it depends on how clingy or dependant a person is. I know if i was to split up with my boyfriend he would take it worse than me, of course i would still be upset. It's not that i love him any less than he loves me though.

Edited by Honest Saints Fan
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