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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The self service till at Tesco telling you there's an "unexpected item" in the bit where you put your shopping after you scan it, but there's nothing there and the staff, who just need to press a button to allow me to continue walk about like farts in a trance.

That said, my mate told me he was using it one day and sneezed, but couldn't cover his face in time and the same message came out right before he scanned his shopping :lol:

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Pagan Police being granted days off for the Solstice and all that shite. Do Christian Police get granted time off for Christmas? Does crime take a holiday?

No, it does not. :angry:

Oh, and the traffic lights outside my house still aren't back on. :rolleyes:

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I know I should go to bed for the sake of my health at least but I'm not sleepy in the slightest! :(

And the motor sport commentator has just wished good luck the one "Lady Driver" in the race. Patronising, sexist pig! :angry:

Edit: She appears to be roasting them so far! :lol:

With your insomnia problem have you ever thought of a change to air traffic control?

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