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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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What did Burgundy say?

He was talking about how sometimes mentally ill people reach out to internet forums for attention and only get the wrong kind of attention, which can contribute to their very obvious breakdowns. I don't know how much it actually contributes, because they're on there in the first place for attention they crave, but he might have a valid point to be honest.

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He was talking about how sometimes mentally ill people reach out to internet forums for attention and only get the wrong kind of attention, which can contribute to their very obvious breakdowns. I don't know how much it actually contributes, because they're on there in the first place for attention they crave, but he might have a valid point to be honest.

I think that's an extremely valid point. The particular danger with internet forums is that they form artificial communities that some people take a lot more seriously than others. There's a danger that mentally fragile people could misinterpret the tone of the written word, and take it completely the wrong way: especially when the distinction between the "real world" and the virtual community becomes far more blurred in their mind.

When people around them in the real world won't listen or sympathise or satisfy a need for attention, people almost undoubtedly turn to the internet where somewhere, somehow, someone will react and in their own way validate themselves. Of course, when they inevitably come out with complete and utter shite and get shot down for it, they don't just laugh it off: they CAN'T just laugh it off. Others subconsciously stoke a fire that's just waiting to set the soot up the chimney alight.

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Yes. Thats exactly what I'm saying. I don't think I could make it any clearer than I did in the last post, so therefore, I shall be aggressively commenting on your sexist, demeaning, patronising stone age posting. Rowan has previously asked you not to call her things like that, and Ayrgirl asked you not to call her that not long ago, a post you seem to have ignored.

You need to understand that things come across differently on the internet!

WHIT? And you know Rowan, do you? <_<

Ye gods. And now we're back on naming other folk on the internet without their knowledge. :head desk: Please, can you not take a telling?

Sanctimonious cúnt! Naming who, exactly?! <_<

What did Burgundy say?

By the way Kilt, you're making a colossal arse of yourself. Might I suggest that you stop posting, and appease the offended by issuing an unreserved apology? Further I would strongly encourage you to cover your kilt in petrol and burn it, become a staunch Unionist, have your genitals surgically removed and become a nun.

How am I making a "colossal arse" of myself? By speaking the truth? Who exactly have I offended? Have I mentioned any names? No! All I've done is have a rant at life in general. If there's a dictat on 'Kilt', then so be it - but,

"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a communist; Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a socialist; Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a trade unionist; Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a Jew; Then they came for me-- and there was no one left to speak out for me."

Oh no, a spelling mistake!

"My boys"?! Where did I say they were my boys?

No, just implying it - it wouldn't surprise me if you were one.

Stop making up names and slebbering pish, it's neither witty or funny.

Why do you keep mentioning Yoker anyway?

Because I lived there for thirteen years and most of those boys were my neighbours and looked after me when I cam home pished after the football! Okay?! <_<

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It has just dawned on me that the friends I had absolutely everything in common with 5 years ago are the people I have nothing in common with now, with a few exceptions, yet, we still share the same social circle.

I'm eternally grateful for my neebur Scotty. We've known each other practically all of our lives and have that almost psychic knowledge of what each other is thinking.

He's my best man in November as a result. :)

You could try spelling correctly, for a start! :P

They were my neighbours and local lads, and your boys 'fight' for the Yoker TOI? I doubt it very much, but can ask Paul, Chrissy and Beezer to check it out - oh, and are you suggesting I'm a peadophile? Are you? Go on , say it!! Paul, Bassa B, Stagey, Byron S and the rest lived by me. How could I not be inovolved if I wanted my hoose and family to stay in one piece. The Yoker TOI are no different from any other scheme.

Just hope your pants will wash and dry by tomorrow! ;)


Kilt, can I ask you to try and gain some perspective of what you're posting. You are name dropping stupid fucking neds who probably couldn't/wouldn't fight unless they were tooled up and there was at least four or five of them available to jump in when they were getting a kicking for crying out loud.

Edited by Andy.C
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How am I making a "colossal arse" of myself? By speaking the truth? Who exactly have I offended? Have I mentioned any names? No! All I've done is have a rant at life in general. If there's a dictat on 'Kilt', then so be it - but,

"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a communist; Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a socialist; Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a trade unionist; Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a Jew; Then they came for me-- and there was no one left to speak out for me."

It's quite clear that several posters find your mannerisms uncomfortable. By being a bit of a sanctimonious git about it instead of not kicking up a fuss, you've managed to annoy others in the process. In that sense, you are being a colossal arse.

As for the second part of your post, that's completely and utterly unrelated to the issue at hand. Greater is the man who can recognise fault in himself.

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It's quite clear that several posters find your mannerisms uncomfortable. By being a bit of a sanctimonious git about it instead of not kicking up a fuss, you've managed to annoy others in the process. In that sense, you are being a colossal arse.

As for the second part of your post, that's completely and utterly unrelated to the issue at hand. Greater is the man who can recognise fault in himself.

Justify that. <_< However, I'm too tired now - suffice to say - GIRUY and you've missed out on irony! :P

Edit: Getting ripped by a Jags fan - FFS! That's out of order - were you the one in the mackintosh "shaking" mischieveously as the cheerleaders came on.....GIRUY! :P

Edited by Kilt
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Justify that.

Ayrgirl, xbl and Santana have already stated that they find some of your mannerisms uncomfortable, and further you have "previous" in this regard. Others have mentioned Rowan feeling uncomfortable at your word choice and tone towards her.

There. Justified.

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WHIT? And you know Rowan, do you? <_<

No, but she has said on here that she doesn't like to be called that. I don't know you, Rowan, Ayrgirl, or practically anyone else on here, and it comes back to context on the internet again, which I think I explained fairly clearly in an earlier post.

"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a communist; Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a socialist; Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a trade unionist; Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a Jew; Then they came for me-- and there was no one left to speak out for me."

Perspective man, have some fucking perspective. I've tried to keep my points neutral and free of rancour, and I've tried to be constructive, but you aren't half hard work sometimes. This is not a conspiracy or a witchhunt (for once), but valid constructive criticism, which you threw back in peoples faces, causing a cycle of abuse and counter abuse.

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{b]Ayrgirl[/b], xbl and Santana have already stated that they find some of your mannerisms uncomfortable, and further you have "previous" in this regard. Others have mentioned Rowan feeling uncomfortable at your word choice and tone towards her.

There. Justified.

No, not justified at all. I've met Ayrgirl. xbl and Santana do not know me nor have ever met met so cannot have a justified opinion on my posting or behaviour! I know Rowan. No more need be said. BUST!

No, but she has said on here that she doesn't like to be called that. I don't know you, Rowan, Ayrgirl, or practically anyone else on here, and it comes back to context on the internet again, which I think I explained fairly clearly in an earlier post.

Perspective man, have some fucking perspective. I've tried to keep my points neutral and free of rancour, and I've tried to be constructive, but you aren't half hard work sometimes. This is not a conspiracy or a witchhunt (for once), but valid constructive criticism, which you threw back in peoples faces, causing a cycle of abuse and counter abuse.

You patronsinig, sanctimonious, tedious cúnt! Have you not got a life?! "Constructive criticism" - on a website?! Fúck off! I'm a White Witch and have helped many more people find themselvews than your tawdry internet efforts. I shall go back to reading Brookmyre's latest and leave you sad fúcks to entertain yourselves - you really are the depths of humanity. Wake up and find yourselves FFS - I only do this for a laugh! :lol:

Ban me again, go on - it was fun! :D

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You patronsinig, sanctimonious, tedious cúnt! Have you not got a life?! "Constructive criticism" - on a website?! Fúck off! I'm a White Witch and have helped many more people find themselvews than your tawdry internet efforts. I shall go back to reading Brookmyre's latest and leave you sad fúcks to entertain yourselves - you really are the depths of humanity. Wake up and find yourselves FFS - I only do this for a laugh! :lol:

Ban me again, go on - it was fun! :D

Is it not possible to give constructive criticism on a readily available written media like?!

Your whole seedy, dare I say it, perverted internet persona is just for a laugh yet we are the sad fucks and the depth of humanity?

Aye, ok then. :lol:

I'd ban you in a second to try and save you some face as you don't half make a c**t of yourself.

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No, not justified at all. I've met Ayrgirl. xbl and Santana do not know me nor have ever met met so cannot have a justified opinion on my posting or behaviour! I know Rowan. No more need be said. BUST!

Absolute tosh. In fact because we haven't met you, we are in a position to assess your posting better than those that know you personally. So while we can't judge your personal life, we can judge your posts. I've been told before that you are a really nice guy in real life, and you probably are, but on here, you sometimes come across badly, very badly.

Once more, Rowan has said that she doesn't like being called pet names by you on here, Ayrgirl has said the same thing tonight, and I could be wrong, but I think Lyn-Marie may have also said something similar, but I can't remember for sure, so wouldn't want to put words in her mouth. Thats not a judgement on you as a person, thats a judgement on your posting style.

We who read your posts can and do have a justified opinion on your posts.

You patronsinig, sanctimonious, tedious cúnt! Have you not got a life?! "Constructive criticism" - on a website?!

Yes. I tried.

I'm a White Witch and have helped many more people find themselvews

I don't even know where to begin there. :lol:

These people, did they find themselves running rapidly away from your

Ban me again, go on - it was fun! :D

Be careful what you wish for. You'd miss this place.

Edited by xbl
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Is it not possible to give constructive criticism on a readily available written media like?!

Your whole seedy, dare I say it, perverted internet persona is just for a laugh yet we are the sad fucks and the depth of humanity?

It's the word of the week, aye?! :rolleyes:

I don't even know where to begin there. :lol:

I think that sums it up adequately! :P

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Absolute tosh. In fact because we haven't met you, we are in a position to assess your posting better than those that know you personally. So while we can't judge your personal life, we can judge your posts. I've been told before that you are a really nice guy in real life, and you probably are, but on here, you sometimes come across badly, very badly.

Once more, Rowan has said that she doesn't like being called pet names by you on here, Ayrgirl has said the same thing tonight, and I could be wrong, but I think Lyn-Marie may have also said something similar, but I can't remember for sure, so wouldn't want to put words in her mouth. Thats not a judgement on you as a person, thats a judgement on your posting style.

We who read your posts can and do have a justified opinion on your posts.

Yes. I tried.

I don't even know where to begin there. :lol:

These people, did they find themselves running rapidly away from your

Be careful what you wish for. You'd miss this place.

You had to edit that diatribe.....??!?!?! :lol::lol::lol: FAIL!!! :P

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Aye, the cliqué! Dare to be different and have free thought!

Goodness me, you lot test the patience of a Pagan, pacifist...... :(

Kilt, if I saw Jennifer Love Hewitt in the flesh I'd instantly think that I'd want her to wet my winkle, but I wouldn't actually tell her.

See the point I'm making here?

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or all the complaints about Kilt's posts being too lurid and too sordid, you actually miss them when he's not here. The entertainment value is top notch.

Or maybe the people who feel uncomfortable with the way he posts/reply could just put him on ignore. :rolleyes:

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