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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Was at the funeral of a school year mate today. RIP Daniel. :(

That's shite news. Sorry to hear that.

I'm just back home from my gig tonight. I tried to go to the pub with my mates and have a few drinks, but after one pint I started to feel like crap. I had to come home because I felt like I could collapse at any moment, and sitting here just now I still feel the same.

Tonight, more than anything, has just made me realise how shite everything is. I really can't be fucked anymore.

EDIT-= Oh, and the bassist from the first band, Fist Fights With Old Men I think they are called. Anyway, he is a p***k of the highest order. He was complaining saying that we had fucked them about and "threatened" to not give us the money for the tickets they had sold. Anyway, the little self absorbed w****r tried to attack my mate in our dressing room. What a p***k. I only found out when I came back from the toilet. Funnily enough when everyone else had found out what happened he had disappeared.

On the off chance you read this, go f**k yourself, you waste of fucking oxygen.

Edited by Toma_BullyWee
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Tonight, more than anything, has just made me realise how shite everything is. I really can't be fucked anymore.

Sounds bad man, whats up? Anything you want to talk about to a mass of anonymous strangers in public?

Oh, and VikingTon, change your avatar please.

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Yep, that's what I'm afraid of... :(

They never forget.

They never forgive.

Good luck.

Either way, I don't really like seeing photos of myself floating around without my permission.

To be fair, you never do anything to discourage it, and are frequently drawing negative attention to yourself, so you have to expect a bit of gyp.

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Thankfully, no.

Fucked, aye?

As someone who works in law, yes.

Although, his brief will claim the standard shite; never been in trouble, got a steady job, ashamed of their behaviour, have a kid on the way etc.


Has an alcohol problem for which they are receiving treatment etc.

Sheriff's must be so bored from hearing the same shite every day.

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