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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Well the 'situation' has been blown out of all propotion by several posters adding their 'tuppence worth' where it is not really required and is (perhaps deliberately) in opposition to the stance or action of the morderators. This (particularly if deliberate), I deem pathetic.

What do you mean by deliberately here? This is all very George Foulkes to me.

A moderator/moderators have made a decision/decisions and given explanations for the decisions and yet people still argue the point and demand 'answers' and 'apologies'. This, to my mind, is petty and un-necessary.

Then you are under no obligation to take part. If you don't like it...

A forum/website like this must operate the way it does, with moderators doing as they see fit in accordance with the forum rules and guidelines and where I feel that constantly challenging somthing or several things which have been 'relatively sensibly modded' so-to-speak is, again pathetic.

But they haven't been sensible. They have been arbitrary, mob-led, and bully-like.

After all, if someone doesn't like the way the board/forum is run, then there's a simple option.... And no, getting involved in a petty squabble in a thread is not it.

The fact that we're both here doing just that would suggest otherwise.

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What do you mean by deliberately here? This is all very George Foulkes to me.

I mean that I believe that some posters are opposing the stance or actions of the mods just for the sake of it, rather than actually caring as much about the point that they are allegedly arguing.

Then you are under no obligation to take part. If you don't like it...

That's very true. Which is why I'm not 'taking part' in any arguing/opposing the mods or anyone 'involved' in the situations being discussed/argued. I'm merely 'taking part' in this topic to say that I think large parts of the recent action in this thread have been ridiculous, on many levels.

But they haven't been sensible. They have been arbitrary, mob-led, and bully-like.

I don't particularly think so. I don't side with either 'party', but surely it must be led in such a way that a certain 'team' are in charge? Otherwise everything would be discussed to the hilt and people would want answers for every action/every ban and every warning and comment from a mod. That would be unworkable, imo.

The fact that we're both here doing just that would suggest otherwise.

But I'd say that I'm here debating the pettiness of and pathetic arguements of certain posters and comments, not arguing with moderators' decisions and opposing every mod's comment just for an arguement...

Those are my thoughts on it, and if you disagree with them then that's fine with me. I won't discuss it more however, as I wouldn't want to be accused of becoming something that I have suggested some on here are being just now...

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People are finding it difficult to 'support the mods, which is a shame'? It's infuriatingly ridiculous that people take a football forum so seriously.

Same old though from xbl, Swampy's gripes are more tolerable in that there's at least logic behind them but I just don't know why he cares so much. Or why he thinks he'll be banned.

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People are finding it difficult to 'support the mods, which is a shame'? It's infuriatingly ridiculous that people take a football forum so seriously.

The white knights who run onto the forum with brooms to sweep it all away are probably more annoying. I don't know what their motivation is.

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The white knights who run onto the forum with brooms to sweep it all away are probably more annoying. I don't know what their motivation is.

Hm, myself as an example? I'm the dark and quiet one, me

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Same old though from xbl, Swampy's gripes are more tolerable in that there's at least logic behind them but I just don't know why he cares so much. Or why he thinks he'll be banned.

Same old? Same old what? Until recently, I constantly got accused of sooking up to the mods. And Swampy has solid reasons for thinking he will be banned...

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Swampy is the most tragic person on this board.

He thinks that he's being clever and that his fighting the power sets him out as some sort of cool rebel that folk will have a grudging respect for. What he tragically doesn't realise is that he bores people to tears and folk end up skipping posts where he might have made a decent point because they just assume that he'll be posting his usual bland shite.

They say that for every good thing that happens in the world, something bad will happen.

Is Swampy karmic compensation for Dunc in the P&B world?

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