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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I think that taking a leave of absence to set up an alias, at the age of 36, is a bit sad though, in all honesty.

I think a having a hissy-fit about it at the age of 19 is even sadder.

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Not at all. What made you think it was? :)

This is probs the third, fourth time I've said this, but anywho:

I didn't set up the the alias.

And there were three posters 'abused'. Not set up just to target one.

Maybe if you read the thread, instead of bouncing your fat ass back onto the forum and exclaiming ''I'm Back!!!!'', things would be clearer.

Also, if you want specific details about the alias, feel free to PM me. I think it'd be unfair to some on here otherwise.

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This is probs the third, fourth time I've said this, but anywho:

I didn't set up the the alias.

And there were three posters 'abused'. Not set up just to target one.

Maybe if you read the thread, instead of bouncing your fat ass back onto the forum and exclaiming ''I'm Back!!!!'', things would be clearer.

Also, if you want specific details about the alias, feel free to PM me. I think it'd be unfair to some on here otherwise.

Why did you set up the alias in the first place? If you wanted to abuse a series of people, why not just do it under your normal username?

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Monster you are, to put it bluntly, a fucking tit of the highest order. All we are saying is Le Tiss was banned despite making less offensive posts than Donkey, and this is probably due to you being an old fart around here and thus the mods treated you different. The mods should treat EVERYONE the same, it shouldn't be one rule for the "favourites" and another for "the rest".

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Monster you are, to put it bluntly, a fucking tit of the highest order. All we are saying is Le Tiss was banned despite making less offensive posts than Donkey, and this is probably due to you being an old fart around here and thus the mods treated you different. The mods should treat EVERYONE the same, it shouldn't be one rule for the "favourites" and another for "the rest".



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They're both as bad as each other, to be fair.

I disagree.

Throwing a hissy fit on an iternet forum at the age of 19 is nothing short of pathetic. Too much beer to drink and birds to pelt at that age.

Monster being 36 has realised his life is over, or at least the best part is, so quite clearly doesn't give a toss.

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Monster you are, to put it bluntly, a fucking tit of the highest order. All we are saying is Le Tiss was banned despite making less offensive posts than Donkey, and this is probably due to you being an old fart around here and thus the mods treated you different. The mods should treat EVERYONE the same, it shouldn't be one rule for the "favourites" and another for "the rest".

Cheers. :lol:

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The only hissy fit I'll admit to is not being happy with the way the mods handled the situation. Dodging genuine questions is one of the reasons it has descended into this. I've not, and have no intention of spamming the complaints forum and the mods inboxes.

Do you not think barging onto a thread halfway through, having a peak at the username, and posting a fail pic, ''pathetic'', ''childish'' then popping off again to do the same elsewhere is equally as sad?

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Monster you are, to put it bluntly, a fucking tit of the highest order. All we are saying is Le Tiss was banned despite making less offensive posts than Donkey, and this is probably due to you being an old fart around here and thus the mods treated you different. The mods should treat EVERYONE the same, it shouldn't be one rule for the "favourites" and another for "the rest".

That's a really crappy rant.

Get yourself to f**k.

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The only hissy fit I'll admit to is not being happy with the way the mods handled the situation. Dodging genuine questions is one of the reasons it has descended into this. I've not, and have no intention of spamming the complaints forum and the mods inboxes.

Do you not think barging onto a thread halfway through, having a peak at the username, and posting a fail pic, ''pathetic'', ''childish'' then popping off again to do the same elsewhere is equally as sad?

I think getting upset over an internet forum is pretty sad in itself, to be honest.

My advice is...deal with it.

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I think getting upset over an internet forum is pretty sad in itself, to be honest.

My advice is...deal with it.

I'm not upset. If I was upset, I'd go 'nuclear' as some put it. But I've got a tiny level of respect and understand you can't beat the management here.

It's interesting that all these people posting ''pathetic bairns'', ''pair of wankers'', ''get a life'' etc have obviously taken the time to read through the many pages under scrutiny here.

Hell, in two weeks time I'll be laughing about it. But, all joking aside, it does worry me that certain people get away with certain things. I've been here about a year, and am just staring to know what everyone is like.

Rant over :lol:

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I think getting upset over an internet forum is pretty sad in itself, to be honest.

My advice is...deal with it.

Jimmy85 is a Polar Bear avoiding Townie c**t but he's hit the nail on the head here.

Blair Skint Project seems like quite a bright chap, why he'd get in league with a patter pinching dingus like Twisteh is beyond me.

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