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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I fucking hate when folk just stand on the escalators or the moving pavement things, walk up it you lazy b*****d, double you speed.

If you block the escalators in London then you get stabbed or shot. Stand on the right if you're a lazy b*****d leaving space on the left for others to walk up. It's one of the few things I like about London.

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If you block the escalators in London then you get stabbed or shot. Stand on the right if you're a lazy b*****d leaving space on the left for others to walk up. It's one of the few things I like about London.

In Glasgow, it very rarely happens, theres always one p***k standing on the left speaking to someone on their right, whilst blocking the path up. I'm one of those people who's given up on it and just walks up the stairs instead.

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In Glasgow, it very rarely happens, theres always one p***k standing on the left speaking to someone on their right, whilst blocking the path up. I'm one of those people who's given up on it and just walks up the stairs instead.

I quite often do that just to show it's quicker. I'd like to think that I've burned off a few calories over the course of my life by doing this. I can understand coffin dodgers using them as an aid though.

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Like many, I've got a shitey, super mild form of epilepsy meaning I can't even get a provisional, never mind a full drivers licence. Cheers to you and your green dot buddy for that.

I'm epileptic too, if it's that mild, have you not been fit free for the year(s) required to be eligable for a driving license?

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Similar to kiwi's reason, I receive emails from Groupon at 3 every morning. I got fed up with leaving my phone on and hearing the notification.Even though my phone is off/on silent at night now, I usually wake up around that time :(

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Don't know what the problem is? For folk like me it can basically spoil an away day or a night out for myself and others unless you walk about with a passport which I won't be doing as if it goes missing then I'm fcuked for work. There's been times none of my mates have been served because I've been IDed before them and it's incredibly embarrassing and demoralising when folk 10 years younger in the supporters club can get a drink or a coupon and I can't. I appreciate I'm one of the small minority who gets shafted here because the IDers just assume that everyone over 20 has a drivers licence. Take those away and what ID does everyone carry about with them? That's right, f**k all.

Tough, Dems da rules.

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It does have your DOB on it,or is that the NHS card things?

It never used to, mind you, I got mine 13 years ago so it may have changed since then.

Definitely doesn't have a photo though, so I don't imagine anywhere would accept it.

It's the NHS card that has your DOB on it ;)


You're old.

Feck, That must make me really old :ph34r:

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College/uni cards are not a form of I.D.

A young guy on Saturday came to my till with his shopping that included a knife. I asked him for I.D, he had none! "Aw f**k sake, I'm 24, f**k sake why you asking me for I.D. Look I've got a credit card you need to be 18 to get one of those." I told him no I.D, no sale and then his bird starting mouthing off at me saying I couldn't do my job properly and she was away to find the store manager to put in a complaint about me.


Is that actually how you said it to him? If so, no wonder she was upset.

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passport stuff

Why not just get a new passport and carry your voided one around with you? They cut the corner off the edge of it so it can't be scanned but it should still be accepted as ID if the validity date is still within range.

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Some geriatric fanny driving at 55 mph on the A77 fast lane, with the inside lane completely clear. I go to undertake the cobweb-chinned cadaver and he pulls in. I slam on the brakes and pull into the fast lane. He quickly swerves back into the fast lane. I move inside and shoot past him, giving him a friendly wave (so to speak :ph34r: )

Then i watch in my rear-view mirror as he does exactly the same with the car that was behind me. Only a matter of time before the old coot causes a serious accident. :angry:

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Why not just get a new passport and carry your voided one around with you? They cut the corner off the edge of it so it can't be scanned but it should still be accepted as ID if the validity date is still within range.

Pedantic as it may be, legally it has to be valid ID. Although I doubt many people would enforce it too rigidly.

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Indeed that is correct. No where should accept an out of date passport as it is not a valid form of ID.

As Swampy pointed out in his post, it would still be valid provided it was within the validity date. He wasn't meaning to use an out of date passport.

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As Swampy pointed out in his post, it would still be valid provided it was within the validity date. He wasn't meaning to use an out of date passport.

Not quite. If it's had the corner cut off like swampy said, the passport is invalid regardless of date. It's a fairly moot point though, as obviously anyone with a modicum of common sense would accept an ID which bore a reasonable likeness.

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Not quite. If it's had the corner cut off like swampy said, the passport is invalid regardless of date. It's a fairly moot point though, as obviously anyone with a modicum of common sense would accept an ID which bore a reasonable likeness.

The point was that the date had bugger all to do with it.

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