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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Not very popular with my workmates today. A diet involving bran flakes for brekkie and boiled eggs for lunch is maybe not a good thing.

In fairness they probably wouldn't like you regardless of what you eat.

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This probably belongs in here more than Things You Want To Share, although it did make me chuckle when it happened, as it was that or be seething. Was walking up to the office this morning, headphones in, sending a text, not realising there is a giant puddle right next to where I'm standing and an equally big lorry hurtling towards it. Didn't even see the lorry go past as a massive splash shot up and soaked me from head to toe. Jeans were still sopping wet at my desk an hour later, which, it turns out is rather uncomfortable, only now have my legs started to feel a semblance of dry, not the best start to a Friday morning.

Edited by J_Stewart
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Our home top during the Euro 2008 qualifying campaign had ''ALBA'' in a fancy font on the back just below the players' numbers mate. Could be the one you're thinking of?

That's the very one! Thank you. Can't find the font anywhere online though. I think I have the top somewhere, will need to look it out.

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This probably belongs in here more than Things You Want To Share, although it did make me chuckle when it happened, as it was that or be seething. Was walking up to the office this morning, headphones in, sending a text, not realising there is a giant puddle right next to where I'm standing and an equally big lorry hurtling towards it. Didn't even see the lorry go past as a massive splash shot up and soaked me from head to toe. Jeans were still sopping wet at my desk an hour later, which, it turns out is rather uncomfortable, only now have my legs started to feel a semblance of dry, not the best start to a Friday morning.

I posted about guys like you on PTTGOYN just a couple of days ago.

People who text whilst walking deserve everything they get.

Even nice guys like you J_.

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I posted about guys like you on PTTGOYN just a couple of days ago.

People who text whilst walking deserve everything they get.

Even nice guys like you J_.

If only you knew Granny :P

It was a quiet empty street, so I wasn't actually impeding anyone with my text walking, and I know it well enough to know where the junctions, etc are so as not to get run over. I think it was the headphones more than anything else that led to my impromptu shower, would have been alright if I could have heard it coming, the only surprise is that I couldn't with the size of my lugs :lol:

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My old work are a bunch of c***s. In October 2011, I went off sick with depression. I didn't receive any sick pay off them, so HMRC got involved.

My old work told HMRC I was faking my depression, I never handed in any sick lines from the doctor, I never kept in contact with them and they even said that I didn't sign a contract so I was due nothing. So a year later after a medical, two appeals, me proving that I handed in sick lines and sending HMRC a copy of my contract, HMRC ruled in my favour.

I got a cheque from my ex-employer to my new address last November but it was only for half the amount I was due. Today the person at my old address got a letter addressed to me, it was a cheque from my old employer with the other half of the money they were due me. dry.gif

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