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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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A search of two separate lyrics sites gives the lyric as "are we human, or are we dancer?". Are you suggesting it's not that?

Edit: Wiki confirms that it is "dancer" in reference to a comment by Hunter S Thomspn: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_%28The_Killers_song%29

I always thought it was dancers.

Either way, it gets turned off as soon as it comes on. I hate that song and I hate The Killers.

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I thought it was dancer but didnt know it was a quote. Terrible song by a terrible band played to death by crap radio stations.

Radio DJ's who talk over good songs at the end or cut them off for adverts before the news. You suffer in someone elses car thru piles of shit music for something decent and its not ever played the whole way thru.

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Definitely dancer. As Pete says it comes from a Hunter S Thomson quote.

Despite the entire forum knowing it is 'dancer', everybody will still find that stray 's' on the end and I will go on one of those rampages that end with me turning the gun in myself.

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Despite the entire forum knowing it is 'dancer', everybody will still find that stray 's' on the end and I will go on one of those rampages that end with me turning the gun in myself.

You're totally right. It's sung by cretins and normally followed up by a rendition of Sex On Fire.

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An Orange Walk just went past my flat.


What a bunch of absolute c***s.


Even more pathetic are the 'hangers on' who walk beside it on the pavement. Arsehole parents dragging their kids along. Grown adults wearing Sevco and Chelsea tops. I've never seen an uglier bunch of cretins in my life (apart from inside Ibrox and Parkhead).

One of my local pubs, the one where the zombie bus runs from, has a party going over to celebrate the festivities in Northern Ireland for the 12th. Utterly tragic. They've even managed to brainwash a guy I used to quite like despite him being a Rangers fan. After seeing him in the company of other zombies I totally cringe when I bother speaking to him.
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Sunday League teams that treat a game like its life or death. Today we were winning 4-1 and instead of trying to get back into the game the other team decided to boot us off the park. Ankle is now in bits.

On the bright side we won and have 36 points from 12 games. :D

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One of my local pubs, the one where the zombie bus runs from, has a party going over to celebrate the festivities in Northern Ireland for the 12th. Utterly tragic. They've even managed to brainwash a guy I used to quite like despite him being a Rangers fan. After seeing him in the company of other zombies I totally cringe when I bother speaking to him.

There's a zombie in my work who's been brainwashed like that all of his life. He's just back from watching a re-enactment of King Billy landing on Northern Ireland's shores last week and he's off over there again for three days round about the 12th of July.

Unsurprisingly he's thick as f**k.

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I just realised it was the fives last week...I never go to them, but I always enjoy the fives related banter on here. What happened this year? There seemed to be like no mention of them...

The Fives clique has been replaced by the Sub/Buscrawl cliques.

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Had been scouring the supermarkets for Peri Peri Chicken pot noodles. Found them Friday past, bought 2. Just had one the now - awful. A bit of a kick, tastes nothing like peri peri Food . Very overpowering lime sauce and there's f**k all chicken soya.


fixed the comments for you. pot noodles arent really food, they are an abomination.

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One of my local pubs, the one where the zombie bus runs from, has a party going over to celebrate the festivities in Northern Ireland for the 12th. Utterly tragic. They've even managed to brainwash a guy I used to quite like despite him being a Rangers fan. After seeing him in the company of other zombies I totally cringe when I bother speaking to him.

They have Zombie Supporter Pubs in Mongolia? Bloody hell, they're everywhere.

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Had been scouring the supermarkets for Peri Peri Chicken pot noodles. Found them Friday past, bought 2. Just had one the now - awful. A bit of a kick, tastes nothing like peri peri. Very overpowering lime sauce and there's f**k all chicken.


Indeed. Very disappointing.

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Folk that let other drivers out of junctions near a set of lights, causing you to miss getting through. Sod the p***ks wanting out of the junction, get through the lights when they are at green!!

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