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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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This. The most stupidest looking pathetic trophy in the history of sport.

Yup, and they give knighthoods to England players if they win it.

It's basically the Charity shield of cricket. There's two teams in it.


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Yup, and they give knighthoods to England players if they win it.

It's basically the Charity shield of cricket. There's two teams in it.


At least you have to win something to play in the charity shield

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For the past few years I've had an intermittent dead arm problem. Every so often I'll just get a shooting pain up it and it'll feel likes it's dead

I went to the doctor about this and about a swollen wrist I've had for even longer. I've got a hospital trip on Monday to see what the wrist problem is, but I'd have rather got the dead arm sorted. It's currently been since about 7 o'clock last night on and off and is still causing pain. It will go away eventually but it's a bloody nuisance. The doctor told me he thinks it's a trapped nerve somewhere, but it would be very hard to sort as the nerve could be trapped "anywhere" from my wrist to the back of my neck. Fucking joyous

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For the past few years I've had an intermittent dead arm problem. Every so often I'll just get a shooting pain up it and it'll feel likes it's dead

I went to the doctor about this and about a swollen wrist I've had for even longer. I've got a hospital trip on Monday to see what the wrist problem is, but I'd have rather got the dead arm sorted. It's currently been since about 7 o'clock last night on and off and is still causing pain. It will go away eventually but it's a bloody nuisance. The doctor told me he thinks it's a trapped nerve somewhere, but it would be very hard to sort as the nerve could be trapped "anywhere" from my wrist to the back of my neck. Fucking joyous


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The BBC better get their finger out. They've given English Championship games from today proper statistics and ignored all of the Scottish games. They haven't given any attendances for our games. Not happy.

I looked at one part of the BBC website to check my coupon at around 8pm last night at work and they still had us as winning 2-0.

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Ordered a new fridge/freezer in John Lewis 4 weeks ago. Have spent the entire afternoon on the phone to JL, the delivery company and Samsung asking where it is, with them all blaming each other, and all refusing to call me back.

The "phone calls received regarding this fridge" score in the last 4 weeks is now: John Lewis 5, Expert Logistics 4, Samsung 2, Me 0.

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I've just bought a new laptop and it has Windows 8. I'm on the verge of tears as it's the worst system in the history of the universe. It's like they've deliberately tried to make everything ridiculously hard to find

I had to ask on here and on Twitter how to shut the fucker down. Luckily Microsoft have reluctantly agreed to re-instate the "Start" button in an update that's coming in the autumn.

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