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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Churchill taking £205 for my car insurance instead of £40 for the last 3 months! Only just noticed what the thieving c***s have been up to.

While I have some sympathy for you, every time I hear this kind of story I wonder how the hell could folk not notice £205 coming out of their account for three months.
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Folk that insist on being 'fresh air freaks' (their words, not mine), and therefore arrive at the office half an hour before anyone else and fling every window they can open, and turn every fan on too.

Fine if you live in sub-Saharan Africa, infinitely less welcome when you sit beside one of said windows and it's barely above ten degrees.

The c***s.

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Folk that insist on being 'fresh air freaks' (their words, not mine), and therefore arrive at the office half an hour before anyone else and fling every window they can open, and turn every fan on too.

Fine if you live in sub-Saharan Africa, infinitely less welcome when you sit beside one of said windows and it's barely above ten degrees.

The c***s.

I'm currently having this ongoing domestic at home. She'll have the heating on yet open the windows to 'air the house'.

Me (waking up at 6am, same time as red eye flight leaves the nearby airport): Those planes are louder than normal, they flying lower or something?

Her: The windows are open a wee bit.

Me: You opened the bloody bedroom window overnight, making the usually undetected planes wake me up and drop the temperature 5 degrees?!

Her: It needed some fresh air.

It's bloody fine I tell you.

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With the boy fixing his car and his dad making terrible jokes?

No, although that is brutal.

It's the one with the soapy bubble monster and he makes some hippy clean, then stage dives at a concert and all these zoomers start dancing along!

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The blind guy in the papers today who got a letter telling him he was fit to work. He had to get a carer to read the letter to him as he could not see it himself. He says that he cannot work in his condition.

He is unhappy at losing his £350 a month Employment Support Allowance.

Why is he getting that money if he can't work?

I realise he is entitled to benefits in his condition but why ESA when he says in his own words that he can't work?

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Hey, I usually edit my posts due to my inability to see where auto-correct has taken over until pasted (same with seeing an on-screen document versus the hard copy print out). Usually it's the the random repetition of a word for some reason.

Yeah, but you're not a seether. Telltale signs aren't just editing, it's the lack engaging brain before posting and the general undertone of self-righteous indignation. It's pointless responding to them, they think they're keeping it light and jolly by placing a :D smiley or similar on every post but in reality you just know they're seething. He's on ignore now anyway as I feel a tad sorry for him.

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While I have some sympathy for you, every time I hear this kind of story I wonder how the hell could folk not notice £205 coming out of their account for three months.

I put a good bit more into my billing account each month, than what's required. My outgoings should be the same each month therefore it builds up.

I very rarely check that account as I've no reason to do so. I happened to have a look as I'd switched a direct debit from my current account across.

It apparently came about when I got a new car a few months back. For some reason, they decided to adjust my policy as I hadn't sent them my no claims certificate. This would be the no claims certificate that they hold as my insurer.

Edited by MONKMAN
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