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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Maybe they're at work and on their lunch?

The thing Is though, most of them are self-employed, and they know fine well what time we try to get our lunch at, but yet they still keep doing it.

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The thing Is though, most of them are self-employed, and they know fine well what time we try to get our lunch at, but yet they still keep doing it.

Fuckin hell, are the public supposed to plan their shopping habits around the store staff's breaks.

Take staggered breaks or shut for lunch.

Or just do your job and STFU.

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It never ceases to amaze how completely irrational and hysterical people get when there's a bit of bad weather. Aye the floods are terrible if you've been affected but if you choose to live on the coast or next to a river on a flood plain then what did you expect? Just bury your head in the sand?


Who the hell would buy a house made of cards anyway? And near the coast? Did no one learn anything from the story of the 3 Little Pigs.

Seriously though, what house of cards was she referring to?

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Guest The Phoenix

Getting served at the post office yesterday when the woman behind the counter starts singing and jigging to Maroon 5's 'Moves Likes Jagger'. No one should have been subjected to that, ghastly sight and sound.

Definitely something that should be stamped on.

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Guest The Phoenix

What a predictable post.

Someone should get the sack for this.

First class work, gents.

I'm liking the way your delivery is pushing the envelope.

Edited by The Phoenix
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Definitely something that should be stamped on.

What a predictable post.

Someone should get the sack for this.

First class work, gents.

I'm liking the way you're delivery is pushing the envelope.

These puns are really bad to be frank

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The whole charity bag pack thing is a right pain in hoop too . Who the f**k pays for their weekly messages with cash. So you are left with the option of getting cash back to give them something or looking like a dick by refusing the wee lassie collecting the cash to help you with your bags. I favour the latter.

Let her pack them and ask if she takes switch when she's finished.

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The fucking storms in the south of England and the folk outraged by them. It's boring as f**k. Especially when they interview the thick c***s that live there. One fat woman yesterday said "this should never, ever have happened. The house of cards came tumbling down"

No, you fat mess, you live by the coast and had some worse weather than usual.

What's more annoying is when you see it reported on the news, you always see some twat walking along the sea front. Aren't the 20 foot waves and 100 mph winds not a sign to get the f**k away from there before you are swept away to your death?

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What's more annoying is when you see it reported on the news, you always see some twat walking along the sea front. Aren't the 20 foot waves and 100 mph winds not a sign to get the f**k away from there before you are swept away to your death?

A few weeks ago when our river burst it's banks there was a guy spotted swimming in the water. Unreal. These folk don't think that if something goes wrong it's not just their moronic lives at risk but the folk who have to help them.

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Becky Riley having a wee breakdown on the telly there "Its ripped this community apart. It's not right, it's not fair, it's not on, it's not on".

If these farms have been there for "generations" then surely this is not a new thing for them? The rain, I mean.

I get the feeling this wouldn't be constantly on the news if it wasn't the south of England though.


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