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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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In the space of 60 seconds, a guy last night managed to ruin not one but two TV series I'm working my way through (Sons of Anarchy and Walking Dead if you're wondering).

I'm just assuming that he told you what happens further than you've currently watched?

These people are scum. Yesterday at work I told someone I was working my way through Game of Thrones and was currently near the end of season 3. He ended up telling me about the first episode of season 4. I was raging.

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Studs connecting with big toe does not end well. Kicked the sole of someone's boot last night at training. Big toe isn't broken but by f**k it's sore and pretty badly bruised. Modern boots have absolutely no protection am going to source a pair of steel toe capped boots from the 1920s.

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I also had the misfortune to drive through Glasgow today and would like to add to the list, all the c**ts who undertake on the M8. Luckily I always look before moving over to the left but plenty of people don't so it's dangerous as f**k.

Another teuchter dawdling along the middle lane.

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The layout on the M8 aint great as you have motroways merging and slip roads coming in from the wrong side into the "fast lane". Also no doubt designed for fewer cars , trucks that currently use it. To be honest apart from the hold ups it isn't too bad. And now the new M74 extension is open there is less traffic on it. If drivers looked where they were going and indicated it would be hassle free.

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Guest The Phoenix

If drivers looked where they were going and indicated it would be hassle free.

Good shout.

Drivers who don't look where they are going are an accident waiting to happen.

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People who phone you and leave a voicemail (often with a text message) explaining a story in full detail only to end the message with "so just give me a call when you get this". Why? So you can repeat the exact same story for the second time?

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The fact you cannae buy fruit just to eat there and then. Everything in the supermrarket is rock.hard.

Also the missus bought keep me bananas which 5 days later are still bright green.

Years ago - I worked in Tesco for a few months, stacking the shelves at night - A lot ( most ) of the fruit that comes in is put in the fridge for a while and that can't be good for it... It's rock hard on the shelves then rotten a day or two later.... Bananas were particularly bad for this - they would come in Green and within 24 hours they were starting to rot so you're doing well if they're still green 5 days later....

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East Fife fan just started at my work. Got talking to him and discovered he`s the guy that`s just moved in next door to me.

Different shift so probably never see him, it`s just the thought... keeping doors and windows locked at all times!

Edit - This is probably the wrong place for this. Doesn`t seem too petty to me.

Edited by Septentrional Wasp
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People who pronounce definitely as def - in - eight -ly

Is that not a weegie thing

I think it's a footballer thing too, almost every Falkirk player does it when interviewed, and not just the weegies.

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Petty people rather than petty things maybe this one.

Every time work dries up or we're under pressure at work there's one or two individuals who backstab and put others down.

Thing is they are fucking useless and need help to do their job and are obviously just playing politics to try and keep themselves in a job rather than hard work.

The fact they act like your pal to your face makes it worse, I know they spread lies and gossip too.

Weird thing is the bosses seem to like them and always speak to them and the genuine workers get ignored.

Main reason I'm looking to move jobs.

Why can't people see through these clowns?

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