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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Kids on scooters in supermarkets. Parents, control your demon spawn.

Someone must not have told them that the aisles arent actually the Monaco grand prix.

Theres a time and a place to have a childs chin banging off your balls, but when you're trying to do your job or youre browsing the tins and condiments section isn't one of them.

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Kids on scooters in supermarkets. Parents, control your demon spawn.

Someone must not have told them that the aisles arent actually the Monaco grand prix.

Theres a time and a place to have a childs chin banging off your balls, but when you're trying to do your job or youre browsing the tins and condiments section isn't one of them.

:lol: Hiding-in-plain-sight-type post IMO.

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Kids on scooters in supermarkets. Parents, control your demon spawn.

Someone must not have told them that the aisles arent actually the Monaco grand prix.

Theres a time and a place to have a childs chin banging off your balls, but when you're trying to do your job or youre browsing the tins and condiments section isn't one of them.

See you soon on Beastwatch

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Folk that happily play the radio in the car really quietly. Either turn it up loud enough to hear or just don't listen to it at all.

I had a situation a while ago where I was getting picked up by friends of my wife in Edinburgh.

During the journey they would make comments and a good few times I said "what" because the back speakers are so loud.

A few days later my wife told me that they had asked me a few questions but I had basically ignored them.

The girl explained to my wife that I probably didn't hear because it's so loud back there.

1st point. Why do people feel a need to put music on so loud in a car especially when conversation is gonnae happen?

2nd point. In cars is the only place people do this.

Nobody puts the radio on when you are having a conversation in the kitchen or whatever.

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Suddenly every spider seen is some poisonous monster that will kill you.

I blame the daily star for their sensationalist front page stories

My missus has recently bought some stupid plug-in's and put conkers in the house to prevent spiders coming in. Last night there was a fly whizzing around for ages; give me spiders every day of the week. The worse thing they do is make a web which 9 times out of 10 isn't that big or noticeable but obviously effective enough to stop those flying b£stards coming in and fannying around the tele!

'mon the spiders!!

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My missus has recently bought some stupid plug-in's and put conkers in the house to prevent spiders coming in. Last night there was a fly whizzing around for ages; give me spiders every day of the week. The worse thing they do is make a web which 9 times out of 10 isn't that big or noticeable but obviously effective enough to stop those flying b£stards coming in and fannying around the tele!

'mon the spiders!!

The plug-ins do f**k all that repels spiders so, if they've disappeared from your house of late, the only explanation is that she's eating them. Also, conkers are well known props in satanic rituals, so I'd be pretty worried if I were you.

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The plug-ins do f**k all that repels spiders so, if they've disappeared from your house of late, the only explanation is that she's eating them. Also, conkers are well known props in satanic rituals, so I'd be pretty worried if I were you.

There's yet another fly whizzing around tonight. I've not seen a spider since she's put them in but that's not to say I think they work. I've not even asked how much she forked out, I dread to think! If someone said to her an open bottle of water keeps them away she'd probably do that, as would many with an OTT fear of spiders I'd imagine!

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There's yet another fly whizzing around tonight. I've not seen a spider since she's put them in but that's not to say I think they work. I've not even asked how much she forked out, I dread to think! If someone said to her an open bottle of water keeps them away she'd probably do that, as would many with an OTT fear of spiders I'd imagine!

Tell her they're repelled by the smell of semen.

There's bound to be a website to back that up.

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