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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Banks that phone you at home, then ask you for security details before they can proceed.

Haud the bus, you phoned me! What's your f**k'n security details?

You shouldn't give any details to someone who phones you. Offer to phone them back through their advertised phone number.

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Just watching an old top of the pops. Classic Siouxie and the Banshees song, Spellbound, is playing. It is 33 Years old!

I hate being an old git.

Eta. Jackson the beast is on the same show with Thriller. That was from 1983! 31 years ago!!!

Edited by supermik
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Banks that phone you at home, then ask you for security details before they can proceed.

Haud the bus, you phoned me! What's your f**k'n security details?

You shouldn't give any details to someone who phones you. Offer to phone them back through their advertised phone number.

^^^ this.

I've had this before. Didnae fancy the sound of that at all, so I called the bank and, surprise, it was some scammer phishing for details.

Might want to get yer maw to change her maiden name, just to be safe.

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Banks that phone you at home, then ask you for security details before they can proceed.

Haud the bus, you phoned me! What's your f**k'n security details?

I have to do this, it is to confirm you are speaking to the correct person. M

It's a load of bollocks. Worst case scenario is you get the company involved fined thousands

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Makes me contemplate changing career to become a mass murderer.

Pays less though*

*from what I've been told

Ask Harold Shipman. Not that I want to encourage that kind of behaviour, likes.

Not without passing on a 10% fee for the inspiration, at any rate.

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The utterly orgasmic droolfest that took place on Sportsound today.

Some of these c***s would be delighted if there were only two clubs in Scotland. Or whatever country they were allowed to move to.

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Storage Wars UK.

Totally agree. Nothing to redeem any of the participants. Did the production team go out of their way to find people you will loathe?

I know there are some spuds in the US / Canada versions but nothing as as bad as this lot. I can see me heading to Eastenders for a laugh.

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"Pre-drinks", "pre-bevvy" etc is an excruciatingly cunty thing to say but I have used it on occasion, simply because it is the quickest and easiest way to reference something that everyone understands.

It's awful but it's pretty much a recognised name for a very specific thing now. Irish birds I used to live beside called it "pre-game" which is just too far. As for "preezies" :lol: :lol: :lol:

reminds me of the petty little cnut that ruined a certain Bruce Willis movie for me...

My dad's mate went to a BAFTA preview screening of 'The Others'.

The person doing then Q&A (writer or director probs) got up and said beforehand "I just want to clarify that this written before The Sixth Sense.


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