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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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A member of my staff took a day off to go her kids nursery graduation. It's a fucking pisstake.

My previously "stay at home mum" partner is going back to uni to refresh her teaching degree in time for my youngest kids starting school. Her induction was on "nursery graduation" day and it would be "horrific, upsetting and embarrassing" for my 2 nursery age children not to have a parent there.

I was press ganged into going to work early, coming back up the road for this hour and a half, back to work again and stay late to make up the hours. I work in Aberdeen so that's 4 fucking trips up the A90 leaving my gaff at 5am and getting home at half 7.

A fucking sham.

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Settled down for a good episode of Jeremy Kyle, aiming to make me feel better about my own life, and it's one of those inspirational lives episodes.

I wanted to see scum fighting, not this "You're an inspiration to us all." bollocks.

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My Facebook news feed seems to be full of lassies trying to sell things to each other. It used to be stuff like "handmade candles and gifts" and other such shite and it's currently health foods. Loads of posts that are just blatantly attempts to hook other birds into some pyramid health food juice scheme. Stupid cows.

Yeah, I'm seeing a lot of this too. The most recent one was for something along the lines of "Guatemalan mud face packs" from an area of Guatemala which is rich in "Some kind of special mud that really cleans your pores". f**k that. Have a proper wash you skanky cow.

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People who smoke at the entrance ways to any building. Most notably Hospitals and Shopping Centres.

I received this email 2 minutes ago:

Dear colleagues

This is addressed to the people who go up to the roof for a cigarette.

Please do NOT smoke close to the ventilation shaft, because the smoke finds its way into the offices.

The bad smell is very unpleasant.

Thank you for your cooperation.

I was relieved that the bad smell was the smokers. It's difficult being Scottish in a hot climate.

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Yeah, I'm seeing a lot of this too. The most recent one was for something along the lines of "Guatemalan mud face packs" from an area of Guatemala which is rich in "Some kind of special mud that really cleans your pores". f**k that. Have a proper wash you skanky cow.

One I'm seeing a lot of just now is intentionally vague as f**k posts about changes to your lifestyle and healthy eating / living. Then it turns out they're selling some bullshit vegetable juice to thos estupid enough to take an interest in their vague fishing posts.

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Fat woman sitting behind me on the train, she smells like dog food. I've yet to hear one positive argument for the existence of fat people, or dogs.

Being overweight, trying to lose it and seeing shit like this...

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What is this obsession they seem to have with Americanising everything? Fucking jumpers with their schools name on it and proms instead of school discos?

I couldn't wait to be done with school. Hated the place and pretty much everyone in it.

edit: Yes, I realise that makes me sound like a grumpy c**t, but that's probably because I am.

Had no mates type post imo.

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Poor email etiquette.

Just went through a load of emails at work. Granted, it's only the bookies and so email etiquette isn't going to be the first thing you need on your CV, but fucking hell, it's difficult to read a 300 word email that is completely absent of any form of punctuation or grammar.

And it's not just grammar etc, there are so many people who just have no idea how to conduct their tone in an email, I keep reading things like "Do NOT do this" and "you MUST do that." You don't come across as someone trying to be clear and concise, you just seem like a stern c**t.

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Having some joinery work done in the house and we've uncovered some asbestos. Going to have to change our plans a wee bit as a result.

Sore yin mate.

It's funny to think that years ago, asbestos was totally fine for use in house buildings. Even the name screams that it's something shite, but no one thought anything of it.

Suppose it's a bit like Jimmy Savile in that sense. Probably.

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Sore yin mate.

It's funny to think that years ago, asbestos was totally fine for use in house buildings. Even the name screams that it's something shite, but no one thought anything of it.

Suppose it's a bit like Jimmy Savile in that sense. Probably.

It's not a major issue, just a wee bit more work needed and changes the plan we had for increasing the size of our bedroom by removing a built in cupboard. I've had to remove it myself at work in the past without respirators, was shitting myself afterwards, but apparently it needs to be long term regular exposure to cause mesothelioma. Edited by Sweet Pete
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Settled down for a good episode of Jeremy Kyle, aiming to make me feel better about my own life, and it's one of those inspirational lives episodes.

I wanted to see scum fighting, not this "You're an inspiration to us all." bollocks.

Agreed, especially the sad music they play to show it's an emotional episode. I want to see a toothless jakey getting found out for robbing an ipad from their sister not some lassie with an inside out face meeting Ollie Murs.

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Yachts - or WAFIs as we've now taken to calling them (wind assisted f*cking idiots).

Don't get me wrong, the Collision Regulations do pretty much say that power gives way to sail, but putting yourself on a collision course with a fully laden cruise ship then saying that it's the cruise ship's fault is not the correct way to go about things - and it doesn't help when their radio etiquette is pish too, calling the cruise ship saying then calling the Coastguard whereupon its then proven by the port authority and coastguard that they are in the wrong.

See below -

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Schemie scum who think it's acceptable to bring macdonalds into a hospital to feed someone who has just given birth. It's not like they don't get fed in hospitals. Absolute scum

Whys that not acceptable? I'd much rather have a McDonald's than the shit they serve in hospitals

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Schemie scum who think it's acceptable to bring macdonalds into a hospital to feed someone who has just given birth. It's not like they don't get fed in hospitals. Absolute scum

Saw something similar a couple of weeks back whilst visiting a newborn. Some really scummy mummies in there. One who was in to be started off was drunk after her great mates had brought in a booze laced bottle of cola. She was wanting to go fighting whilst standing smoking at the entrance door to the ward complex right next to the no smoking sign. Sometimes the poor babies look like they don't really have a good life to look forward to. Hopefully parenthood will change their outlook on life.

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