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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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A spider was in my bed. A fucking spider. In my bed. It wasn't small either. Nearly shit the fucking bed. A spider in ones bed is the stuff that makes arachnophobes, like myself, nightmares.

It crawled across my laptop. The second I realised what sort of shit was going down I jumped up faster than lightning, ran for the switch, grabbed the nearest suitable blunt instrument, in this case a can of deodorant, and, thwack, squashed the bugger with quite unnecessary force.

Enigma 1 Spiders 0 (FT)

I am, however, left emotionally scarred. I'm terrified that he was much loved among the spider community and has some bigger mates who might be hell bent on revenge,

Booooooooooo. Mon the spiders.

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Probably been said before.

Negative can'ts at work. Who being totally bereft of solutions or ideas themselves, for an issue, still say you cannot do what you want to do to solve the, stated, issue.

Why? "because you can't"

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You and SweeperDee should get together and have a night out on the town. You sound like a right couple of Lads. You'll be beating the women off with a stick. :barf

Hopefully not your stick, wouldn't want you breaking a hip or anything.

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The absolute cuntoids who appear as contestants on Deal Or No Deal.

Where do they find these mouth breathers?

It took me a while to work out why people trying to avoid reds kept picking the red boxes.

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The absolute cuntoids who appear as contestants on Deal Or No Deal.

Where do they find these mouth breathers?

must be mdma in their water.i dont even like my own mates that much that id be jumping up and down like a c**t on telly for them.fucking wankers. dinnae get me started on edmonds weirdo midget BEAST

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must be mdma in their water.i dont even like my own mates that much that id be jumping up and down like a c**t on telly for them.fucking wankers. dinnae get me started on edmonds weirdo midget BEAST

^^^^^^ Failed the audition IMO.

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The cold is a diddy disease: man the f**k up.

If it were bad AIDS then you may have had reason for complaint.

Cold, is for weans? Maybe he's a wean..Unless you can't walk, talk or masturbate you are in full working order, he should deal with it!

ETS - When you say Diddy disease, is this something that comes from Ibrox?

Edited by SlipperyP
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Mouse will scroll up, but not down. I pray this never happens to any of you, my seethe is growing by the second.

It annoys me to hell when you want to highlight a pile of text in a long email (to delete an email chain below for example). Outlook makes it annoyingly slow on the way down but manages to do it quickly from the bottom up.

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I can't bend my hand a certain way at the moment. Simply due to the fact I mutilated myself with an axe in Saturday. Well by mutilated, I mean missed the bit of wood I was aiming for and accidentally hit myself.

Ohh aye and I can't play football manager, cause Steams being a c**t, plus I need to work tonight.

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