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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People.who say season instead of series

It makes far more sense though.

Series is the overall term for the show which means you can easily differentiate between seasons.

If you use the same word when talking about one season as you do when talking about the overall show then no one will have a bloody clue what is going on!

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When you feel a very squirty fart coming on, but don't want to risk it just incase. And then you let it get far too close to back out and there's not a toilet in sight.

Having family that only watch the fuking television on Christmas and it's up to you to suggest doing something else than sitting passively and mindlessly in front of it. Well, nut. Football manager it is with some beer.

Being left with only Dairy Milks in a box of celebrations or whatever they're in.

Topic bars being slightly more expensive than a normal chocolate bar. There's less, so charge us less ya dicks.

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Popped out to get rolls. ASDA looks as if a plague of locusts has descended from on high....

This always amuses me. Every frigging year. The shops are only shut for what one day yet people behave like it's the apocalypse and clear the shelves.

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