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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Definitely something that should be stamped on.

What a predictable post.

Someone should get the sack for this.

First class work, gents.

I'm liking the way you're delivery is pushing the envelope.

These puns are really bad to be frank

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The whole charity bag pack thing is a right pain in hoop too . Who the f**k pays for their weekly messages with cash. So you are left with the option of getting cash back to give them something or looking like a dick by refusing the wee lassie collecting the cash to help you with your bags. I favour the latter.

Let her pack them and ask if she takes switch when she's finished.

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The fucking storms in the south of England and the folk outraged by them. It's boring as f**k. Especially when they interview the thick c***s that live there. One fat woman yesterday said "this should never, ever have happened. The house of cards came tumbling down"

No, you fat mess, you live by the coast and had some worse weather than usual.

What's more annoying is when you see it reported on the news, you always see some twat walking along the sea front. Aren't the 20 foot waves and 100 mph winds not a sign to get the f**k away from there before you are swept away to your death?

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What's more annoying is when you see it reported on the news, you always see some twat walking along the sea front. Aren't the 20 foot waves and 100 mph winds not a sign to get the f**k away from there before you are swept away to your death?

A few weeks ago when our river burst it's banks there was a guy spotted swimming in the water. Unreal. These folk don't think that if something goes wrong it's not just their moronic lives at risk but the folk who have to help them.

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Becky Riley having a wee breakdown on the telly there "Its ripped this community apart. It's not right, it's not fair, it's not on, it's not on".

If these farms have been there for "generations" then surely this is not a new thing for them? The rain, I mean.

I get the feeling this wouldn't be constantly on the news if it wasn't the south of England though.


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Currently down in London for the Chelsea v Newcastle game tomorrow. Went to Burger King opposite my hotel half an hour ago for a munch, I said five words "chicken royale and fries please", the girl behind the counter looked liked I had just asked to take a dump in her handbag. Seriously, is it that difficult to understand?! <_<

Edited by IainMorton
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Currently down in London for the Chelsea v Newcastle game tomorrow. Went to Burger King opposite my hotel half an hour ago for a munch, I said five words "chicken royale and fries please", the girl behind the counter looked liked I had just asked to take a dump in her handbag. Seriously, is it that difficult to understand?! <_<

I find it difficult to understand why you'd go to McDonalds in London. There must be something better. Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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Reminds me of another annoyance - going anywhere in Enger-lund, going to pay for something with a Scottish bank note and it being scrutinised as if it was some kind of obscure Pacific Island currency they'd never seen before.

Many moons ago I paid for a couple of drinks at a pub near Earls Court with a Scottish fiver, the dozy c**t behind the bar gave me change of a twenty.

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Guest The Phoenix
You should all be registered.

ETA, just seen TP did a registered one.

How about...I feel like a second class citizen for being so silly.

^^^ Return To Sender

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Jim Davidson, the so called comedian, is an arse.

True story. A friend of mine worked for him regularly on UK tours. They were half way fitting a trapdoor when the idiot stepped backward and fell about 15 feet. damaging his back. He was in hospital for a fortnight. On day three Jim Davidson sent a dancing girl with a bag of coke to cheer him up, a volunteer with a fondness for fellatio. He also paid his wages for the rest of the tour which he wasn't obliged to do. Even monsters have soft sides..

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