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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Interesting fact: Broxden is the only roundabout in Scotland from which all of Scotland's cities are signposted.

I'll be delighted if this pops up in my work quiz evening tonight.

Anyway, my PTTGOYN of the day is the new P&B mobile app telling me that almost every post within the past day was added 'a moment ago'.

Oh, and the annoying advert with the singing wee girl on her bike. I must have seen that a dozen times so far and still can't remember what company it's for.

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The tidal wave of people that exit the buses from North Edinburgh and Fife on Queensferry Street each morning. There can be three buses there unloading at the same time blocking the pavement for decent people. That can delay me reaching the coffee shop for my morning latte by a couple of minutes. Scum.

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Charity bags - at least 5 a week come through my door and if you read the smallprint most will tell you 'we donate £30 per tonne of clothing' so someone's making a fecking fortune out of people's goodwill/naivity

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Charity bags - at least 5 a week come through my door and if you read the smallprint most will tell you 'we donate £30 per tonne of clothing' so someone's making a fecking fortune out of people's goodwill/naivity

Most of them aren't for charity at all. They ship the clothes out to places like Eastern Europe where they are sold on for a profit. Read the small print very carefully (although I'd wager some of them claim to be a charity even though they're not).

Considering there's shops on most high-streets advertising 50p per kilo, someone most definitely is making a fast buck.

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Most of them aren't for charity at all. They ship the clothes out to places like Eastern Europe where they are sold on for a profit. Read the small print very carefully (although I'd wager some of them claim to be a charity even though they're not).

Considering there's shops on most high-streets advertising 50p per kilo, someone most definitely is making a fast buck.

Yip, and think about how many items of clothing would make up a tonne.

The British Heart Foundation is the only one I've noticed that clearly states that 100% of any profit stays with them

Edited by bee thousand
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Yip, and think about how much clothes would make up a tonne.

The British Heart Foundation is the only one I've noticed that clearly states that 100% of any profit stays with them

They used to be a lot more unscrupulous a few years ago but I think there was a clampdown on the wording of their literature. Also, if you are giving to these charities, hand in the clothes directly to the shop. I've heard tales of people nicking the bags from doorsteps, and even climbing / breaking into those huge charity bins you see dotted about. Like this arsehole.

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They used to be a lot more unscrupulous a few years ago but I think there was a clampdown on the wording of their literature. Also, if you are giving to these charities, hand in the clothes directly to the shop. I've heard tales of people nicking the bags from doorsteps, and even climbing / breaking into those huge charity bins you see dotted about. Like this arsehole.

...coming over here and stealing our clothes...

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Forgetting to cancel the free trial of Norton. b*****d b*****d b*****d, £50 for a fucking antivirus.

Then you also realise you've spent £50 on Norton - this normally occurs while it is running a scan that uses all your processing power and you don't even have the ability to move the mouse to stop it.

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Charity bags - at least 5 a week come through my door and if you read the smallprint most will tell you 'we donate £30 per tonne of clothing' so someone's making a fecking fortune out of people's goodwill/naivity

Yep, I get several every week and put them on my kitchen table and read the small print when eating breakfast.

Some of the money they pass on is basically theft.

£1 for every tonne. Gee thanks.

I just use them as bin liners and put old stuff in the tip.

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How did Norton have your credit card details in the first place?

I got a Trojan from a torrent and none of the usual antivirus tools would shift it so someone suggested Norton. I had to sign up for the free trial with a credit card and to be fair, it removed the Trojan but I forgot to remove Norton afterwards.

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I got a Trojan from a torrent and none of the usual antivirus tools would shift it so someone suggested Norton. I had to sign up for the free trial with a credit card and to be fair, it removed the Trojan but I forgot to remove Norton afterwards.

Does it include free membership with this bunch...


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I got a Trojan from a torrent and none of the usual antivirus tools would shift it so someone suggested Norton. I had to sign up for the free trial with a credit card and to be fair, it removed the Trojan but I forgot to remove Norton afterwards.

Unlucky. Hopefully Norton won't be as much of a PTTGOYN as MacAfee can be...

(NVSFW btw)

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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Got a text this morning from Royal Mail saying they'd received a parcel and would attempt to deliver it today.

Postie has just been and gone, no parcel :(

May be parcel post rather than the postie.

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