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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The missus is really pissing me off at the moment.

We rent our house from my Dads business who own several properties in and about Dumfries. They're getting our house valued this Friday and are going to offer it to us for the value less ten per cent to cover what we'd need for a deposit. Its a great opportunity for us to get on the property ladder. The house does need a bit of work, granted. It needs a new bathroom and all the windows need replaced.

She's pretty much point blankly refusing to buy it. She now doesn't like the house, says it needs far too much done to it. She also thinks it a better idea to look into a new build shared equity plan with help to buy 5% deposit. We have no deposit but she thinks its perfectly acceptable to take out a loan for the deposit and expects someone to give us a mortgage.

I'm going to humor her anyway, send her into the show-home for these new builds to ask a load of questions and really hope they send her packing.

I'm now contemplating asking my old man if they'll put the bathroom & windows in for us and get it values again once complete.

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Seeing the rants about postmen make me grateful that we have a good one,he'll try deliver it a second time and if not successful he'll put it round the back somewhere and say so on the we missed you card.

As for what annoys me,I don't see it as petty but just about everyone I know does. People eating loudly,honest to god, it can make me so angry to the point I have to leave the room or I'm going to punch them in the face. My mum is by far the worst. I refuse to sit next to her when she's eating. Surely I'm not alone in being annoyed by this?

Never go to China, these people are by the noisiest eaters to mankind, it's like sitting next a pack of lions, I'm sure they were growling somtimes.

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The missus is really pissing me off at the moment.

We rent our house from my Dads business who own several properties in and about Dumfries. They're getting our house valued this Friday and are going to offer it to us for the value less ten per cent to cover what we'd need for a deposit. Its a great opportunity for us to get on the property ladder. The house does need a bit of work, granted. It needs a new bathroom and all the windows need replaced.

She's pretty much point blankly refusing to buy it. She now doesn't like the house, says it needs far too much done to it. She also thinks it a better idea to look into a new build shared equity plan with help to buy 5% deposit. We have no deposit but she thinks its perfectly acceptable to take out a loan for the deposit and expects someone to give us a mortgage.

I'm going to humor her anyway, send her into the show-home for these new builds to ask a load of questions and really hope they send her packing.

I'm now contemplating asking my old man if they'll put the bathroom & windows in for us and get it values again once complete.

Typical female logic.

I know a joiner on a new build site who intimated to the site manager that he was thinking of buying one of the £250k+ houses on the site; the bosses reply was "Don't, they're shit".

These new builds all look the part on the outside but they're mostly flimsy, paper thin construction on the inside.

I think the best thing for you to do is to take her to the side and kick her in the pie.

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People who add an 'S' to supermarkets. Tesco is not Tescos, ASDA is not ASDAs. Fucking spunkbubbles.

Exactly, it's Morrison and Sainsbury

I'm in Waverley station right bow and there's no bins whatsoever, yet it's still quite clean??!!

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Typical female logic.

I know a joiner on a new build site who intimated to the site manager that he was thinking of buying one of the £250k+ houses on the site; the bosses reply was "Don't, they're shit".

These new builds all look the part on the outside but they're mostly flimsy, paper thin construction on the inside.

I think the best thing for you to do is to take her to the side and kick her in the pie.

New builds are becoming increasingly less reliable. Go for well built, brick and block property that can be made better. New properties getting built are done based on speed and use things like pre-fab panels and the likes which are anything but solid. But hey that's my experience and opinion based on the new houses opposite is and what I've learnt at uni.

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Never go to China, these people are by the noisiest eaters to mankind, it's like sitting next a pack of lions, I'm sure they were growling somtimes.

It's a culture thing. If you're being quiet whilst eating then it implies that you're not enjoying your meal.

You find the same thing in Japan where I once stayed with a family for a few days and had to copy their funny eating habits so that I didn't potentially offend them. Felt weird obviously.

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Folk with that f****** whistle noise as their mobile phone text alert (you all know the one).

That said, because so many have it, it's quite funny watching half a dozen reach for their pockets whenever one goes off.

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The missus is really pissing me off at the moment.

We rent our house from my Dads business who own several properties in and about Dumfries. They're getting our house valued this Friday and are going to offer it to us for the value less ten per cent to cover what we'd need for a deposit. Its a great opportunity for us to get on the property ladder. The house does need a bit of work, granted. It needs a new bathroom and all the windows need replaced.

She's pretty much point blankly refusing to buy it. She now doesn't like the house, says it needs far too much done to it. She also thinks it a better idea to look into a new build shared equity plan with help to buy 5% deposit. We have no deposit but she thinks its perfectly acceptable to take out a loan for the deposit and expects someone to give us a mortgage.

I'm going to humor her anyway, send her into the show-home for these new builds to ask a load of questions and really hope they send her packing.

I'm now contemplating asking my old man if they'll put the bathroom & windows in for us and get it values again once complete.

Have you put these 2 questions to her.

1, How much of a loan do you plan to ask for for this deposit?

2, Well why don't we take that sum and spend it on the house we already have?

Edited by Gaz FFC
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Folk with that f****** whistle noise as their mobile phone text alert (you all know the one).


Absolutely hate this. How can they find it even remotely amusing after the 3rd or 4th txt. Having said that, on the rare occasion I take my phone off vibrate my txt tone is the quacking duck which is, if anything, more annoying

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Have you put these 2 questions to her.

1, How much of a loan do you plan to ask for for this deposit?

2, Well why don't we take that sum and spend it on the house we already have?

I don't plan on asking for a loan for a deposit. Its moronic. She thinks its a good idea & her mother has given her this idea because apparently she did it when buying her house recently.

Alternatively you could tell her that you can't take out a loan to use as a house deposit. Lenders won't allow it.

I told her this. She thinks I should ask my parents for the deposit and once the mortgage goes through we'll take the loan out and pay them straight back. :blink:

The good side is the offer from my old mans business won't go away. He's told me that. So there's no real rush. I can humor her a little while.

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women who can't walk in a straight line. you're walking along the street, about to pass them and they take a sudden 4' swerve right in front of you, making you almost walk into the back of them.

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Similarly, people with slight speech impediments being DJs on the radio.

Nothing against speech impediments however they're annoying as diddly on the radio.

There's a newsreader on Radio 4 and the World Service who sounds like a moose gargling golden syrup. Can't concentrate on a word he says.

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