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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People in the office that can't be arsed tucking their shirt in. If you've gone to the trouble of ironing it why not tuck it in you fucks?

Also, sunglasses. It's not sunny, it hasn't been all day and I see people wearing sunglasses. Absolute subhuman scum.

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When I was in Paris last summer the streets were packed full of people trying anything to make a few quid - the usual ones selling souvenirs etc, the 'find the ball under the cup' tricks etc, and of course these statue folk.

Then there was one genius sitting on a wall beside the Eiffel Tower with a box of lettuce, a cute fluffy rabbit and a sign saying "2 euros, feed the rabbit".The kids and parents were queueing up and the boy was f**king minted.

I have to say, I admire that. Far more that the aforementioned scrotes painted grey and standing still.

ETA: And don't get me started on fucking mimes.

Edited by Shotgun
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Chipped a tooth this morning thats me got two now. Looks like a trip to the dentist is required for the first time in years.

Opening a beer bottle with your teeth??

Leave that up to Luis Saurez



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People in the office that can't be arsed tucking their shirt in. If you've gone to the trouble of ironing it why not tuck it in you fucks?

Also, sunglasses. It's not sunny, it hasn't been all day and I see people wearing sunglasses. Absolute subhuman scum.

Even seeing people with their shirt untucked in the way home at night annoys me.

My nag, I've got nothing that needs doing today in the office, it's as quiet as the grave and I'm going out for a drink after work, so desperate for the clock to hit five!

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Buying someone off eBay, and the selling can't even be arsed to give the items a quick clean.

Also, buying items from heavy smokers. Like having someone fart in your face when you open the box.

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We bought a bed guard for the wee one from Gumtree a couple of weeks ago that was advertised as being in "excellent and clean condition".

When I went to pick it up the house was FUCKING REEKING of smoke. I smelled the bed guard and told her I didn't want it. She got a bit shirty but I told her she shouldn't have advertised it as being clean when it was utterly stinking.

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Gordon Smith on SSN complaining we aren't spunking money trying to hump the English leagues leg by copying them using the vanishing foam

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We bought a bed guard for the wee one from Gumtree a couple of weeks ago that was advertised as being in "excellent and clean condition".

When I went to pick it up the house was FUCKING REEKING of smoke. I smelled the bed guard and told her I didn't want it. She got a bit shirty but I told her she shouldn't have advertised it as being clean when it was utterly stinking.

Had a similar deal with a reclining arm chair. It had tab ends down the side of the cushions. Feck knows what the wifey would've considered 'dirty'.*

* Teeing it up for any P&B'er who wants to take a shot at that one.

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