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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I seem to have developed a rage for lazy b*****ds who litter. I saw a grown woman ( widn't) dump the remains of her chips on the ground and walk off. At least launch it at a posh car or something, but dropping it at your feet. Tink.

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I seem to have developed a rage for lazy b*****ds who litter. I saw a grown woman ( widn't) dump the remains of her chips on the ground and walk off. At least launch it at a posh car or something, but dropping it at your feet. Tink.

Aye, they're on the "things to do when diagnosed with terminal cancer" list; namely, beat them to death with their own litter. I'd like to take a shite on all their pillows :angry:

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Trying to unsubscribe from daily/weekly emails that require multiple details, emails and questions as to why you are choosing to unsubscribe. By the time I get towards the end I usually just give up (but that's what they want you to do!)

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Trying to unsubscribe from daily/weekly emails that require multiple details, emails and questions as to why you are choosing to unsubscribe. By the time I get towards the end I usually just give up (but that's what they want you to do!)

Stick a filter on your email to send them straight to junk/bin.

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No, it was him who was posting a load of nonsense about Calais. "We give anyone who turns up money and a house" etc

I had the same thing with the son of a friend; he was a lovely wee lad when he was a bairn, but he started posting Britain First awfulness on Facebook once he'd left school. I wanted to call his parents and find out what the f**k was going on, but I was a bit worried the whole family might have switched to the Dark Side :wacko:

By which, of course, I mean the exclusively white side :P

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People who phone into the radio. Every single one of them is by definition, a complete c**t.

What's your point, caller? :P

The thing that worries me is that folk are actually willing to pay money for the privilege. You can see why call-in shows are so popular with radio stations; free money and no need to provide an entertaining programme? Nice work if you can get it.

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I seem to have developed a rage for lazy b*****ds who litter. I saw a grown woman ( widn't) dump the remains of her chips on the ground and walk off. At least launch it at a posh car or something, but dropping it at your feet. Tink.

I almost posted a similar thing last night when I saw somebody attempt to put something in a bin but missed and just walked off.

Pretty much thinking "oh well, I tried not to litter, at least I tried". WTF is that all about.

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