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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Knew someone who would order a Mcchicken sandwich without Mayo. Everytime it caused a problem and he was given Mayo.

Order a Big Mac or burger you twat.

That sounds like someone who prefers chicken to red meat but doesn't like mayonnaise.

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People cancelling meetings and leaving work at lunch time "in case the bridge shuts". Go f**k yourself, you chose to live in fife and it's only an extra 40 minute drive via Perth.

Things like this can get the public sector a bad name.

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Things like this can get the public sector a bad name.

Oooh,I dunno. Cancel a few meetings at our place and you could cut the SMT in half, saving around half a million a year, by my fag-packet calculations. You could employ about twice the number of frontline staff for the same price. You know, the ones who do the actual work...

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A conversation every person has faced at least once in a bar/restaurant.

Waiter - can I get you something to drink?

Customer - can I have a cola please?

Waiter - we only have pepsi, is that ok?

Has anyone in the history of the world ever said no to this?

My fiancee would. It's one of her many disastrous character flaws.

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That's quite impressive time off.

I'm losing double time on a Sunday. Have a sore tooth also and don't have dentist until Thursday

2 weeks leave + assorted bank holidays at Christmas / New Year.

2 weeks paid paternity.

2 weeks unpaid paternity that I'm entitled to that they keep fucking very quiet.

It was great getting to be there for so long after he was born, but it was time to go back before I went mental.

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I can't put my finger on why it causes me to feel so enraged, but the "Street Chic" page in the Metro makes me want to go postal. All these smug looking c***s with their ugly top coats stirs an anger in me like no other.

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I got in the lift at my flat yesterday, now like all normal people i don like to share such a small lift with others in my flat due to the awkwardness and the fact the stairs are only a maximum of 4 flights of stairs and usually when theres someone in the lift when the door is about to close i just pretend i hadn't seem them and take the stairs and i have found everyone else in the flat pretty much does the same. I assumed thats what these people would do yesterday as i heard them come in the front door as the lift was about to close but instead this smug looking 20 something actually stuck his foot in to stop the door from closing. Now if your going to do something like that you at least acknowledge the other person in the lift so you are both aware this is quite an awkward social situation but the guy gave me one look and didn't even say hello, then his equally moronic girlfriend got in and the pair of them just nattered away like normal as if i wasn't there. Absolute scum.

Possibly the very definition of this thread.

It would have me homicidal, as well. Hanging's too good, etc.

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Had i been masturbating they wouldn't have even noticed they were that fucking up their own arses. Shocking behaviour.

Thank God you didn't get trapped between floors - they'd have needed a blacklight to wipe the lift down :shutup

I'd check there isn't a shady chem company pumping pheromones into the elevator, like that episode of Law & Order; this sort of behaviour isn't normal.

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Am I missing something here? If you'd normally take the stairs to avoid sharing a lift with your neighbours, then surely if he had engaged in casual small talk (the worst kind of talk) with you then that would be worse?

It's like when you see an acquaintance on the bus in the morning and you both pretend to not see each other so you can get on with reading/listening to music or whatever.

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Nah you aren't really missing anything hence it is so petty.

My main problem was that when he saw the lift was closing he didn't just let it go and walk 3 flights of stairs he actively rushed to block the lift with his leg. This is annoying because

1 - my trip is delayed and

2- I have to stand next to a stranger in quite an awkward situation.

Would say it was lift etiquette to at least acknowledge someone when you have rushed to get the door open and acknowledge they are there but he totally blanked me, then his Mrs got in and blanked me despite me saying hello. Then they continued to have a normal conversation when I was right there.

They both seemed like annoying fuckers as well, he seemed like a particularly dickish sort of guy.

Very petty I know.


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