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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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It really is no laughing matter, I thought one of the cats had taken a dump and then realised it was my arse, horrible.

Nothing to do with spice either, I like hot food, and only went hot rather than extra hot, but this was an unbelievable lashing on the khazi. I've had a South Indian Garlic Chilli washed down with four beers and been right as rain the following day, but this? Jesus f**k.
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19 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Unpopular opinion coming up then....

McDonalds pishes all over Burger King in every aspect I can think of.

McDonalds' core range is probably better - I'd take one of their cheeseburgers over a BK for instance, but the one-offs BK do are way better. The mushroom/Swiss cheese and the Angry Whoppers were immense. McDonalds fall down there - they just seem to reissue the same things over and over again named after a random US state most people have heard of, hence no Delaware BBQ or New Hampshire Melt yet.

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15 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Anyone who enjoys eating animal skin is a mink.  Don't feel bad about it, it's probably not your fault.

I thought they made coats out of them but I suppose they could eat their flesh once the pelt has been sliced away from their bodies?  

Beastly business the fur trade eh. 


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4 hours ago, throbber said:

I didn't get my nandos yesterday - instead went to bread meats bread and thought it was pretty average despite people banging on about it all time.

Thinks Bread Meats Bread is pretty average but sings the praises of Nandos? You disappoint me, throbber.

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2 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

Sunday morning peace shattered by police chopper over my gaff. Someone probably put their recycling out too early in the morning 




f**k me, that thing's about to crash - the rotor thingies have stopped!

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2 hours ago, throbber said:


What's wrong with a duvet day?

I'd suggest it is because "duvet days" are days you'd stay in bed instead of going to work, rather than just generic "stay in bed days".

This is P&B, however, so it's probably because the term "duvet day" is not one a grown man (or even you) should be using.

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Just now, Mark Connolly said:

I'd suggest it is because "duvet days" are days you'd stay in bed instead of going to work, rather than just generic "stay in bed days".

This is P&B, however, so it's probably because the term "duvet day" is not one a grown man (or even you) should be using.

I don't actually have a duvet over me I'm just calling it a duvet day as its a day I'm not going to go out and do anything and eat and drink what ever i want! 

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8 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

Then the word you're looking for is "Sunday".

Well i suppose i do like a lazy Sunday on the couch but i usually go out and about for a few hours rather than just  rise from my bed and laze about all day. 

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I don't actually have a duvet over me I'm just calling it a duvet day as its a day I'm not going to go out and do anything and eat and drink what ever i want! 

A moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips. But you go girl, everyone is entitled to a cheat day on duvet day. Especially after a date night.
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