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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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1 hour ago, NorthernJambo said:

The c**t at work that's giving us a running commentary on what he's doing. Only started doing it recently. Shut the f**k up min! Nae c**t cares about your pie chart, whether it's saved or where you saved the info for it!


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I'm not sure if this deserves a thread of its own or how controversial it might be, but here goes.

The school run, parents running their kids to school.

Supposed reasons for it; saves time, paedos round every corner, etc, etc.

There is NO reason for it, They are just too damn lazy to get up a bit earlier and also learn their kids how to cross a road.

School areas infested with Chelsea tractors, etc. Creating chaos and actually making it more dangerous on the roads next to school.

The only time I would've got a lift in my school time was if you were ill, suspended or expelled.

As for paedo argument, judging by recent events with Westminster, celebrities, church minsters and football coaches. I did well dodging them as I grew up in the 80s when it looks as if it was a much bigger problem and it's an absurd argument to make now. I mean I managed from five to seventeen walking to school and I didn't have to run some sort of paedo gauntlet everyday.

Kids should be walking to school if they stay within a 1-1.5 miles. No excuses, might be the only exercise they get that day.

What's P&Bs opinion on it?

As you can tell I do have a bee in my bonnet about it, and as far as I'm concerned they are c**ts.

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Further to the cashpoint complaints: Went to one today and was offered a choice of £10/£20/£40/£50/Other amount. I chose £50 and was then informed I couldn't have that because the machine only held twenties. So why offer me £10 or £50 then?

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2 hours ago, Father Ted said:

I'm not sure if this deserves a thread of its own or how controversial it might be, but here goes.

The school run, parents running their kids to school.

Supposed reasons for it; saves time, paedos round every corner, etc, etc.

There is NO reason for it, They are just too damn lazy to get up a bit earlier and also learn their kids how to cross a road.

School areas infested with Chelsea tractors, etc. Creating chaos and actually making it more dangerous on the roads next to school.

The only time I would've got a lift in my school time was if you were ill, suspended or expelled.

As for paedo argument, judging by recent events with Westminster, celebrities, church minsters and football coaches. I did well dodging them as I grew up in the 80s when it looks as if it was a much bigger problem and it's an absurd argument to make now. I mean I managed from five to seventeen walking to school and I didn't have to run some sort of paedo gauntlet everyday.

Kids should be walking to school if they stay within a 1-1.5 miles. No excuses, might be the only exercise they get that day.

What's P&Bs opinion on it?

As you can tell I do have a bee in my bonnet about it, and as far as I'm concerned they are c**ts.

I agree with you.

Especially the parents that don;t even get out of said Chelsea tractor, just draw in* as close as they can to the gate, and let their precious offspring walk from there.

*putting their hazards on, cos, well, that means you're allowed to stop anywhere, dunnit?  Even on double yellows.

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2 hours ago, Father Ted said:

Kids should be walking to school if they stay within a 1-1.5 miles. No excuses, might be the only exercise they get that day.

What's P&Bs opinion on it?

It gets worse.  My younger two went to a really lovely school for pupils aged 4-7 and they would have 'walk to school' days each term.  It was about 3 miles from the hoose...so I had to drive the weans to within about a half mile from the school then walk the rest so they could get their sticker.

Tokenistic dross.

2 hours ago, GordonD said:

Further to the cashpoint complaints: Went to one today and was offered a choice of £10/£20/£40/£50/Other amount. I chose £50 and was then informed I couldn't have that because the machine only held twenties. So why offer me £10 or £50 then?

Tesco self-service check-outs are my new bête noire.  First they ask you if you're using your own bags.  Then they ask you how many shilling bags you purchased.  Then they ask you to confirm it.

Utter scum.

1 hour ago, Allan Jacobsen said:

People that say "without further adieu"

Ado know your issue here.

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3 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Christmas jumpers.

This has only recently become a 'thing'. Five years ago, nobody gave the slightest f**k about them. Isn't social media amazing?? :lol:

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Where in the Highway Code does it say "If you have to act like a moron, deploy hazard lights".

Yeah - it is the most annoying thing.

As for what you said about paedo's and the route to the school i completely agree and most the would be beasts are on the internet for easier prey anyway and don't hide out where they would be easiest. I remember one of my best mates in high schools mum would pick him up from the front of the school when he lived at most 1km away, needless to say he was borderline obese.
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I don't know how usual it is but none of my friends let their kids just go out and play all day with their friends when they don't have to be in school. Seems like they have to be at supervised activities or at home all the time. I very much doubt there are any more scary predators about now than when I was a kid. We had to be back for meals and give some bullshit about what we were up to, but were basically left alone to have adventures and grow up. Must be shit to be a ten year old these days.

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3 hours ago, Father Ted said:

I'm not sure if this deserves a thread of its own or how controversial it might be, but here goes.

The school run, parents running their kids to school.

Supposed reasons for it; saves time, paedos round every corner, etc, etc.

There is NO reason for it, They are just too damn lazy to get up a bit earlier and also learn their kids how to cross a road.

School areas infested with Chelsea tractors, etc. Creating chaos and actually making it more dangerous on the roads next to school.

The only time I would've got a lift in my school time was if you were ill, suspended or expelled.

As for paedo argument, judging by recent events with Westminster, celebrities, church minsters and football coaches. I did well dodging them as I grew up in the 80s when it looks as if it was a much bigger problem and it's an absurd argument to make now. I mean I managed from five to seventeen walking to school and I didn't have to run some sort of paedo gauntlet everyday.

Kids should be walking to school if they stay within a 1-1.5 miles. No excuses, might be the only exercise they get that day.

What's P&Bs opinion on it?

As you can tell I do have a bee in my bonnet about it, and as far as I'm concerned they are c**ts.

This. There's an - apparently good - primary school near us that's queued for two hundred yards each side with 4x4 Bearsden tanks between 8.30 and 9am. It's actually more dangerous than letting the kids walk to school as it's situated on a 90 degree bend and the silly boots doing the school run end up parking up on the pavement, treating it as a social occasion rather than depositing their spawn at the gate and fucking off.

Had a run in with one a while back who'd parked on the pavement right on the hard shoulder of the bend and opened her door when I was like five feet away blocking off what she'd left of the pavement, so I bumped the door shut again.

Hell hath no fury like a middle-class wifie on a school run...nae bother - I'll just walk into traffic on a blind bend because you're shite at parking.

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