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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Ignorant b*****ds that get in the lift first despite the fact you have been waiting longer

Agreed and see also bus stops. You always get some twat who just saunters up and gets on the bus ignoring everyone who's been standing waiting.
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21 minutes ago, mizfit said:



I've definitely got a gut and started trying to fix it, I was surprised when I was told my weight.

There's one guy at my work that's broke 2 seats because of his weight, that's the disgustingly obese marker for me.



Its too easy to put weight on when you get a bit older, particularly if your work involves sitting at a desk all day so to say all people carrying a bit of extra weight are disgusting isn't really fair!

Breaking seats is definitely a marker for taking it too far, also you see people who clearly struggle to get on a bus or to ascend a fairly easy set of stairs or to tie their laces etc which is also rather pathetic to see!

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Most people are probably fat going by the BMI scale. But for me if you overlap your seat when sitting on public transport or aircraft then that's the disgusting level.

I think those fuckers Should be charged double on airplanes. If their body is overlapping onto another person's space then they should be paying for it. I see someone regularly who takes up two seats and it's honestly fucking disgusting. It's not a disease or illness, they've chosen to make themselves that big.

And folk like that will be one of the biggest drains on our health services.

I had this on a flight from Heathrow to Houston, just horrible.

Obviously every other form of food deterrent has failed. Therefore serious measures are evidently required, and a fairly simple proposal is that those 'too large for cabin, please stow as checked baggage at staff discretion' tags should be stuck to passengers. It's for the good of both their own health and the comfort of everyone else. 12 hours below with the caged pets would certainly give them plenty of time to reconsider their options.
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A mate of mine made a wholly relevant point when getting on a plane.

He was told he would have to pay excess baggage charges as his case was over the limit. He happily pointed out that he weighed significantly less than the guy he was traveling with and was shot down in flames.

Surely when a c**t is so morbidly obese that they take up two seats the should be charged double.

Amazed this isn't common practice on Ryanair.

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1 hour ago, Dons_1988 said:



The worst thing about the 5p charge on bags is that it's now become an absolute faff. My local Tesco have now taken them away from the self service machines so if you need them you need to wait for an operator to get one or two, after you've already scanned the cunting stuff.

It was so much simpler when you just grabbed and bagged.

And contrary to your point when I'm in a shop and have bought 8 or 9 items and I clearly don't have a bag and not being offered one because some idiot teenager is scared to tell me it'll cost me 5p.


Using the self-services is considerably easier if you scan your shopping and pay for it first, then bag it at the end. There is also nothing to stop you asking for a bag before you start scanning, assuming you're not miserable enough to begrudge charitable causes 5p because you're not able to take your own bag with you.

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Posties putting through those slips when they 'can't deliver' when you've been in the house all day. Now I've got to somehow find the time to take a trip to Gorgie when I was sitting at home when the postman was supposed to be here.

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Using the self-services is considerably easier if you scan your shopping and pay for it first, then bag it at the end. There is also nothing to stop you asking for a bag before you start scanning, assuming you're not miserable enough to begrudge charitable causes 5p because you're not able to take your own bag with you.

When using self scan.

Bring own bag.

First item scanned something heavy (e.g. Bottle of wine)

Scan bottle

Bottle in bag

Bag and bottle on counter.

This means it registers as the right weight and no 'unexpected item' crap from machine.

Scan and fill bag with rest of shopping



Leave with shopping




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1 minute ago, MEADOWXI said:

When using self scan.
Bring own bag.
First item scanned some heavy (e.g. Bottle of wine)
Scan bottle
Bottle in bag
Bag and bottle on counter.
This means it registers as the right weight and no 'unexpected item' crap from machine.
Scan and fill bag with rest of shopping

Leave with shopping


Correct. In this case "bag" should be something designed specifically for shopping, assuming you're getting a lot of stuff and need a bag or bags to put it in. Rather than, say, a rucksack filled with supplies that would last you on a trek to Cambodia when you're buying a banana and some bin bags and wonder why the machine keeps shouting at you as the bag falls over every time you let go of it.

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Posties putting through those slips when they 'can't deliver' when you've been in the house all day. Now I've got to somehow find the time to take a trip to Gorgie when I was sitting at home when the postman was supposed to be here.

Was ranting about that a few months back. Any time I had a delivery on a Saturday I'd have one of these posted even though I was in. They never marked the time so it was clearly pre-written. It was the same guy as well but we never had the same regular postman so I couldn't be sure who he was. I wish I had caught the fucker posting it but he was obviously experienced enough to do it quietly. Actually delivering a parcel is pretty much what a postman's job entails. If he can't be fucked doing the basics of his job he should be looking elsewhere for employment. Tosser.
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Was ranting about that a few months back. Any time I had a delivery on a Saturday I'd have one of these posted even though I was in. They never marked the time so it was clearly pre-written. It was the same guy as well but we never had the same regular postman so I couldn't be sure who he was. I wish I had caught the fucker posting it but he was obviously experienced enough to do it quietly. Actually delivering a parcel is pretty much what a postman's job entails. If he can't be fucked doing the basics of his job he should be looking elsewhere for employment. Tosser.

It's really bloody annoying. The depot is quite out of my way as well so it's really not something I fancy doing. Fairly sure it's my cup final ticket (because Hampden apparently don't reprint lost tickets like everywhere else so it needs to be recorded delivery) so obviously I will make the effort but it's frustrating.
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Those Just Eat type adverts where they say what meal they would like to order. They always want things like chicken teriyaki or sushi or quail in a white wine sauce. No-one ever orders things like a black pudding supper with a couple of pickled eggs and a can of coke. Pretentious arseholes.

Also why do radio/TV announcers pronounce BBC Alba as Alaba?



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People who leave their car doors wide open after the have entered said vehicle. And while I am at it. When you get into your car at a petrol station after refuelling. Please drive off.

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People who leave full containers of peppercorns with unsecured lids on the top shelves of wall units. :angry:
Reckon I will still be finding them this time next year.[emoji38]

Add folk that open bags of pasta, roll it up and then put it back in the cupboard open end down.

Furry penne for dinner tonight.
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