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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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that's it - we'e all fucked; the rubicon has been crossed on society's downward slide in to intellectual cretinism:

the BBC Evening News has referred to a football club as a single entity - the most unacceptable of fuckwitted americanisms, as in "...Arsenal has apologised to Tottenham about the bottle throwing incident".

i don't give a flying one about the grammatical niceties or exactitude of the situation which may or may not apply, it's just plain wrong - wrong to anyone with an ounce of common decency - and to me.

armfield, motson, macpherson,  montford, moore - any of them would all have apologised for making the same error, were they ever sufficiently incoherent or ignorant to have done so in the first place - that antiques roadshow bitch didn't bat an eyelid - no remorse, no contrition, no shame

not the first time it's happened, but it seems to have now passed from occasional inexcusable idiot's idiom to perfectly acceptable "BBC English" - f**k's sake...

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People who block the exits and entrances to roundabouts by getting stuck in a queue of traffic. Thoughtless, inconsiderate so and sos, who are obviously not paying attention to traffic conditions.

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Yodel. Again.

This time, a parcel due to be delivered today's dispatched from the "sorting hub" at 00.49, then delayed at 00.57. The estimated delivery date is now showing as "unavailable". The web chat suggested I keep checking the tracker for the next 48 hours, and if there are no updates to get back to them, then cut me off.

Seriously, how do companies like that stay in business?

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7 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

People who block the exits and entrances to roundabouts by getting stuck in a queue of traffic. Thoughtless, inconsiderate so and sos, who are obviously not paying attention to traffic conditions.

Yes and when you peep them to display your displeasure at their shite driving they usually wildly gesticulate that they can't go anywhere. Maybe you should have noticed your exit was blocked and waited then ya twat.

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9 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

People who block the exits and entrances to roundabouts by getting stuck in a queue of traffic. Thoughtless, inconsiderate so and sos, who are obviously not paying attention to traffic conditions.

Top marks for use of 'so and sos' instead of 'c**ts'.

People make fun of me for using 'so and so'.

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