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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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11 hours ago, TheScarf said:

Yep, tell me the actual fucking price it's going to cost me you complete toby.  

A few countries do this as a matter of course with their pricing. Really pisses me off.

Go to a pub in Malaysia for example and on the menu or the board behind the bar you'll have some vague approximation of the price of a beer based on what it would cost with no tax and service. But then they add on the tax and service and bring you the bill.


It's like they expect you to bring a calculator to the pub as well as the latest Malaysian tax handbook.

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Those fucking Jacamo skits before during and after Sky One shows like the Simpsons etc... You know, the ones with a bunch of large men sit about and talk utter scripted drivel in awful clothes? Aye, that one. 

f**k off with yer Cliffhanger, and Texan Tuxedo chat behemoth! 

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Movie posters. They give me a huge cringe.

Acting as a profession is ridiculous to me when I actually think about it. Grown adults pretending to be somebody else. A bit weird. But usually I can get past that and enjoy films like a normal person.

But movie posters with posed 'in character' images on them always make me wince.

Like this one.


I can imagine the photographer saying "Ok, give me 'tough'". The cringe is huge.

Other variations, obviously depending on the film, might involve the actor standing looking noble and decent (all Liam Neeson films), or tough but troubled (the modern Bond films), or approachable yet vulnerable (typical loser rom-com character). It doesn't matter what the genre is, film posters are vomit-inducing pish that should be removed from public view.

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1 hour ago, JTS98 said:

Movie posters. They give me a huge cringe.

Acting as a profession is ridiculous to me when I actually think about it. Grown adults pretending to be somebody else. A bit weird. But usually I can get past that and enjoy films like a normal person.

But movie posters with posed 'in character' images on them always make me wince.

Like this one.


I can imagine the photographer saying "Ok, give me 'tough'". The cringe is huge.

Other variations, obviously depending on the film, might involve the actor standing looking noble and decent (all Liam Neeson films), or tough but troubled (the modern Bond films), or approachable yet vulnerable (typical loser rom-com character). It doesn't matter what the genre is, film posters are vomit-inducing pish that should be removed from public view.


It would seem that there may be something deep down that you're repressing. See a  physiatrist please.

Edited by SaintDougie
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that's it - we'e all fucked; the rubicon has been crossed on society's downward slide in to intellectual cretinism:

the BBC Evening News has referred to a football club as a single entity - the most unacceptable of fuckwitted americanisms, as in "...Arsenal has apologised to Tottenham about the bottle throwing incident".

i don't give a flying one about the grammatical niceties or exactitude of the situation which may or may not apply, it's just plain wrong - wrong to anyone with an ounce of common decency - and to me.

armfield, motson, macpherson,  montford, moore - any of them would all have apologised for making the same error, were they ever sufficiently incoherent or ignorant to have done so in the first place - that antiques roadshow bitch didn't bat an eyelid - no remorse, no contrition, no shame

not the first time it's happened, but it seems to have now passed from occasional inexcusable idiot's idiom to perfectly acceptable "BBC English" - f**k's sake...

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People who block the exits and entrances to roundabouts by getting stuck in a queue of traffic. Thoughtless, inconsiderate so and sos, who are obviously not paying attention to traffic conditions.

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Yodel. Again.

This time, a parcel due to be delivered today's dispatched from the "sorting hub" at 00.49, then delayed at 00.57. The estimated delivery date is now showing as "unavailable". The web chat suggested I keep checking the tracker for the next 48 hours, and if there are no updates to get back to them, then cut me off.

Seriously, how do companies like that stay in business?

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