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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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53 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Pilots get interference on the radio, that annoying sound of mobile phone signals. It's not really a safety issue as it's not enough to impede communication, just fucking annoying.

I'm surprised at this, I thought they just made these announcements for a laugh. 

50 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
53 minutes ago, welshbairn said:
Pilots get interference on the radio, that annoying sound of mobile phone signals. It's not really a safety issue as it's not enough to impede communication, just fucking annoying.

Yeah well, that's not enough to convince me I shouldn't be blaring music out using bluetooth headphones and whatsapping photos to the #ladz once my phone picks up a signal in the descent tbh.

I hope the next time you turn your phone on early, the captain comes out the cockpit and punches you right on the tit. 

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Just now, Dee Man said:

I'm surprised at this, I thought they just made these announcements for a laugh. 

I hope the next time you turn your phone on early, the captain comes out the cockpit and punches you right on the tit. 

He can if he wants, but I will punch him right in the cockpit 

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2 hours ago, Dee Man said:

I can't remember if I posted this recently but the other month I requested an aisle seat - I was on laxatives, no further details required - and when I got to my seat there was a woman sat in it. When I told her it was my seat she asked if I would mind sitting in the middle seat. My mind was saying, "You can get right to f**k you cheeky c**t", while my mouth was saying, "I'm sorry, I specifically requested an aisle seat". 

You should have taken it anyway and just got up to the toilet every 5 minutes.

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Calling second half stuff 'vintage'

There's nothing wrong with second half stuff if it's of decent quality and isn't knackered (think a certain pair of trainers) but stop calling it vintage.

Even worse is that there's a huge market for it but it's given a huge markup when called 'vintage'.

It's all stuff found in charity shop that folk then call 'vintage' and punt and massively inflated price to mugs too lazy to go around the charity shops themselves .

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Calling second half stuff 'vintage'
There's nothing wrong with second half stuff if it's of decent quality and isn't knackered (think a certain pair of trainers) but stop calling it vintage.
Even worse is that there's a huge market for it but it's given a huge markup when called 'vintage'.
It's all stuff found in charity shop that folk then call 'vintage' and punt and massively inflated price to mugs too lazy to go around the charity shops themselves .
Its a game of two halves
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Calling second half stuff 'vintage'
There's nothing wrong with second half stuff if it's of decent quality and isn't knackered (think a certain pair of trainers) but stop calling it vintage.
Even worse is that there's a huge market for it but it's given a huge markup when called 'vintage'.
It's all stuff found in charity shop that folk then call 'vintage' and punt and massively inflated price to mugs too lazy to go around the charity shops themselves .

Its a game of two hands

Fixed that for you, bairnardo.
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13 hours ago, EH75 said:

I remember when they used to make you take your earphones out for take off and landing. I think they have stopped that now on most airlines, probably got too unwieldy to police. 

And I can't believe they still haven't found a way around the 100ml liquids / please remove every electrical item from your baggage rule. If you were planning to blow up a plane using liquid explosive whats to stop someone just bringing it on in several consignments of 100ml and mixing it together in the toilet? I mean, I've seen Die Hard with a Vengeance (which I trust is completely scientifically accurate) you don't even need that much liquid explosive to make a big explosion.

THINKS: If you have a colostomy bag and a doctor's note do you really think they're going to check it's pish in there? 


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14 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

A bit salty for my liking. Enjoying the brandy sours though.

^^^Not seen the wife for 3 days, she would rather sun bathe next to the pool eat Cypriot  sausage .

Hope you have your 2 star Aberdeen top on.

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Guest Moomintroll
Social media accounts that use emojis after every sentence [emoji35] 
McGinn Hat trick [emoji91] 
Shankland scores first goal[emoji123]
Armstrong scores a free kick [emoji573] 
[emoji3063][emoji2959][emoji2959][emoji2959][emoji2959][emoji2959][emoji2959][emoji2959][emoji56][emoji2959][emoji2959][emoji2959][emoji2959] lol.
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Bought a new house. Having just had another kid we decided that we didnt want to move just yet so have kept our old house until early next year (plus shit time to sell the house plus new house needs some work).

Thought i coukd get the council tax exemption. Turns out it is for the house rather the individual. The previous owners were divorced and didnt live there since december last and they used the exemption which basically means i get f**k. Well i get a 50% deduction until december and then goes to 10%.

Added to this that unless i start the construction works by mid december then i cant get that exemption either. We only got the keys three weeks ago so no chance of it happening.

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Been said on here before but bears repeating, time wasters on gumtree, Facebook, eBay etc.

I'm selling a job lot of stuff, because I can't be faffed selling it all individually even though this would make more dough. It is priced to sell accordingly and still all I'm getting is "will you post it", "will you split the stuff I only want X", "can you deliver it". I've a mind to just take it all to the tip.

Worse when you put something on for £100 and they turn up and say “i brought £90 will you take that”. Arseholes
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