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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I can't find it online but I think it was Anthony Bourdain who said "A heroin addict will steal your TV then try to make you feel guilty for not giving it to them in the first place." They're simply thinking of nothing other than their next fix. 

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12 hours ago, tamthebam said:

Sit in a Sheriff Court one day (when they reopen) and you'll learn addicts will steal anything that isn't nailed down.

A lawyer pal represented a guy who nicked 50 packets of tights- it was just the first thing he grabbed before skedaddling


Maybe he was planning 100 bank raids.

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They've just put the camera footage up. While I say the t was wrong, it was a bit of a silly place to leave it. That's right beside a Main walkway at porty. 
Two man job there. The crow did the spotting and sent in the mug to collect the prize.
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1 hour ago, philpy said:

They've just put the camera footage up. While I say the t was wrong, it was a bit of a silly place to leave it. That's right beside a Main walkway at porty. 


Needs some Benny Hill music. 

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1 hour ago, philpy said:

They've just put the camera footage up. While I say the t was wrong, it was a bit of a silly place to leave it. That's right beside a Main walkway at porty. 


That is shocking. The state of those socks with those shorts and trainers.

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My house now has another puffin in it (not real ones, just pictures etc).  This started because we got a picture of some puffins for the living room and somebody got my other half a puffin cuddly toy because "we saw your picture and thought you liked puffins".  Then came the fridge magnets.  Then came another picture as a birthday present... and so on.  Thing is, neither of us actually care for them yet our home is hoaching with Fratercula arctica.  I'm thinking about banning new people from the house in case they get the wrong idea and continue to add to this puffin parliament.

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7 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

I love how the guys at the end think they've got any chance catching up with a bike. 

My favourite bit is the accomplice looking in the box at the very start before flying off to tell his mate its worth stealing.

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