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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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2 minutes ago, Gaz said:

I haven't ever seen any instance where it isn't clearly labelled. My daughter gets the very same ham and cheese toastie from Costa fairly regularly and it's labelled 'vegan'.

That's exactly what I'm talking about. Why should they have to drop the 'ham' from the name but not the 'burger'? Both names are human inventions.

Ham is a specific thing.  It's a cut of meat from a pig.


A burger is a food patty


If you make a food patty out of something other than ham it's still a burger.  It isn't a hamburger though.

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9 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Ham is a specific thing.  It's a cut of meat from a pig.


A burger is a food patty


If you make a food patty out of something other than ham it's still a burger.  It isn't a hamburger though.

If you make it out of ham it's not a hamburger either. 

Unless you think there's a genus of sausage called "furters" that are usually made of Frank. 

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I think that calling things 'milk' and 'meat' perhaps lead people to think that they are nutrionally comparable, which isn't always the case.  For example, cows milk is far more nutirionally beneficial than oat milk.  I've seen dairy farmers argue you shouldn't call oat milk milk because milk is specifically something produced by the mammary glands of mammals.  

These discussions are actually pretty old, there have been controversies for over a century about margarine and how it should be sold in comparison to butter.  From what I can see butter has comprehensively won that discussion but when I was a kid everyone had low fat, 'spread'.

Edited by ICTChris
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2 minutes ago, coprolite said:

If you make it out of ham it's not a hamburger either. 

Unless you think there's a genus of sausage called "furters" that are usually made of Frank. 

A frankfurter is a specific thing also in the dictionary and therefore an entirely acceptable name.


Not every noun is a construct of words that describe the item it's naming.  Where it is though it should be accurate.

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4 minutes ago, Left Back said:

A frankfurter is a specific thing also in the dictionary and therefore an entirely acceptable name.


Not every noun is a construct of words that describe the item it's naming.  Where it is though it should be accurate.

No idea what you're blithering on about. 

 a hamburger is made of beef not ham. Or have i been whooshed?

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Anyway by far the worst food c***s are the inversely snobby types (huge crossover with "who cares, I just eat to live") who are responsible for about 99% of the fish eaten in the worlds greatest seafood nation being frozen, breaded bottom feeding nonsense like cod.

See also folk like my wife who thinks its snobby to prefer ground coffee to instant.

Both our collective diet, and the price/availability of Scotlands worls class produce is a disgrace because of these people.

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2 hours ago, tamthebam said:

I quite like the vegan "ham and cheese" piece that Greggs do because the "cheese" has more taste than the ordinary cheese in their carnivore equivalent.

I suppose it can be argued that having plant based equivalents is a way of persuading carnivores to at least consider going veggie/vegan. Like those "personality tests" the Scientologists lure people in for...

(A pal did one. They said he was a psychopath. He accepted this quite happily and didn't join the cult)

The odd thing is that whilst I do eat meat, I have eaten plenty of great food that’s been vegan or vegetarian. None of it pretended to be meat, it was just really good food made from vegan stuff.

I do honestly agree that there isn’t really a need to be trying to replicate the likes of bacon in vegetable form but that they do is almost like trying to fool people into eating it. Words like ham have a meaning and it refers to meat from a pig - using it in vegan or veggie food just seems daft, making it into the thing you hate so you can eat it like a meat eater would is weird and it just causes confusion and annoy and if you want real ham and cheese. 

Veggie food doesn’t need it, it’s good enough to stand on its own and just be considered for what it is, really nice food.

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44 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
48 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:
""Ham" means "good" and "burger" means "thing".

I call them steamed hams tbh

I'm from Albany and I've never heard anyone use the phrase 'steamed hams'

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1 hour ago, Gaz said:


Words like 'sausage', 'bacon' etc. are human constructs. So are 'burger' and 'rib'. The animals don't call themselves sausage and bacon. Anything can be called whatever you want it to be.

What would your proposed alternative to a vegan hamburger be, for example?

A vegburger/vegan burger?

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The odd thing is that whilst I do eat meat, I have eaten plenty of great food that’s been vegan or vegetarian. None of it pretended to be meat, it was just really good food made from vegan stuff.
I do honestly agree that there isn’t really a need to be trying to replicate the likes of bacon in vegetable form but that they do is almost like trying to fool people into eating it. Words like ham have a meaning and it refers to meat from a pig - using it in vegan or veggie food just seems daft, making it into the thing you hate so you can eat it like a meat eater would is weird and it just causes confusion and annoy and if you want real ham and cheese. 
Veggie food doesn’t need it, it’s good enough to stand on its own and just be considered for what it is, really nice food.
I agree with this. I reckon if I were going to make a go of cutting down on meat, meat substitutes would be near the bottom of the list.

I have been trying to do a bit more with veg of late as the wife has binned all carbs, and even although I already knew you could make excellent dishes with veg, its been enjoyable to force myself to use my imagination.
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1 hour ago, Smurph said:

The recent trend of plant based food is great, as when I go to a restaurant I don’t have to order a macaroni cheese or a mushroom risotto every fucking time. Not that there’s anything wrong with them but it’s nice to have a choice.

If you find yourself annoyed by a display of products in a supermarket, just walk away, stand in the real meat aisle and take some deep breaths. Don’t worry. They’re not going to take your precious bacon away.

Does @Melanius Mullarkay know about these?

Edited by Jacksgranda
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2 hours ago, Smurph said:

The recent trend of plant based food is great, as when I go to a restaurant I don’t have to order a macaroni cheese or a mushroom risotto every fucking time. Not that there’s anything wrong with them but it’s nice to have a choice.

You already have a choice: vegetarianism is a self-imposed dietary restriction that can be abandoned at any time.

I'd rather there were many distinct, vegetarian-oriented restaurants, rather than either limiting full variety for the rest of society, or creating a bloated, please-all menu that the place will inevitably cut corners to deliver. 

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I think it makes sense to have vegan substitutes for lots of reasons but one is when you’re transitioning from a meat based diet to a plant one and you’re no confident at cooking then it’s easy to just switch out the real stuff for the fakes.

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