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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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2 hours ago, die hard doonhamer said:

Ice. I stood on the step outside my back door this morning and immediately went down. Straight on to my arse and down three concrete steps. Ouch. 

Were you not just trying to break a bar of toffee in your back pocket, Chic Murray style?

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21 hours ago, Shotgun said:

I’m betting he does but those anti-freedom libruls won’t let her take her Glock to school. 

I wouldn’t either, as Glocks lack safeties. Everyone knows that if you want a kid to lug a piston to school, you need to give them something with a nice safety, preferably a slide lock safety. Since it’s primary school, the lassie would be best suited to something nice and compact like a Sig P365, in .380 Auto, with a slide safety and the optional red dot sight. The .380 would be well suited to school use, lower penetration and less recoil, so she can snap off several shots quickly and accurately, especially with the red dot.

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1 minute ago, TxRover said:

I wouldn’t either, as Glocks lack safeties. Everyone knows that if you want a kid to lug a piston to school, you need to give them something with a nice safety, preferably a slide lock safety. Since it’s primary school, the lassie would be best suited to something nice and compact like a Sig P365, in .380 Auto, with a slide safety and the optional red dot sight. The .380 would be well suited to school use, lower penetration and less recoil, so she can snap off several shots quickly and accurately, especially with the red dot.


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11 minutes ago, TxRover said:

I wouldn’t either, as Glocks lack safeties. Everyone knows that if you want a kid to lug a piston to school, you need to give them something with a nice safety, preferably a slide lock safety. Since it’s primary school, the lassie would be best suited to something nice and compact like a Sig P365, in .380 Auto, with a slide safety and the optional red dot sight. The .380 would be well suited to school use, lower penetration and less recoil, so she can snap off several shots quickly and accurately, especially with the red dot.

Sorry, but if a parent isn't able to get the training wheels off by the time a child is five years old, they should be taken into care for the safety of Americans who actually give a darn about personal responsibility!

If little Jimmy and Karen can control a dangerous weapon like their juice box straw, we have a right to expect them to be parented in the use of less-dangerous, essential tools like semi-automatic pistols!

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32 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Sorry, but if a parent isn't able to get the training wheels off by the time a child is five years old, they should be taken into care for the safety of Americans who actually give a darn about personal responsibility!

If little Jimmy and Karen can control a dangerous weapon like their juice box straw, we have a right to expect them to be parented in the use of less-dangerous, essential tools like semi-automatic pistols!

The problem is exemplified by the amusing number of cops who manage to shoot themselves with their Glocks, usually while holstering or unholstering them. With active shooter practices common in school, little Jimmy or Karen can be expected to have to unholster or holster their pistol with some frequency, so statistically it would pay to require an external safety.

As it is, since adding the external safety simply requires training, and the use of a red dot also requires practice, we would be making the schools safer by mandating the external safeties. Additionally, Glocks are made by them Ewe-rope-eans, and you know we can’t trust them! Now Sig, that’s a real ‘Merican company, right!?

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36 minutes ago, Zen Archer (Raconteur) said:

Is the correct answer.

You, as well as I, know that is the correct answer…however, the problem is twofold:

1) The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution has become sacred writ to a huge swarth of the U.S. population. The current interpretation is emblematic of the gun cult of the U.S.

2) Even if that could be overcome, the sheer number of guns in circulation ensure that there is not enough money to compensate the owners for mandated turnovers and that a huge number of guns would be retained, illegally, and potentially make matter (amazingly) worse.


In the long term, I expect that demographics will doom the 2nd Amendment to being repealed, but that is at least 20-40 years away. As the population gets more and more concentrated, the overall support for gun ownership is slipping, to a great extent because of the violence that is obvious in that environment. Even then, an Oz style buyback wouldn’t happen for quite some time, until the demographics had tilted even more against the gun crowd. The other reality is that, by that point, guns will likely be functionally irrelevant with directed energy weapons having taken their place.

If that is the case, the definition of directed energy weapons as firearms or not will be of great significance.

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8 minutes ago, TxRover said:

You, as well as I, know that is the correct answer…however, the problem is twofold:

1) The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution has become sacred writ to a huge swarth of the U.S. population. The current interpretation is emblematic of the gun cult of the U.S.

2) Even if that could be overcome, the sheer number of guns in circulation ensure that there is not enough money to compensate the owners for mandated turnovers and that a huge number of guns would be retained, illegally, and potentially make matter (amazingly) worse.

In the long term, I expect that demographics will doom the 2nd Amendment to being repealed, but that is at least 20-40 years away. As the population gets more and more concentrated, the overall support for gun ownership is slipping, to a great extent because of the violence that is obvious in that environment. Even then, an Oz style buyback wouldn’t happen for quite some time, until the demographics had tilted even more against the gun crowd. The other reality is that, by that point, guns will likely be functionally irrelevant with directed energy weapons having taken their place.

If that is the case, the definition of directed energy weapons as firearms or not will be of great significance.

Yeah, I don't know how you dispose of that many weapons, especially when the people most attached to them are the ones doing the stockpiling, and will absolutely turn to violence given the excuse that somebody wants to take them away. Accepting regular executions in schools and workplaces might end up a preferred alternative to the death toll of full-scale guerrilla warfare and domestic terrorism.

On a lighter note, it's a real shame that the NRA shut down their comedy TV channel:


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4 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Yeah, I don't know how you dispose of that many weapons, especially when the people most attached to them are the ones doing the stockpiling, and will absolutely turn to violence given the excuse that somebody wants to take them away. Accepting regular executions in schools and workplaces might end up a preferred alternative to the death toll of full-scale guerrilla warfare and domestic terrorism.

Honestly, the only way to make an effective reduction would be to remove the ammo supply, and even then there are hundreds of thousands of reloading jigs out in circulation, which would enable a continued supply. Short of some transformation event or revelation, things won’t change in the U.S., until we either annihilate a decent percentage of the population via a civil war or climate change does enough damage to make the gun nuts redirect their energy…unfortunately, that would probably be a redirection via arming up and going out to shoot someone.

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20 minutes ago, TxRover said:

Honestly, the only way to make an effective reduction would be to remove the ammo supply, and even then there are hundreds of thousands of reloading jigs out in circulation, which would enable a continued supply. Short of some transformation event or revelation, things won’t change in the U.S., until we either annihilate a decent percentage of the population via a civil war or climate change does enough damage to make the gun nuts redirect their energy…unfortunately, that would probably be a redirection via arming up and going out to shoot someone.

Yeah, as soon as there's any suggestion that ammo supplies might be limited, millions of suburban maws will just have a new side hustle. Also, was it Chris Rock who had a bit about charging $5000 per bullet to ensure there'd never be any innocent bystanders?  :P

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On 26/11/2022 at 19:12, Hedgecutter said:

When you ask the most basic of phrases in a foreign language in a manner that that strongly suggests that you're absolutely rank at the language in question, and the person on the recieving end fires back a hundred words in quickfire fashion, as if they assume that you're a fluent speaking despite all the linguistic warning flags at play.

France 98 our hotel was in rue de pelican. We got lost and stopped a guy and his daughter to ask if they knew the street, turns out she was English and lived there.

Do you know rue de pelican?

blank look, what's it called?

rue de pelican

no, I don't think so, let me think

oh do you mean, rue de pelicaaan?






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13 hours ago, TxRover said:

In the long term, I expect that demographics will doom the 2nd Amendment to being repealed, but that is at least 20-40 years away.

I can't see any politician running for office committing career suicide by stating he's in favour of that. It would be like declaring he's a devil worshipper and not a Christian.

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33 minutes ago, GordonD said:

I can't see any politician running for office committing career suicide by stating he's in favour of that. It would be like declaring he's a devil worshipper and not a Christian.

Beto gave it a wee bit of a go but Texas decided they’d rather have Greg Abbot spunking millions upon millions of their cash helping Chicago’s burgeoning Venezuelan restaurant industry. 

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56 minutes ago, GordonD said:

I can't see any politician running for office committing career suicide by stating he's in favour of that. It would be like declaring he's a devil worshipper and not a Christian.

Not just career suicide. Imagine if a presidential candidate looked like they might have a chance of winning on a platform of repealing the Second Amendment.

Millions of folk have convinced themselves that's literally grounds for murder.

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1 hour ago, Richey Edwards said:

What if the Second Amendment was actually referring to the right to have arms - as in, the limbs - rather than guns, and people have just misunderstood it this whole time?

A valid question. It also seems likely that the phrase 'bear arms' in the 2nd amendment was intended to restrict the use of guns to grizzlies, bears well known for their lack of manual dexterity and inability to pull a trigger. As if further proof was needed, when have you ever heard of a bear firing a gun in the entire history of David Attenborough?

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