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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Over grieving.

Sad when someone dies but when 83 year old woman dies don't think we all have to go into shock,

Same for old QEII when she pegged out, she was 96, wasn't expecting her next headline to have been her entering the London Marathon raising funds for Help the Aged.

Tina Turner, fine woman, hard life in parts, some good music, some overplayed stuff, but she was getting on hardly needs to be number one, top of the charts headline on every news bulletin for 24 hours.


Old woman died - move on please.


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On 23/05/2023 at 18:43, Derry Alli said:

There seems to be a dramatic upturn in everybody complaining about their washing machines and tumble dryers this past fortnight.

Most of the spfl clubs have finished their season so sometimes you have to occupy yourself with other things.

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5 hours ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Wouldn't recommend that.


Thank you.

Can't help feeling we've been here before, but that's a bear, mate.

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14 hours ago, GordonD said:

that loud in-your-face anti-piracy thing that can't be skipped over or fast-forwarded through.

You Wouldn't Download A Car?

Fun fact - they did not have the rights to the music used for that.

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25 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

WTF have they done to the timings at Larbert Cross lights @Boghead ranter

Haven't had to go thru them in ages thanks to them making Foundry Loan and Muirhall Rd a temp-light free zone for a while (there, I've jinxed it) so blissfully unaware of the issue, sorry.

Though like every other junction in Larbert, I bet the situation is made even worse by pensioners in small cars.

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20 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

The spelling of Filipino considering Philippines starts with a 'Ph', not an 'F'.   Perhaps the inconsistency with the 'p' vs 'pp' too.

The term Filipino/Filipina is pretty new - only became common in the late 1890s.  Slightly interestingly the nationality and male name is the same - Filipino but female is Filipina.

Even after 8 years here I still have to double-check  the spelling of the country at times - pp or nn  or ll.

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21 hours ago, BTFD said:

Be thankful you never hit size 13 and realised nowhere in your town stocked any shoes in that size or bigger! Size 12 has always been the cut-off for high-street shops.

Things are so much better these days, with the internet and some of the big chains like Sports Direct, but when I was a teenager in Kent I'd have to take day trips into London just to buy some cheap shitty no-brand trainers and pay through the nose for the privilege. Bit of a shiter if you're poor.

Edit: we all have one foot smaller than the other, to one degree or another. As your feet get bigger, the difference can be more pronounced, so I have a full size difference between my feet, just to make matters worse. You cope with it by buying the larger size and wearing thicker/several pairs of socks on the smaller foot.

As long as you make sure the last sock you pull on the small foot is the match for the large one.

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Cineworld showing 5 adverts for Cineworld before a film starts. I’m already in your fucking cinema.

I also hate Army recruitment adverts in general, but I’m certain there’s no fucking need to show one before a screening of The Little Mermaid at 11 o’clock on a school holiday weekend… 

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