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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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23 hours ago, Spyro said:

I'll call your Essex, and raise you Spaniards. Obliviously the loudest people on earth when they are in a pack! 

I'll see your Spaniards and I'll re-raise you Chinese. 

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1 hour ago, Leith Green said:

Companies that put "What Three Words" location pish on their website...............usually beside their fecking address !!

I was getting trampoline delivered a while ago and the courier company sent me a text asking me to put in the what three words location for the house to mke delivery easier, which I did.

The guys in the van called me as they couldn't find the house, when i said id done the what three words, his response was "What the f**k is that?"

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1 hour ago, Leith Green said:

Companies that put "What Three Words" location pish on their website...............usually beside their fecking address !!

I had honestly never heard of this and had to look it up.  Is there some kind of reference guide you can access to get your three words?

On a related issue - maybe one for the PTTGOYN thread but seeing as I'm here - our food delivery driver got arsey with me because I couldn't pin my location on their app (actually, I could have but I was working at the time so couldn't do it).  He said it was easier for him to find us.  This is despite the fact the pinned location is actually the house behind and in a different street.  Our neighbourhood is very easy to navigate anyway.  

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2 hours ago, hk blues said:

I had honestly never heard of this and had to look it up.  Is there some kind of reference guide you can access to get your three words?

On a related issue - maybe one for the PTTGOYN thread but seeing as I'm here - our food delivery driver got arsey with me because I couldn't pin my location on their app (actually, I could have but I was working at the time so couldn't do it).  He said it was easier for him to find us.  This is despite the fact the pinned location is actually the house behind and in a different street.  Our neighbourhood is very easy to navigate anyway.  

No idea, its some pish dreamed up by someone without an address or a GPS !

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2 hours ago, hk blues said:

I had honestly never heard of this and had to look it up.  Is there some kind of reference guide you can access to get your three words?

On a related issue - maybe one for the PTTGOYN thread but seeing as I'm here - our food delivery driver got arsey with me because I couldn't pin my location on their app (actually, I could have but I was working at the time so couldn't do it).  He said it was easier for him to find us.  This is despite the fact the pinned location is actually the house behind and in a different street.  Our neighbourhood is very easy to navigate anyway.  

You and Yours - Gap Finders: Chris Sheldrick from What 3 Words - BBC Sounds

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3 hours ago, jimbaxters said:

Attaching meaning to songs.

Obviously music can be evocative of certain times in your life but some people have a life event, usually sad/tragic to link to every song they hear.

I actually did leave my wallet in el segundo

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12 hours ago, hk blues said:

I had honestly never heard of this and had to look it up.  Is there some kind of reference guide you can access to get your three words?

I had heard about it years ago and forgotten it…so this made me look it up again. Then I wondered if a location in France would use French words…it doesn’t, so what’s the f**king point. You try to tell some lad in Mongolia to go to “exotically.bounteous.contenders”, and s**ts gonna go wrong.

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The Edinburgh Military Tattoo advert on GHR in the style of those Cornish p***k singers that were all the rage a couple of years ago.

Hated them then, hate the advert now, and if that the best that Cornwall has to offer as culture they are all close enough to it to all f**k off into the sea.

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