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P&b Running Club

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Path upkeep as well - because a couple of hundred runners once a week really hurts the path.

Sets a worrying precedent that other places might want to match. Worst thing is it doesn't hurt those that do the most running, it's those that parkrun might be the only running they do but are there every week enjoying it and getting fit.

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Well, that Council has now voted to charge. Absolutely pathetic reasoning in their statement, including the classic "some people who run aren't from round here".







Stoke Gifford Parish Council said it was "unfair" to expect non-running residents to pay for path upkeep. It voted six to four in favour of charges at a meeting on Tuesday.


I can think of loads of things my council tax goes towards that I don't use - such as libraries - and I have no problem with that. Madness.


In other news, my knee seems OK (no pain while walking a few miles) so I'm aiming to be back running on Monday.

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Currently building back up the distances I'm running but have had to stop at the 5 mile mark on my last two runs due to my left foot going numb. Have never experienced this before and have always been very active (including lots of running) so I'm a bit bemused. Any runners experienced this before?


Used to happen to me regularly around the 7m mark. I found that a mixture of stretching my calf a bit more before going out, wearing thinner socks and leaving my laces a little less tight made a difference. Never got round to working out which was the main cause.


Was out again last night, usual 5km course up the hills. Got to the top of the first hill and the heavens opened, full on thunderstorm. Second hill is up through the forest and well covered but when I came out and got back on the paths I got absolutely soaked. 29 minutes or so again. Might try a flat 5km to see if I can hit a reasonable time and feel less bad about my lack of any kind of pace these days.

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I can think of loads of things my council tax goes towards that I don't use - such as libraries - and I have no problem with that. Madness.


In other news, my knee seems OK (no pain while walking a few miles) so I'm aiming to be back running on Monday.


The Little Stoke Parkrun has an average of 186 runners and an average time of 27:30.  I can't believe that this is causing verifiable damage to a tarmac path.  Madness.  Also, as you say, if it's not fair on non-runners then should I get a rebate on the money Edinburgh council took from my council tax to spend on roads for the decade I lived here without a car?  Such snarky reasoning from the council as well, talking about Parkrun having paid employees and sponsors.  Smacks of a load of local worthies getting puffed up.

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I'm looking for some advice. I've decided that I have to do something about my horrific lack of fitness and increasing waistline before I start being charged for extra seat space on aeroplanes, so I am going to try and run it off! :)


When starting out, how much/ how far should I be aiming for? I have see a few run/walk programmes but I would prefer just to try and run constantly and slowly rather than stopping every so often to walk - so I'm not sure what would be a good distance to aim for.


Cheers folks.

Edited by Jambomo
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Well, just back to work today after two weeks swanning around Europe..


Two marathons in a week - Vienna last Sunday and Paris the Sunday before that.

Pretty crap time in Paris - very warm, and only three runs in three weeks before due to the flu.

By the next weekend I was feeling much better and not too stiff or sore resulting in a reasonable 3;48;42 (still 17 minutes slower than PB) 


If any of you fancy a European marathon I can thoroughly recommend Paris - very well organised and a fantastic crowd along the whole route.


Entry now in for Loch Ness in September, and making plans for Spring marathons next year.

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Having had an awful injury last year (dislocated kneecap) I'm just getting my distances up again. Done 5.5 miles and 6 miles in the last week. However, for the first time ever I've got a fucker of a blister right on the end of my little toe. Any tips on best way to tape it up so I can get out again tomorrow?

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I'm looking for some advice. I've decided that I have to do something about my horrific lack of fitness and increasing waistline before I start being charged for extra seat space on aeroplanes, so I am going to try and run it off! :)


When starting out, how much/ how far should I be aiming for? I have see a few run/walk programmes but I would prefer just to try and run constantly and slowly rather than stopping every so often to walk - so I'm not sure what would be a good distance to aim for.


Cheers folks.


Good for you! It's hard to say what distance you should aim for without knowing how far you can go at the moment. I know you say you'd rather avoid run/walk programmes, but really they are ideal. Even top athletes (like myself *guffaw*) use interval training to improve speed, and that's essentially what these Couch to 5k programmes are. At club the other night, we did 6 mins hard, 3 mins recovery x5 and I almost PB'd over 10k even with the walking recovery in between... Just my tuppenceworth.

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Having had an awful injury last year (dislocated kneecap) I'm just getting my distances up again. Done 5.5 miles and 6 miles in the last week. However, for the first time ever I've got a fucker of a blister right on the end of my little toe. Any tips on best way to tape it up so I can get out again tomorrow?

Burst it (I know medical advice says no, but when do runners ever listen to that!) and then tape with zinc oxide tape.

Put a strip round the top of the toe and then another strip around the toe to hold it on (hope that makes sense).

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Jambomo - the Couch to 5k app/routine's probably a decent place to start. Think it works off 3 runs a week, and eases you in with a run-walk strategy. If it feels difficult, you could repeat weeks until it feels easier. If it feels easy...come back and let us know!

Oh wait, didn't read your post properly; I'd be taking it quite easy and maybe 15-30mins, so however far that gets you. Don't get too annoyed if it feels like a struggle, it'll come with time.

I loved Paris last year, AM. I'd back you up with that. What did you make of Vienna? And where do you have in mind for next Spring?

I'd be in the 'hope for the best' camp with the blister, Jamie. It could be worse after all, as you know too well!

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I loved Paris last year, AM. I'd back you up with that. What did you make of Vienna? And where do you have in mind for next Spring?


I really enjoyed Vienna - a beautiful city. Well worth a go.

There was quite a long out-and-back section, which I hate!  But otherwise a lovely route.

The crowd seemed a bit more reserved than Paris - polite applause is nice, but after 30+k you need something more!


Next Spring?  I'm not sure yet.. perhaps Barcelona.. or Milan.

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Aye, this is an irritant rather than anything else! Certainly compared to....


I really enjoyed Vienna - a beautiful city. Well worth a go.

There was quite a long out-and-back section, which I hate! But otherwise a lovely route.

The crowd seemed a bit more reserved than Paris - polite applause is nice, but after 30+k you need something more!

Next Spring? I'm not sure yet.. perhaps Barcelona.. or Milan.

I don't like out-and-backs either, it's what drives me mad about Edinburgh.

Barcelona would be great, if hot. I've heard folk say good things of Krakow - scenic and flat, apparently.

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I want to get myself an Android watch to save me taking my phone out running with me. Can apps such as Runkeeper be downloaded onto these watches?

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I want to get myself an Android watch to save me taking my phone out running with me. Can apps such as Runkeeper be downloaded onto these watches?

I'd recommend a garmin vivoactive. Has the smart watch capabilities but is a fitness tracker first and foremost. Most of the android watches don't have GPS chips built in to them, so you still have to carry your phone with you to use its GPS. Fitbit also do a good all round watch (surge, I think).

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Went out last night and decided to take a flat route and see how fast I could get round. Planned on 5km but made a slight miscalculation, turned one corner too early and came back after about 3.9km. Took me 19:50ish, which is a little disappointing as 18 months ago I was doing 5km in 22-23 minutes. Was blowing out my arse at the end also, which again was not the case when I stopped running. Need to keep working at it I guess.

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Went out last night and decided to take a flat route and see how fast I could get round. Planned on 5km but made a slight miscalculation, turned one corner too early and came back after about 3.9km. Took me 19:50ish, which is a little disappointing as 18 months ago I was doing 5km in 22-23 minutes. Was blowing out my arse at the end also, which again was not the case when I stopped running. Need to keep working at it I guess.


I did 3.9km last night, took me 21:30 minutes, which is kind of what I expect.  I'm hoping that mixing up shorter faster runs like that and the Parkrun with my longer 10km+ runs will help me bring my times down.  One thing I find about running is that it's the most unforgiving form of exercise - if I don't run for a week or have a few takeaways or go out for a few pints I feel it next time I'm running, more so than playing football or lifting weights.  It's a good motivator to run regularly.


What do people on here do as cross-training?  I lifted weights using stronglifts for a few months last year before cutting back on it to focus on traing for the Inverness half marathon.  I'm trying to swim regularly at the gym, helps with the upper body and core strength I think.  

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I did 3.9km last night, took me 21:30 minutes, which is kind of what I expect.  I'm hoping that mixing up shorter faster runs like that and the Parkrun with my longer 10km+ runs will help me bring my times down.  One thing I find about running is that it's the most unforgiving form of exercise - if I don't run for a week or have a few takeaways or go out for a few pints I feel it next time I'm running, more so than playing football or lifting weights.  It's a good motivator to run regularly.


What do people on here do as cross-training?  I lifted weights using stronglifts for a few months last year before cutting back on it to focus on traing for the Inverness half marathon.  I'm trying to swim regularly at the gym, helps with the upper body and core strength I think.  


Until around 18 months back I had been running 3x a week, generally 14-20km depending on the weather and when I finished work. Probably overdone it as my hip was killing me after every run and generally for a day after. Decided to stop running and started cycling instead. Plan over the summer is to build back up to being able to do 10km and take it from there. Will be running twice a week(usually up the hills but the odd flat run thrown in) and going for one long cycle a week(50km at the moment but want to get up to around 80km), weather permitting. Don't tend to do too much weights wise, have dumbbells in the house I will use a couple of times a week doing sets of 4 or 5 different exercises while watching TV, usually do a bit of core work as well while doing this. Enough to keep me in OK shape without putting too much effort into it.

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