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Think it used to be that the guy who does the timing etc worked out how long everyone should take, which seems a ridiculous amount of work for a volunteer to have to do! As long as everyone is honest the system works - and if you're not honest you end up screwing yourself in the results.
I had no idea what the handicap was the first time, thinking it would be a simple three miles so decided to run there and back (nearly 6 miles in total). I was absolutely fucked by the time I got home!

It is a lot of volunteering work aye! Thankful that only 6 of 12 club races are handicapped, but the next one is only 3 weeks away. Just seen the final results for our handicapped race from yesterday and notice that the winner ran 4+ minutes quicker than expected over just 4.5 (hilly and trail) miles. Oops.
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We do one a month from February to October. Same route every time, which is a fairly accurately measured 5 miles. Our handicaps are based entirely on your most recent times (I think it's the last 5) though the calculation isn't as simple as just taking the mean of those times. We have one person who keeps track of it - he has a spreadsheet that works it out, so each month he just has to add in the last set of results to work out the new handicaps. If you don't have enough times, you get a 2 minute penalty until you've ran it often enough - this just makes sure that someone new doesn't run miles quicker the second time and win by a long way.

This whole year has been a total write-off for me due to injury, so I've been timekeeper at most of the handicap races. When you have quite a few folk going off at similar times it's easy to make athe odd mistake setting them off, but as long as everyone runs them in the intended spirit and doesn't moan too much about losing 5 seconds, it's not a problem. We don't really have anyone who's competitive to the point of being an arsehole, so it tends to work OK.

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10 minutes ago, theminsk said:

Awryt has anybody ran in italy before i was booking up the rome marathon and says i need a runcard to do it

15 Euros here for the runcard: http://www.runcard.com/english

Get your doctor to fill this in and stamp it too, or just do it yourself: http://www.maratonadiroma.it/PWA_uploads/certificato.pdf

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Still hanging on in the Marcothon,  a few of them have just been the minimum 25 minutes due to scheduling, chuffed I've managed it this far and the legs still feel okay. Will be delighted when double parkrun on NYD is done and dusted though....

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Signed up there for it .. just need to get the medical signed and stamped and should be fine to run [emoji125]???? in rome

I ran In Florence in 2014. They barely looked at the certificate, so you'd be as well finding some stamp for it and doing it yourself!

I've heard some people have bother getting the certificate signed by their GP & having to pay quite a bit, but I've twice had mine signed no bother. I guess 15€ isn't too bad really.

Good luck with the training!
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I did a nice gentle 3.5 miles this morning with some pals to blow away the cobwebs. Club training tomorrow is a 10 mile run along the Speyside Way. I don't know if I'll manage the whole 10, but I'll do at least 7 I think. Time to get a shift on. Been doing 5k runs for too long.

On another note, my son ran a parkrun PB in 28:01 last week. He's 7. Wont be long before I'll be struggling to keep up with him, I reckon.

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Thanks eddie. Had a slight change of plan as I'm going to do a hard run on Saturday (running up a local hill here - 1000-ish ft elevation 3 miles up, 3 miles down), so I decided to take it easy today and did 6.5miles with the club this morning. Was a fab run though :)

Edited by Reina
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I ran In Florence in 2014. They barely looked at the certificate, so you'd be as well finding some stamp for it and doing it yourself!

I've heard some people have bother getting the certificate signed by their GP & having to pay quite a bit, but I've twice had mine signed no bother. I guess 15€ isn't too bad really.

Good luck with the training!

My gp says no but hopefully my mums cousin can do it hes a gp but shes on holiday and a think i have spoke to the guy once my full life lol think its time to strike up a friendship [emoji23]

How was the florence marathon

Did a five mile on tuesday feelin okay thinking of trying a parkrun at weekend. Been meaning to do a parkrun for about 3 month but yet to even go ..


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Just now, theminsk said:

Thats crazy dont think a will ever get 1000 lol a always stop then start again after my marathon am usually fucked n get lazy then keep delayin the comeback lol


Back in the day I used to run about fifty miles a week, so I'd have been about 2,500. 6,000 is fucking mental.

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5 hours ago, Reina said:

Thanks eddie. Had a slight change of plan as I'm going to do a hard run on Saturday (running up a local hill here - 1000-ish ft elevation 3 miles up, 3 miles down), so I decided to take it easy today and did 6.5miles with the club this morning. Was a fab run though :)

Hills not pills. Gaun yersel!

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