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The street I live on feeds five other streets that are all hilly. These other streets all join onto another street - so it is basically a circuit. I run down the first street, up the next and so on and then do the reverse on the way back. I do this twice and each lap is approximately 2.75km.

When I was regularly doing this run (before illness) it improved my times by a fair amount, particularly over 10k.

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Sair wan Marty!


I've got a new goal, not sure if it's achievable. 5k in under 20 minutes. Is it possible just by going out for a run a few evenings a week or do you need to up your game?

What sort of time are you managing it in now?

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Sair wan Marty!

I've got a new goal, not sure if it's achievable. 5k in under 20 minutes. Is it possible just by going out for a run a few evenings a week or do you need to up your game?

You'll need to do a decent bit of sprints to get that kind of time. Maybe one or two sessions a week of hill sprints.
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24 minutes is my best time, if theres no hills. Hills are my weak spot!

4 mins is a lot of time to shave off over 5km. It might well be possible over a couple of years but it wont be instantaneous. To give you a bit of an idea of a possible improvement rate - here are my yearly Pollok Park 5k pb's since I started doing races in 2010 (started running mid 2009).

2010 - 21 mins 47 secs

2011 - 19 mins 53 secs

2012 - 18 mins 56 secs

2013 - 18 mins 38 secs

As you can see it took 3 full years to take 3 mins off my best 5k time.

How to get there - 400m sprints, followed by 400m jogs, regularly running at pace and hilly runs are all very effective in my experience.

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Yeah cheers Ziggy was chuffed with it was doing 12 miles in 1hour 25 before run but a lot of weaving in and out during GNR. Coupled with fact I was in white pen E as I'd predicted 1hour 50 for my time back in Feb. think i have got a 1hour 30 in me - going to do Castles Half marathon in October in Northumberland. Actually finished 2617th in GNR so was in top 5% of runners and 3rd for my Berwick postcode area. Knee so much better today so fingers crossed mate

I'm worried about the same thing at the GSR. I didn't actually enter it and am doing it because my pal got injured. He estimated that he'd do it in 2hr so it's starting from the green starting zone.

Does anyone know just how strict they will be enforcing that? Because I'll have no chance of going sub 1hr 30min if I'm made to start there.

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Sair wan Marty!

I've got a new goal, not sure if it's achievable. 5k in under 20 minutes. Is it possible just by going out for a run a few evenings a week or do you need to up your game?

I think sub 20 is achievable for most people, but some people will have to work at it a lot more than others.

My 1st Pollok Park parkrun was in November 2011 and I did it in 25:03 and in December 2012 I did it in 19:22.

I did that just going out and running twice a week, gradually working up to occasional runs of about 13 miles. I didn't do any intervals, hill reps or speed work.

In fact, if you are just beginning then I'd suggest you don't do any hard running for quite a while. Just gradually increase the amount of easy miles you run and you'll get a lot quicker. When you're regularly running at least 15 to 20 miles each week, the initial rapid improvement will start to slow, only then should you start introducing intervals etc.

I think I was too quick to increase the intensity of my running and have spent more time this year injured than training.

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Done the local 10k in Arbroath this morning,just missed out on a sub 40mins by about 10 seconds which annoyed me a bit but happy with my running just now compared to a couple of months ago when it was just a big struggle and was thinking of packing it in as i'm a half centurian and was thinking old age was getting to me but i ain't giving it up yet

Bring on the winter :)

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I'm worried about the same thing at the GSR. I didn't actually enter it and am doing it because my pal got injured. He estimated that he'd do it in 2hr so it's starting from the green starting zone.

Does anyone know just how strict they will be enforcing that? Because I'll have no chance of going sub 1hr 30min if I'm made to start there.

Well you start with the green wave and just fall into your normal pace, if the pink wave overtake you then so be it.

As long as you finish.

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Bought a knee support today as it is still not feeling great from the Dumfries half Marathon last weekend. I'll be going out for a small run tomorrow and see how it goes.

I have been training for the Glasgow Half for a good few months now so will be pretty gutted if I can't at least do the distance. I have gave up on any notations of getting round in a good time. Well a good time for me that is.

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Loch Ness Marathon defeated me! All was well and looking good for a 3 hours 10 minutes finish, but a long - seemingly never ending - hill (just after Dores) after about 30k of running already was the doing of me. Disappointing as I normally excel in the hilly parts. My legs, and probably more importantly my mental state, never really recovered and the last 10k was purgatory.

Finished in 3:19:37, which I’ll be positive about as it was my first marathon and it’s a notoriously challenging course. I already want to do it again, possibly do the Edinburgh Marathon also next year followed by Loch Ness again. Next up for me is the Southside6, which is hills/stairs; I’ll be taking it easy this week though.

Good luck to all P&B’ers gearing up for the GSR. I intend to get out and support all runners, thoroughly enjoyed staying around encouraging runners later on today, a bit emotional at times watching people running for important causes that mean a lot to them personally. I’ll definitely be getting sponsored next time I attempt a marathon.

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Loch Ness Marathon defeated me! All was well and looking good for a 3 hours 10 minutes finish, but a long - seemingly never ending - hill (just after Dores) after about 30k of running already was the doing of me. Disappointing as I normally excel in the hilly parts. My legs, and probably more importantly my mental state, never really recovered and the last 10k was purgatory.

Finished in 3:19:37, which I’ll be positive about as it was my first marathon and it’s a notoriously challenging course. I already want to do it again, possibly do the Edinburgh Marathon also next year followed by Loch Ness again. Next up for me is the Southside6, which is hills/stairs; I’ll be taking it easy this week though.

Good luck to all P&B’ers gearing up for the GSR. I intend to get out and support all runners, thoroughly enjoyed staying around encouraging runners later on today, a bit emotional at times watching people running for important causes that mean a lot to them personally. I’ll definitely be getting sponsored next time I attempt a marathon.

Well done on not giving up after that gruelling last portion.

Just on your point about what people run for, it's always really tough when running to see who certain people are running for and why.

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