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See 7k time as a guide and as I say had done a pretty hard session the hour before with sprints etc. So I think I have a pretty decent base fitness.

Use one of the 10k training programmes from this guy


helped me get my 10k time down to 38 minutes 30 secs last year

Edited by diamonds2002
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Not sure how folk can manage marathon distance. I've managed half marathon runs at best, and generally find that after 8 or 9 miles I lose feeling in my feet and my calves become unbearable, no matter how much stretching I do before hand. I'm pretty sure that isn't healthy.

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Decided last week to start running more often and it's something I've never really done as normally the only excercise I do is playing football 2/3 times a week. Offshore just now so I've been doing a 5k every day after shift at a steady pace. Started off doing it in about 33 minutes on Day 1 but now on Day 6 I've cut two minutes off my time. I know I could do it faster but it's probably best to gradually take a few seconds off your time day by day.

Quite pleased with how it's going anyway. My last day offshore will be Day 14 so I'll see what time I'm at then. :)

Edited by staggy4life
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Been a while since Iv been on here.

Iv been keeping to a target of 30 miles per week and it seems a good distance for keeping things ticking over. Generally stick to one long run (1 hour +) and the rest between 4 and 6 miles. Varying tempo and intervals.

Did 2 x 6 miles on the treadmill yesterday. One before work and one a night. Both sub 43 mins. Pleased with that.

Seriously need to get racing again. Missing it big time. Park run next when I get home next week may be in order.

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not ran in 8 weeks due injury/sickness. Got foot stood on at a race and ended up with pulled ankle ligament. Then got flu. I've no energy and lost a stone. .I've missed the last x-c, a 10k and blew my lead in the winter handicap.

Trained Thurs for the first time. It's amazing how much stamina i've lost. This Sunday's track and field is going to be tough

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Not sure how folk can manage marathon distance. I've managed half marathon runs at best, and generally find that after 8 or 9 miles I lose feeling in my feet and my calves become unbearable, no matter how much stretching I do before hand. I'm pretty sure that isn't healthy.

I'm undecided just now.

Training for a half but it seems to be going quite well I'm doing about 30 miles a week on average plus a gym session and five a sides.

I find myself thinking "it would ONLY be an extra 15miles ish a week for marathon training." Then I remember I like to drink beer and I've got dodgy knees.

If I was to do a marathon it would be one of the ones later in the year as I couldn't be bothered doing 45miles a week in January to get ready for the London etc.

The Munich marathon looks decent it's held during octoborfest!

(Berlin ticks the boxes as well but it's full for this year)

Looking at my finances though it would need to be the Loch Ness.

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Been on the fitness trail since January but the last few weeks was upping the running, getting upto about 7-9 miles a day, 4 times a week. Got shin splints on my left leg so been resting up the past few days. Anyone got any advice on how to ease the pain of splints?

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As yesterday was the day of the Belfast marathon I have taken the pledge and decided to go for next years, I do a bit of running a couple of times a week usually about 5 miles at a time, don't push it too much but really want to do this. Got a whole year to train up ,always wanted to do a marathon but job and family kind of kept it on a burner so to speak, now I'm 42 in a few days time and the kids are up a bit and a marathon is very much on the bucket list, reasonably fit guy play 5 a sides once a week and as I said a couple of runs ,walk the dog etc... gonna head out tomorrow for a 6 miler ,first day of a new training regime. :thumsup2

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As yesterday was the day of the Belfast marathon I have taken the pledge and decided to go for next years, I do a bit of running a couple of times a week usually about 5 miles at a time, don't push it too much but really want to do this. Got a whole year to train up ,always wanted to do a marathon but job and family kind of kept it on a burner so to speak, now I'm 42 in a few days time and the kids are up a bit and a marathon is very much on the bucket list, reasonably fit guy play 5 a sides once a week and as I said a couple of runs ,walk the dog etc... gonna head out tomorrow for a 6 miler ,first day of a new training regime. :thumsup2

Nice one! Hope all goes well!

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Been on the fitness trail since January but the last few weeks was upping the running, getting upto about 7-9 miles a day, 4 times a week. Got shin splints on my left leg so been resting up the past few days. Anyone got any advice on how to ease the pain of splints?

Shin Splints is a bit of catch-all for loads of different things. If it is giving you real bother see a physio

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finished my 6 miles, did it in around 1 hour 10 so happy enough, was working last night and had a good walk with the dog this morning, kept a good steady pace and tackled a few steep climbs, fairly warm and sunny here today so must remember to bring the water bottle in future,had a very good podcast with me from Richard Bacon last Thursday with Kevin McLoud from Grand Designs and a brilliant interview with the BBC financial correspondent Robert Preston .

Edited by Co.Down Hibee
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Been on the fitness trail since January but the last few weeks was upping the running, getting upto about 7-9 miles a day, 4 times a week. Got shin splints on my left leg so been resting up the past few days. Anyone got any advice on how to ease the pain of splints?

I think avoiding hills up or down helps.

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Decided last week to start running more often and it's something I've never really done as normally the only excercise I do is playing football 2/3 times a week. Offshore just now so I've been doing a 5k every day after shift at a steady pace. Started off doing it in about 33 minutes on Day 1 but now on Day 6 I've cut two minutes off my time. I know I could do it faster but it's probably best to gradually take a few seconds off your time day by day.

Quite pleased with how it's going anyway. My last day offshore will be Day 14 so I'll see what time I'm at then. :)

Day 11 and I managed to finish a 5k in 25.51 which I'm pretty delighted about. First time I've really done a running routine and I can feel the difference already.

I feel like I can go further now though so what distance would be recommended? I was thinking about 5miles as I don't think I'd manage a 10km at a good pace just now.

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Day 11 and I managed to finish a 5k in 25.51 which I'm pretty delighted about. First time I've really done a running routine and I can feel the difference already.

I feel like I can go further now though so what distance would be recommended? I was thinking about 5miles as I don't think I'd manage a 10km at a good pace just now.

It depends on what you ultimately want to do. If you want to run further e.g. 10km then gradually increase your distance or if you want to go quicker over the 5k start to add in intervals or hill runs. Speedwork is good whatever distance you are looking to cover so it might be an idea to try and add something in once a week

If you are just running on a treadmill remember that it is harder to run outside and you wont necessarily be as quick.

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just back from a 4 mile run took in quite a few climbs ,just over 37 mins,gonna go and warm down by taking the dog out for a brisk walk ,really drizzly here today (that rain that soaks you :P ) but not much wind so nice enough to run in.

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Each and every one of you!

Sorry. I used to love running and have completed numerous half marathons, as well as a few marathons. I am now struggling with a yet to be diagnosed knee condition, (and, for some strange reason, my weight), so I am very pissed off that I can no longer run, especially at this time of year when I would normally be building up to the Helensborough and Glasgow Half Marathons.

Good luck to all those still out there, I'm as jealous as it is possible to be.

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