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I'm partial to a banana yazoo as my quick fix. No idea if the nutritional value's as high as chocolate version, but chocolate milk's rank!

Which marathon are you doing, Garrowhillclyde?

How's the injury now, morrison? That really would be a sore one to get something now that keeps you out for a while at this time of year, so here's hoping its not that bad. I've had injuries there before that were agony for about a day then vanished completely so you might be OK.

I've just been through exactly that - it felt fine by Friday. Managed parkrun (started cautiously expecting to maybe have to stop pretty quickly) and a run yesterday without feeling a thing other than the usual fatigue. Looking forward to the timed 5k at Cramond on Wednesday night and then onto the Edinburgh-North Berwick 20 mile on Saturday. Hurrah for phantom injuries and miraculous recoveries!

Glad to hear the training's picked up again, even if maybe the goal on the day might need to shift a bit. As cheesy as it seems, it was suggested to me to have gold, silver and bronze targets in mind for the day so you're not pinning everything on the day going absolutely perfectly.

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Even took to buying protein recovery shakes today in an attempt to be in shape for tuesday. Probabaly a load of overpriced shite but worth a go.

I buy Impact Whey Protein from myprotein. You just mix it with milk and it is pretty nice stuff. Relatively cheap as well as it is about £15 for 1kg. If you check there website they regularly have 10-25% off certain flavours as well.

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Going through a couple of weeks of mostly resting just now. Did Portobello parkrun on Sat in 20:30 (enjoyed the course, it's a good one I think) and will be heading to Kirkcaldy this weekend and then will start getting back out for other runs from Sunday.

I'm definitely a fan of the chocolate milk for recovery, but then I don't go for gels either - I prefer taking midget gems with me on my runs!

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I'm definitely a fan of the chocolate milk for recovery, but then I don't go for gels either - I prefer taking midget gems with me on my runs!

Mini packs of jelly babies for me. Though I find eating and breathing (more like gasping) at the same time way more difficult than it probably should be.

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Out again up the hills last night, same 5km in around 30 minutes.

Need to put a concerted effort in to get enjoying it again, the 2 or 3 times I have been out in the last few weeks it's been a fight not to turn around and head home after 10 minutes.

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A diet of Czech beer and fried cheese is not really the best preparation for the Edinburgh HM in a month's time. Not sure if it's the vagaries of Runkeeper or my general misanthropy, but I seem to get better times pounding the mean streets of the Southside of Glasgow than I do at Parkruns.

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I like my gels when it comes to marathons - used six in Paris - but tend to go with one gel and jelly babies/beans for HMs.

Looking forward to the timed 5k at Cramond on Wednesday night

Sub 19-minutes :o:thumsup2

After looking like it was going to be rotten all day, the wind calmed down enough and the rain buggered off. 18:35 on the watch, a 48-second PB, and a generally stunned expression on my face. Delighted.

Out again up the hills last night, same 5km in around 30 minutes.

Need to put a concerted effort in to get enjoying it again, the 2 or 3 times I have been out in the last few weeks it's been a fight not to turn around and head home after 10 minutes.

It's good that you're still making it out and persisting, Ross., you'll get there as the runs start getting a bit easier!

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It's good that you're still making it out and persisting, Ross., you'll get there as the runs start getting a bit easier!

It's the same every time I take a break, always much harder to start again than it is to keep it up in the first place. Had no choice over the winter though, as my hip was constantly aching. The rest seems to have done it wonders.

I'll be out again tonight, again up the hills. Tempted to find a flat route just to see how fast I can cover the distance without the 70m odd climb.

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Cheers guys. Yeah that was noticeable, Bishy. Looks like I've finished 150ish of 320 with that time, and there were plenty of folk around me. Well over 200 went sub 20.

Ross., do you live in a particularly hilly part of the world? You seem to enjoy punishing yourself with these things!

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Ross., do you live in a particularly hilly part of the world? You seem to enjoy punishing yourself with these things!

I live in the middle of Switzerland, in what is reportedly the flattest part of the country. It's still a big f*cking valley with hills everywhere.

The scenery is fantastic but it takes some effort to run around. I did have a route that I used regularly when I moved here that was almost exactly 5k and almost completely flat, but thanks to new housing developments springing up everywhere and a new road layout it has pretty much gone. Still a few routes I can take that would be easier, but I quite like the hilly routes even if I do feel like throwing up for half the time i'm running.

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Rowan, that's a bugger - if it's any consolation, it does feel great when you're finally able to get back out after an injury so hopefully you're not too far away from that.

Good run on Wedneday morrison - that's a hell of an improvement. How did Edinburgh-North Berwick go? I guess you had the same Easterly wind we had this side of the Forth, and 20 miles into that would have been quite tough even though it wasn't all that strong.

Bet you're glad it wasn't today though! Glad I had a shorter run planned this week between 20 milers last week and next, but even HM distance in that wind and rain wasn't nice. Probably did me good though as that's the first long run in rotten weather for quite a while.

Interesting reading what the rest of you do for energy on long runs. I never take anything at all on training runs and I've only once tried to down one of thoe gels while running, during the Scottish half last September - I couldn't open it because of the sweat on my hands and felt a total muppet having to chuck it away!

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*massive sigh*

OK guys, ballot for London 2016 is open tomorrow morning and will stay open til Friday. I reckon this will make my chances of a 1st successful attempt out of 11 pretty much non-existent.

It usually closes in about 8 hours so I shudder to think how many applications they will have by the end of the week.

As always, good luck if you enter.

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Good run on Wedneday morrison - that's a hell of an improvement. How did Edinburgh-North Berwick go? I guess you had the same Easterly wind we had this side of the Forth, and 20 miles into that would have been quite tough even though it wasn't all that strong.

Bet you're glad it wasn't today though! Glad I had a shorter run planned this week between 20 milers last week and next, but even HM distance in that wind and rain wasn't nice. Probably did me good though as that's the first long run in rotten weather for quite a while.

Interesting reading what the rest of you do for energy on long runs. I never take anything at all on training runs and I've only once tried to down one of thoe gels while running, during the Scottish half last September - I couldn't open it because of the sweat on my hands and felt a total muppet having to chuck it away!

Cheers, Socks. Yeah it was tricky yesterday, not helped by a downpour from miles 15-18! Finished in 2:32:02, mainly because I lacked the discipline to start as gently as I had planned. Had a strong second half and passed a lot of people which is always a nice feeling. Nothing like as bad as today, though; I'dve been sorely tempted to abandon a run today if it'd been on the cards, so well done for getting out there!

That's impressive if you're getting round the longer runs without anything. I've usually got a small bottle of water attached to me and a couple of gels for the 18-20s, or sweets if 13-18. On race days I've started to empty 3 gels into one of my water bottles so they're ready to go. Avoids the issue you had and stops your hands getting clarted in the stuff, too!

I'll enter the ballot tomorrow. It almost feels like a waste of time, but there's no harm in trying.

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Pretty good stuff again. 7:30ish pace over 20 miles conditions that weren't great isn't bad going, especially doing it not long after a marathon. You're obviously in some pretty decent form at the moment.

I can never be doing with carrying stuff when I'm running (apart from my door key) so dont like the idea of taking water. After my mishap a few weeks ago, when I had to quit due to being knackered, I've started taking a fiver with me if I'm heading a good distance from home. Will need to have a think about it for this marathon though as I'd like to have some extra energy just in case.

I'll try the ballot for London as well, though obviously not expecting any success. The 3:05 GFA qualifying time is a decent target to aim for though, and one that might be doable with a bit of experience. Definitely won't be this year though.

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Yeah, 3:05 sounds nice but a bit of a dream! I'm in, so will see what October brings. A bit annoying the wait's so long, mind.

I've got used to running with stuff, but it does depend on how you're doing it. I've got an Adidas hydration belt that holds two 170ml bottles and a small pouch perfect for keys/jellybabies. I couldn't hold onto anything for any length of time, it'd drive me mad.

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