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First run tonight in 8 weeks due to sciatica. I've been unable to do anything apart from the odd walk so in that time i've piled on a load of weight as well. Still, felt ok-ish and relatively pain free so things are looking up. Tonight's run takes me to 430 miles for the year. My start-of-the-year target was 600 but because of the lack of activity since the start of October i've revised that to 500. It's going to be tough but it should be achievable if my back holds up.

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Any one do the marcathon/markathon December challenge? 3 miles or 25 minutes each day in December. Started today and don't run very often so will see if I can stick it out.

31.08 for 5k.

30.01 for today's. Aiming for about 26 minutes by the end of the month.
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14 minutes ago, Reina said:

Going in the right direction deej - keep at it :)

Did my first one of the month on a treadmill yesterday and hit 5k in 25.52. Does that mean I can stop? 8) 


Outside times were improving as well, just over 28 minutes

Treadmill again 7/12 - 27.28

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not been managing many runs recently as I'm studying through December. Managed to make it down to the great run local 5k in Glasgow and maybe the rest done me well. I'm claiming an unofficial 5k pb. A bit of fumbling with the wristband scanners and not stopping watch in time cost vital seconds. Analysis on Garmin connect make it look like a 19.03, 2 second pb. Maybe less running works!!

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I hit the 700km mark with my asics and fancy a new pair. Going to head up to Achilles Heel and get properly fitted. I fancy last season's Brookes GTS. Brookes still a popular choice out there?

They are my brand of choice. I'm also due a change soon, must be about 600-700km on mine now.
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23 minutes ago, die hard doonhamer said:

They are my brand of choice. I'm also due a change soon, must be about 600-700km on mine now.

My non-technical survey looks like Brookes, Saucony and Asics are the popular choices. I'll probably try a few different ones when I head up but Brooks GTS 16 for £74 look like the best value. I like giving my money to the likes of Achilles Heel too.

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I've been Saucony for a while now, though my latest 'race' shoes are adidas. Haven't found a pair of Brooks I liked.

Another parkrun down this morning, in Southampton. A two lap course that reminds me a little of Hazlehead in that I didn't notice the slight uphill at first, bit I did on the second lap!

I'm similar to tigerton in that studying has taken precedence over running (congrats on the PB, incidentally!) so looking forward to getting the last marathon of the year over with tomorrow. And to the big piss up that follows it!

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Ventured back to Tollcross for the first time in a while. Think I got a PB for the course, although it's not been updated yet. 

I might have asked this before, and it's going to sound a bit weird, but does anyone else suffer from the need to go to close their eyes and go to sleep during a run? I get it all the time, whether it's a short or long run, or regardless of the time of day. I usually find myself closing my eyes for a few seconds at a time which is usually not a problem, except today I managed to run onto the muddy grass during my "microsleep". Surely I'm not the only person to suffer from this?!

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Just missed out on winning the club Christmas handicap today. Was 19 seconds too fast, which I was surprised at as I thought my original time of 38 minutes was a bit optimistic for 5 miles the way things have been going.

On the plus side, my secret Santa present was first chosen so I must have wrapped it pretty well!

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Just missed out on winning the club Christmas handicap today. Was 19 seconds too fast, which I was surprised at as I thought my original time of 38 minutes was a bit optimistic for 5 miles the way things have been going.
On the plus side, my secret Santa present was first chosen so I must have wrapped it pretty well!

How does your handicaps work?

I recently took over the handicaps for our club with another 2 guys. The last handicap team quit due to constant complaining. We organised handicaps for a race yesterday and got a fair amount of criticism for some peoples handicaps. It amazes me that they care so much, handicap races should be more fun based.
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17 minutes ago, tigerton said:


How does your handicaps work?

I recently took over the handicaps for our club with another 2 guys. The last handicap team quit due to constant complaining. We organised handicaps for a race yesterday and got a fair amount of criticism for some peoples handicaps. It amazes me that they care so much, handicap races should be more fun based.

Yeah our handicaps are meant to be more fun than anything serious (although there is a trophy for whoever comes out on top of the monthly ones at the end of the year). Each person estimates how long they think it'll take them to run the distance, the slowest person will start first and then folk will start so many minutes behind depending on how much quicker they think they'll be. So today we had folk thinking it would take them 50 minutes, I went for 38 so I started 12 minutes later. The idea is we're all meant to finish at the same time but it never works - especially if the guy organising it gets confused and sends someone off 10 seconds early as he did today.

Closest to their time wins, then second closest who was slower than their predicted time and so on. After that it's person who was closest to their prediction but faster - which was my problem today - and so on, so as to punish the bandits/sharks/cheats (use whatever term you want) who are faster than they think. Everyone has to run without phones/watches etc so you can't see you're going too fast and slow down. Couldn't believe one person's claim today for their time, they're the third or fourth fastest woman in the club yet set off before me. Needless to say she was third or fourth last...

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Yeah our handicaps are meant to be more fun than anything serious (although there is a trophy for whoever comes out on top of the monthly ones at the end of the year). Each person estimates how long they think it'll take them to run the distance, the slowest person will start first and then folk will start so many minutes behind depending on how much quicker they think they'll be. So today we had folk thinking it would take them 50 minutes, I went for 38 so I started 12 minutes later. The idea is we're all meant to finish at the same time but it never works - especially if the guy organising it gets confused and sends someone off 10 seconds early as he did today.
Closest to their time wins, then second closest who was slower than their predicted time and so on. After that it's person who was closest to their prediction but faster - which was my problem today - and so on, so as to punish the bandits/sharks/cheats (use whatever term you want) who are faster than they think. Everyone has to run without phones/watches etc so you can't see you're going too fast and slow down. Couldn't believe one person's claim today for their time, they're the third or fourth fastest woman in the club yet set off before me. Needless to say she was third or fourth last...

See, that's brilliant. Much better format. I doubt we could do that at our club given the reliance on garmins these days!

We had the same idea yesterday with the setting off slowest first. But us 3 determine handicaps based on recent form. We ended up with a popular winner even if his handicap was generous.

The complaints were ridiculous though. One guy has ran 1 parkrun in 7 months and said he wasn't turning up because of his bad handicap! Hard to judge when you don't bother.

I ended up near the back because I couldn't give myself a good handicap or I'd be accused of bias. Nothing to do with running like a fud at all...
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58 minutes ago, tigerton said:


See, that's brilliant. Much better format. I doubt we could do that at our club given the reliance on garmins these days!

We had the same idea yesterday with the setting off slowest first. But us 3 determine handicaps based on recent form. We ended up with a popular winner even if his handicap was generous.

The complaints were ridiculous though. One guy has ran 1 parkrun in 7 months and said he wasn't turning up because of his bad handicap! Hard to judge when you don't bother.

I ended up near the back because I couldn't give myself a good handicap or I'd be accused of bias. Nothing to do with running like a fud at all...


Think it used to be that the guy who does the timing etc worked out how long everyone should take, which seems a ridiculous amount of work for a volunteer to have to do! As long as everyone is honest the system works - and if you're not honest you end up screwing yourself in the results.

I had no idea what the handicap was the first time, thinking it would be a simple three miles so decided to run there and back (nearly 6 miles in total). I was absolutely fucked by the time I got home!

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Think it used to be that the guy who does the timing etc worked out how long everyone should take, which seems a ridiculous amount of work for a volunteer to have to do! As long as everyone is honest the system works - and if you're not honest you end up screwing yourself in the results.
I had no idea what the handicap was the first time, thinking it would be a simple three miles so decided to run there and back (nearly 6 miles in total). I was absolutely fucked by the time I got home!

It is a lot of volunteering work aye! Thankful that only 6 of 12 club races are handicapped, but the next one is only 3 weeks away. Just seen the final results for our handicapped race from yesterday and notice that the winner ran 4+ minutes quicker than expected over just 4.5 (hilly and trail) miles. Oops.
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