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I can't stand events in Bianca's house anymore. I'm sick of seeing her struglge with her money situation. I'm sick of watching Tiffany dance. I'm sick of seeing Morgan write Morman (even though i've only seen him do it twice). I'm sick of

Liam being a p***k. I'm sick of Whitney & that c**t boyfriend. As for Carol shouting that when the parole bloke was there - bollocks. P.S. I reckon Carol will end up getting screwed by that guy.

:lol: I know how can they be constantly skint carol has a job so does bianca as does tyler,whitney and liam has a part time job. now between all of them living in the same house surely they can easily get by.

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:lol: I know how can they be constantly skint carol has a job so does bianca as does tyler,whitney and liam has a part time job. now between all of them living in the same house surely they can easily get by.

wonder how much she gets in benefits also, 2 weans in primary school, single parent, must be worth at least 200 quid a week in child tax and other benefits

plus janine isnt on the scene, so who the f**k do they pay their rent to, Micheal clearly doesnt give a flying f**k about it :lol:

ive said before, but the skintest people on the show are the ones that work the most it seems

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