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Everything posted by grazza

  1. The die in your sleep thing its pretty distasteful. I remember Ayr fans singing that at Cammy Bell not long after Stuart McGrady sadly passed in his sleep and I raised it at the time but no real appetite from fans to oppose it. Usually its more on away games that there are more bevied up muppets singing stuff like that. Its just crap patter anyway much better chants that could be done against former killie players.
  2. It is a tough schedule and above arenas have various event so suits to have setup for hockey for a few games before reconfiguring. Season runs at same time as NBA so imagine some coordination between the 2 where an arena has team in both. The road trips are designed to try and keep travel down so group far away games together. The players I think like having the lengthy off season break, lets their bodies properly rest and recover. The league in last couple years have put in mini breaks for team staggered so the whole league doesn't shut down. Most players play far from their 'home' cities or countries so couple days off isn't really enough to go home so longer offseason suits better. NHLPA will have a say from players if anything were to change. In UK elite league 90% of games around weekend so most games are back to back occasionally even 3 days fri-sun. Dundee for example might play away in Cardiff on a Saturday night and bus back up to Dundee and need to play 5pm on the Sunday. They do then probably have 5 or 6 days before next game . NHL teams more likely to play 4 games in a week but bit less likely to play in consecutive nights unless on the road.
  3. Were they sitting in top tear at corner side that we got winning corner from. Think I was behind them as seem them video calling someone for maybe last 10 mins of game. Great night and think its what we all needed to truely draw a line on the covid era and hangover of what if's from the euros. Realistically going to be a challenge to get past 2 rounds to get to world cup but this team has a bit of nerve if things get tight. Next euros not that far away either so hopefully get in decent seeing either. Great to have a Saturday miss the days when we had more of them then I could make more games, think that has been the biggest factor in crowds over last 5 years or so though performance also has influence.
  4. Has this just been a thing since coming out of lockdown.? Can't help but think they want as many people to buy tickets and if they then need to isolate then they have already paid. I live in Dundee and was thinking about going through to Glasgow for this but not even an option to reserve tickets to collect even an hour before the game I e-mailed Partick on Monday night to ask if this was an option but had no reply from them (checked junk mail in case). I'll just do do something else on Saturday. I'm just glad Ayr don't turn away revenue like that I'd be raging.
  5. Went along to Broughty v East Craigie today. Enjoyable game and well contested. Is number 9 for EC Grady McGrath?, very impressed with his positioning and was clinical with chances he had and could have had another. Broughty have a decent ground hopefully not too far away from being licensed.
  6. Not allowed to stream League cup games now apparently We are outside of UK and Ireland, which we used to do anyway before Covid. Celtic tv showing their game tomorrow for outside UK and Ireland so it is allowed. Geo block not sure if back to pre covid rules there are just because games on premier sports.
  7. Is webcast not on today trying to go in and pay but not showing todays game
  8. Defence looks strong but can't just sit back and keep punting up the park especially on plastic pitch. Hopefully once newest signings settle in things will improve.
  9. Is there an issue with East Craigie ground noticed they are suppose to be at home today and its been moved to an away tie. My local team never been before but was half considering at some point
  10. I know its ice hockey but I remember Ayr Scottish Eagles latterly went for a monthly magazine which worked as a programme for the matches during that time. The Clan also done this. You can probably charge a fiver if its well made maybe bit cheaper for digital verison. Maybe the way to go and more articles and in depth interviews and articles. Still of course could have programmes for big matches like derbies and cup games etc. Programmes in the olden days were good for before the match and half time but nowadays people are on their mobiles. Something a bit more substantial that is not as time sensitive in being outdated after a match I would like would read at lunch time at work etc. Good also for fans like myself that live further away and so not make many home matches.
  11. Could be more of an issue him wanting to stay on. Realistically we are not expected to be one of the 13 euro teams in the wold cup finishing 2nd in group ahead of Austria would be a significant achievement just reaching play offs but lower than 3rd would be very worrying. Not sure how seeding is decided on 2024 qualifying really need to be at least in pot 3 for that. I think he does need to be a bit more ruthless and take form into consideration when picking team and squads. I get he wants a close tight club atmosphere but standards need to be high and same guys on the fringes should drop out for younger on form players.
  12. Where is pickup points for shuttle buses in city centre?
  13. Best - Teale, losing him big reason for drop off in league 01/02. Same points as 00/01 would have won the league the next years. Worst - Grant Gillespie only 28 when he joined but looks so out of shape like he had never played at semi pro level never mind full time. How did he get a gig with Queen's Park? Plenty duds during the banter years with shanks and the 2 rabs but they did try to keep themselves in shape while doing a day job.
  14. Very unlucky with run of injuries that lad deserves to go somewhere he can play regularly and enjoy his football. The club have done right by him over the years. Who knows he might have other things going on in terms of career or education, its not a secure career as full time football at our level even before serious injuries.
  15. Surely now we have a pyramid teams can no longer just be invited in. It destroys the idea of sporting merit. I'm opposed to colt teams at all but colt or not any team should need to start at the bottom of the pyramid like Rangers in 2012 . Now the pyramid has grown. In the west they should start at tier 7.
  16. Disappointing only play off final live on tv especially if sky already got the rights. Given how Sky have been padded out their channels to make package look bigger surprised they don't have a Scottish football channel. To be fair to BBC Alba are showing Championship and league 1 play offs (surely this day and age should be option to press red button for English commentary). Think they only ever previously showed championship play off finals so an improvement there. Would be great to have pyramid play off final especially this season even if just on bbc website/iplayer. Wonder if BBC have highlights rights for play offs. They have rights for Premiership highlights so not sure where this falls under. Think it is lazy of them not be to able to cover championship on Sunday sportscene highlights show. Just even goals round up like Soccer Sunday on sky would do with English leagues.
  17. not working for me log in go to fixtures and screen goes blank why can't they do they own stream like everyone else
  18. I don't think there is much debate O'Donnell will be in squad as likely starter against Czechs but Paterson must be in contention ahead of Palmer
  19. Thinking of getting series x when stock become available not desperate but might as well get sooner to get more years out it. Already have one x at the moment but wondering if it is easy enough to use both with cloud saves so if say I save something on one it is easy enough to continue where I left off on the other. Looks like its possible certainly between 2 separate xbox one's but is it the same if the 2 different generations? If say mrs is sleep in room series x is I can continue save from there on one x so long as compatible with that console?
  20. Really struggling at the moment and effecting my work feel like I'm not getting much done even with logging on late at night to keep on top of things. I hurt my back last week so not being able to excerise much doesn't help though its lot betterast couple days. I just find it hard to settle and escape mg watch a film or play a game. I just struggle to focus and overthink. I'm 34 so it's a tough age I guess as me 3 friends busy with their families and they live quite far away. My partner has quite bad arthritis so bit tough not being even able to go walks together. There is a running club thing I go to each week slow paced designed for people to feel free to talk. It's good to have that routine but I struggle to keep conversations going I feel like I make a lot of effort in that way but maybe I don't come a cross well or just over thinking. Just would like some sense of community been in Dundee 4 years and pushed myself to go to clubs classes etc. Excersise has helped but feel like I'm drifting back a bit now maybe I'm trying too hard to be someone I'm just not and maybe just finding way to switch off and be content sitting in the house watching something. I reckon must be quite a lot of folk in this sort of situation given how much these days people move about from where they grew up.
  21. Is this clubs intention to leave their domestic league to play in this? or stay in league and assume this is equivalent of champ league e.g. 20 games or so? Or that they can Colt team in their domestic league while playing in this?
  22. Could understand if it was different highland or lowland teams that were declared winners from last season but its not. Better to be proactive to get system so there is more movement in pyramid so if you do go down decent chance to get back up.
  23. Absolutely no fight for every 50/50 ball. Is Baird still the captain and if so why? We're stuck with bunch of journeymen on 2 year contracts think the 500 fund will be needed to pay them off. Really feel for David Smith he and Cameron before backed the managers with decent budget especially during covid.
  24. No to Colt team. 4 fully nationwide division is more than enough. I do think though there is scope for a 12 team hybrid league with North and south split of 6 teams each play your fellow conference twice home and twice away and then the other conference sides once home and once away. It gives a step between highland/lowland and nationwide travel. I'd go with 4 12 team leagues at tiers 1 to 4 with top 3 divisions using premiership style split and tier 4 using this hybrid system. Extra 6 spots in tier 4 would help smaller clubs there stay in bit longer to sort themselves or least make it achievable to get back in. Makes it bit more tidy with North division team more than likely falling into Highland catchment and same with South and lowland and longer term option for play offs with 2nd bottom v respective runners up.
  25. Got my tickets in the summer of 2019 on the initial ballot without really feeling that confident Scotland would qualify. Would be raging if they just started tickets from scratch and someone could just pick them up and very possibly auction off and make a tonne. Hopefully the amount of Scottish based fans from initial ballot is at a number that mean not many would miss out.
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